6 langues concernées
10 titres trouvés
[21984] [Anonymous] (19--) : KiHehe-Deutsches Wörterbuch
[21985] [Anonymous] (19--) : Deutsch-kiHehe Wörterbuch
[21994] [Anonymous] (19--) : Abriss der kiHehe Grammatik
[28228] Kasper-Cushman, Kelly (2019) : Universal quantification in the nominal domain in Kihehe
[14438] Mudemu, Emmanuel (19--) : Teach yourself Kihehe
[14547] Mulinda, M. F. (1997) : An evaluation of the degree of similarity between five Bantu languages: Kihaya, Kihehe, Kinyakyusa, Kishambaa and Kisukuma
[15613] Odden, David [Arnold] & Mary Odden (1985) : Ordered reduplication in Kihehe
[15641] Odden, David [Arnold] & Mary Odden (1999) : Kihehe syllable structure
[17328] Rodgers, W. A. & L. B. Mwasumbi (19--) : Kihehe-vernacular to Latin plant check list for the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania
[19753] Topp-Jɔrgensen, J. E. , A. R. Marshall & H. Brink (2001) : English/Latin, Kiswahili and Kihehe names of mammals found in and around West Kilombero Scarp Forest Reserve and New Dabaga/Ulangambi Forest Reserve