42 langues concernées
23 titres trouvés
[1102] Atiru, Robert S. (1978) : A phonological study of tone in Kasem
[1147] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (1979) : Nominal classes and nominal concord in Kasem
[1148] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (1992) : Light and heavy vowels in Kasem
[1149] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (2000) : Criteria for the identification of the Kasem verb
[23011] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (1990) : Kasem tones and orthography
[23547] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (2003) : Criteria for noun classification in Kasem
[23954] Awedoba, Albert Kanlisi (1993) : Kasem studies, 1: phonetics and phonology
[2848] Bonvini, Emilio (1987) : La bouche entre la parole et l‘insulte: l’exemple du kasem (Burkina Faso)
[3625] Callow, John C. (1965) : Kasem nominals: a study in analysis
[3626] Callow, John C. (1965) : Collected field reports on the phonology of Kasem
[3628] Callow, John C. (1971) : Derivation in Kasem
[3627] Callow, Kathleen (1966) : Preliminary notes on serial constructions in Kasem
[23014] Callow, Kathleen (1968) : A hierarchical study of neutralization in Kasem
[24504] Callow, Kathleen (1977 [1968]) : Kasem
[5001] Danti, Alexis Lagivoro (2001) : Kasem word-formation processes
[8743] Hewer, Judy (1976) : Interrogative sentences in Kasem
[8744] Hewer, Philip L. (1976) : A lexical approach to clause series in Kasem
[8745] Hewer, Philip L. (1981) : A basic grammar of Kasem
[28975] Hewer, Philip L. & Alexis L. Danti (eds.) (2020) : Kasem – English Dictionary
[11352] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1977) : West African language data sheets 1
[16897] Prost, [Révérend] [Père] André (1970) : Deux langues gurunsi: le kasem et le nuni, I: le kasem
[19533] Thack, Sharon V. (1980) : Kasem: a case of the justification of the rules
[21928] Zwernemann, Jürgen (1967) : Kasem dialects in the ‘Polyglotta Africana’