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9 titres trouvés
[11104] Komori, Yunko (1999) : Gengo ni okeru tabuu to seisa: Kerewe-go no jyoseigo bunseki / Analysis of women’s words in Kerewe (Tanzania): a language aspect of the avoidance relationship
[14352] Möhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg (1994) : Semantische und pragmatische Analyse von Sprichwörtern im situativen Kontext: Beispiele aus dem Kerewe
[15632] Odden, David [Arnold] (1995) : The status of onsetless syllables in Kikerewe
[15633] Odden, David [Arnold] (1996) : Patterns of reduplication in Kikerewe
[15636] Odden, David [Arnold] (1998) : Verbal tone melodies in Kikerewe
[15639] Odden, David [Arnold] (1999) : Kikerewe minimality
[15644] Odden, David [Arnold] (2001) : Opacity and ordering: h-deletion in Kikerewe
[27355] Odden, David [Arnold], with the assistance of Deogratius Tungaraza (2008) : Kikerewe-English Dictionary
[18577] Simard, J. A. (1---) : Vocabulaire kikerewe-français, non-publié