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5 titres trouvés

[376]   Akara, Bernard A. (1993) : Kasena verbal games as an agent of child socialization
[617]   Aloah, Peter King Paul (1990) : A study of Kasena personal names with special reference to the Paga traditional area
[963]   Apuri, John Baptist (1990) : Funeral dirges among the Kasenas with special reference to Navrongo traditional area
[28783]   Atobrah, Deborah , Albert Kanlisi Awedoba & Benjamin Kobina Kwansa (2022) : An Ethnolinguistic Analysis of Folkzoology in Health and Illness Constructions Among the Kasena of Ghana
[21924]   Zwernemann, Jürgen (1957/58) : Untersuchungen zur Sprache der Kasena