280 langues concernées

87 titres trouvés

[27243]   Angenot, Jean-Pierre , Geralda de Lima Vitor Angenot & Daniel Mutombo Huta-Mukana (2013) : Comparison between the Ipala-Ngoya, Kimbundu and Umbundu tone-cases systems
[1056]   Arvanites, Linda (1976) : Kimbundu tones: tone patterns in two contexts
[26297]   Assis Junior, A. de (194x) : Dicionário kimbundu-português, linguístico, botânico, histórico e corográfico. Seguido de um índice alfabético dos nomes próprios
[1105]   Atkins, Guy (1953) : The tonal structure of Portuguese loan words in Kimbundu
[1109]   Atkins, Guy (1955) : A demographic survey of the Kimbundu-Kongo language border in Angola
[1296]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1939) : O kimbundu sem mestre
[1297]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1940) : O kimbundu pratico ou guia de conversação em portugues-kimbundu: idioma falado nas regioes de Luanda e de Malange
[2292]   Besha, Ruth Mfumbwa (1974) : A socio-linguistic description of Kimaa and its points of contacts with Kishambala
[26337]   Blench, Roger M. (s.d.) : Ekoid: Bantoid Languages of the Nigeria-Cameroun Borderland
[25139]   Bonvini, Emilio (2009) : Revisiter, trois siècles après, Arte da lingua de Angola de Pedro Dias S.I. (1697), Première Grammaire du Kimbundu
[3651]   Cancella, Luíz (1920) : Elementos para o estudo do Kimbundu
[3811]   Carrington, John F. (1949) : Esquisse de la langue mba (kimanga)
[27693]   Carvalho, Fernando O. (2014) : Notes on Underspecification and Reversal in Kimbundu Tonology
[27789]   Childs, G. Tucker (2020) : Bom-Kim
[26270]   Childs, George Tucker (2012) : Kim Lexicon
[5283]   Diakifukila, Nl. (1981) : Quelques considérations morpho-sémantiques des formes pronominales en kimanyanga
[5308]   Diankenda, N. (1980) : Étude contrastive français-kimanyanga
[5342]   Diarra, Boubacar (1988?) : Gramática kimbundu
[5312]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: kimbundu
[5317]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Alfabetos das línguas kikoongo, kimbundu, umbundu, cokwe, mbunda, oxikwanyama
[5321]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxicos temáticos de agricultura, pesca, pecuária português-kimbundu
[5322]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de administração português-kimbundu
[5323]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-kimbundu
[5324]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de vida económica português-kimbundu
[5341]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1988) : Léxico temático de matemática português-kimbundu
[5898]   Eastman, Carol M. (1967) : An investigation of verbal extension in Kenya coastal dialects of Swahili, with special emphasis on KiMwita
[5944]   Ebner, Fr. Elzear P. (1957) : Grammatik der kiMatengo-Sprache
[27627]   Fernandes, Gonçalo (2015) : The First Known Grammar of (Kahenda-Mbaka) Kimbundu (Lisbon 1697) and Álvares' ars minor (Lisbon 1573)
[6707]   Floor, Sebastian (1997) : Guia de ortografia de kimwani
[28770]   Furomoto, Makoto (2020) : Come to the future, come to the past: Grammaticalisation of Kimakunduchi COME
[28765]   Furumoto, Makoto & Hannah Gibson (2022) : Variation in Kimakunduchi and Standard Swahili: Insights from verbal morphosyntax
[7577]   Green, E. Clive (1964) : The Wambugu of Usambara (with notes on Kimbugu)
[7862]   Gusimana, Barthelemey (1955) : Dictionnaire français-kimbala
[26742]   Häflinger, P. Johannes (2011) : Kimatengo-Wörterbuch
[8386]   Hayward, K. M. , Sh. Yahya Ali Omar & M. Goesche (1989) : Dental and alveolar stops in Kimvita Swahili: an electropalatographic study
[8929]   Hodges, Kathryn Speed (1976) : Object relations in Kimeru causatives
[8930]   Hodges, Kathryn Speed (1977) : Causatives, transitivity and objecthood in Kimeru
[8954]   Hoffmann, Carl F. (1972) : Masa und Kim
[9911]   Johnson, Amandus (1930ff) : Mbundu (Kimbundu) English-Portuguese dictionary, with grammar and syntax
[9908]   Johnson, Frederick (1922) : Notes on Kimakonde
[10911]   Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1980) : Aspects of tone assignment in Kimatumbi
[27245]   Kukanda, Vatomene (1974) : Esquisse Grammaticale du Kimbundu
[11548]   Lafarge, Francine (1978) : Études phonologiques des parles kosop (Kim) et gerep (Djouman), groupe kim (Adamawa), Mayo Kebbi, Tchad
[11546]   Lafarge, Francine & Christian Seignobos (1975) : Rapport préliminaire sur le pays Kim
[11547]   Lafarge, Francine & Christian Seignobos (1977) : Des gens du fleuve entre Kim et Laï
[11699]   Large, J. W. (1---) : English-Kimakonde vocabulary
[11869]   Legère, Karsten (1986) : Kimgao and southern Kiswahili in mainland Tanzania
[12698]   Maganga, Clement (1990) : A study on the morphophonology of standard Kiswahili, Kipemba, Kitumbatu and Kimakunduchi
[12766]   Maia, António da Silva (1951) : Guia prático para a aprendizagem das linguas portuguesa e omumbuim (língua indígena de Gabela, Amboim, Quanza-Sul, Angola): dialecto do Kimbundo
[12767]   Maia, António da Silva (1953) : Gramática de omumbuim (dialecto do kimbundu)
[12768]   Maia, António da Silva (1953) : Guia prático para a aprendizagem das linguas portuguesa e omumbuim: dialecto do Kimbundo
[12769]   Maia, António da Silva (1955) : Dicionário elementar portugues-omumbuim-mussele, dialectos do ‘kimbundo’ e ‘mbundu’
[12770]   Maia, António da Silva (1955) : Gramática prática de omumbuim, dialecto do ‘kimbundu’
[12771]   Maia, António da Silva (1955) : Pequeno dicionário omumbuim-mussele-português, dialectos do ‘kimbundu’ e ‘umbundu’
[12774]   Maia, António da Silva (1961) : Dicionário complementar português-kimbundu-kikongo, linguas nativas do centro e norte de Angola
[12776]   Maia, António da Silva (1964) : Dicionário rudimentar português-kimbundu, lingua nativa de Luanda a Malange, Angola
[23279]   Makolila, M. (1981) : Esquisse grammaticale de la langue kimanyanga
[13114]   Masele, Balla F. Y. P. (1996) : Tense and aspect in Jinakiiya, Kimunasukuma and Kidakama dialects of the Kisukuma-Kinyamwezi languages
[13288]   Mazrui, Alamin M. (1991) : Variation in Swahili tense-aspect marking: evidence from Kimvita
[26606]   Mboroki, Mwalimu D.K. (2012) : Kimeru - English Dictionary
[14459]   Mufwene, Salikoko S. (1994) : Restructuring, feature selection and markedness: from Kimanyanga to Kituba
[15076]   Ngunga, Armindo Saul Atelela , Eugeniusz Rzewuski & Samba Mbuub (1989) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Kimwani
[15089]   Ngunga, Armindo Saul Atelela , Sebastian Floor & Sique Achimo (2000) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Kimwani
[15470]   Nurse, Derek (2000) : Diachronic morphosyntactic change in western Tanzania
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[15607]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1981) : A nonlinear approach to vowel length in Kimatuumbi
[15610]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1982) : Separating tone and accent: the case of Kimatuumbi
[15612]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1984) : Formal correlates of focusing in KiMatuumbi
[15614]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1985) : An accentual approach to tone in Kimatuumbi
[15619]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1987) : Kimatuumbi phrasal phonology
[15625]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : Syntax, lexical rules and postlexical rules in Kimatuumbi
[15626]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1990) : VVNC in Kimatuumbi and Kikongo
[15634]   Odden, David [Arnold] (1996) : The phonology and morphology of Kimatuumbi
[16316]   Pedro, José Domingos (1993) : Étude grammaticale du kimbundu (Angola)
[16422]   Petzell, Malin (2000) : Kimwani
[16423]   Petzell, Malin (2002) : A sketch of Kimwani, a minority language of Mozambique
[16534]   Piron, Pascale (1995) : Contre l’hypothèse de l’insertion consonantique en nkim
[16937]   Pulleyblank, Douglas (1983) : Accent in Kimatuumbi
[17616]   Rupya, John (1958) : KiMambwe grammar: an outline
[17856]   Santos, João de Almeida (1962) : Dicionário comparado banto-português e português-banto dos falares bantos angolanos: 1. umbundu; 2. musele; 3. oluynaneka; 4. kwanama; 5. kimbundu; 6. omumbwi; 7. kikongo; 8. tchokwe
[18440]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[27899]   Sibomana, Leonidas (1986) : Lexique anglais-nkim et nkim-anglais
[19185]   Stronach, Neil R. H. , Mohamed Ligogi , Mshigagi Mfaume , Joseph Kilindo & Sufiani Magona (1994) : A list of vernacular names of wild animals of Selous Game Reserve and the surrounding buffer zones: Kingindo, Kimatumbi and Kipogoro
[20266]   Vansina, Jan (2001) : Portuguese vs Kimbundu: language use in the colony of Angola (1575-c.1845)
[21051]   Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1955) : Kimwita: an inquiry into dialectal status and characteristics
[21225]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[25144]   Xavier, Francisco da Silva (2009) : Is Kimbundu a tonal and stress-accentual language?