537 langues concernées
113 titres trouvés
[22077] [Anonymous] (1939) : Kikamba-English dictionary
[27009] Akanlig-Pare, George & Rogers Krobea Asante (2016) : Vowel Harmony in Nkami
[27485] Asante, Rogers Krobea (2018) : Coordination in Nkami
[27630] Asante, Rogers Krobea (2016) : Expressing Location and Disposition in Nkami
[28428] Asante, Rogers Krobea (2021) : A Survey of Property Encoding Expressions in Nkami
[27473] Asante, Rogers Krobea & George Akanlig-Pare (2015) : Animacy in Nkami
[27420] Asante, Rogers Krobea & Qiuwu Ma (2016) : Relative clause constructions in Nkami
[25329] Atindogbé, Gratien G.& Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (2011) : Pronoun Serialisation in Kamtok: The Syntax-Semantic Interface
[2217] Berhanu Mathews (1986) : An analysis of Kambata proverbs
[2806] Bôle-Richard, Rémy & Philippe Lafage (1983) : Etude lexicostatistique des langues kwa de Côte d’Ivoire
[3945] Cerulli, Enrico (1971) : Note sul linguaggio cuscitico dei Kambatta
[25517] Crozier, David (2012) : From verb morphology to discourse in Central Kambari
[24558] Delafosse, Maurice (1904) : Vocabulaires comparatifs de plus de soixante langues ou dialectes africains, parlés à la Côte dʼIvoire et dans les régions limitrophes, avec des notes linguistiques et ethnologiques, une bibliographie, et une carte
[5184] Denguika, Paul (1980) : Le phenomene de la derivation dans le conte kamba
[5240] Dettweiler, Stephen H. & Sonia G. Dettweiler (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey (level one) of the Kamuku language cluster
[27289] Diop, Abdou Kounta (1994) : Contribution à l'étude dialectologique du wolof : le lebou de Ouakam
[5831] Dunstan, Elizabeth (1971) : Noun class systems in Mbam-Nkam
[6136] Elias, Philip & Jan Voorhoeve (1981) : How arbitrary are Mbam-Nkam correspondences? Alveolar reflexes of initial *B in Mbam-Nkam
[6138] Elias, Philip , Jacqueline [Warnier] Leroy & Jan Voorhoeve (1984) : Mbam-Nkam or Eastern Grassfields
[6498] Farnsworth, E. M. (1952) : A Kamba grammar
[6499] Farnsworth, E. M. (1957) : A Kamba grammar
[6747] Ford, Kevin C. (1976) : Tone in Kikamba and the Central Kenya Bantu languages
[6918] Friedrich, Johannes (1938) : Die Silbenschrift des Mende-Nejus Kisami Kamara
[24963] Hall, Edward (2006) : The Tonal Behaviour of One Class of Singular-forming Nouns in the Kamda Language
[13107] Hérault, Georges (1983) : Les termes de parenté dans onze langues Kwa de Côte dʼIvoire
[14213] Hérault, Georges (1983) : Systèmes des pronoms personnels et comparaison lexicale dans les langues Kwa de Côte dʼIvoire
[24093] Hérault, Georges (1983) : L’avikam
[5768] Hérault, Georges (Ed) (1983) : Atlas des langues kwa de Côte dʼIvoire 2
[8766] Hérault, Georges (Ed) (1983) : Atlas des langues kwa de Côte d’Ivoire 1
[8831] Hinnebusch, Thomas J. (1974) : Rule inversion and restructuring in Kikamba
[23597] Hinnebusch, Thomas J. (2001) : The Yale Kamusi Project: a Swahili-English, English-Swahili dictionary
[8944] Hoffmann, Carl F. (1963) : The noun-class system of central Kambari
[8946] Hoffmann, Carl F. (1965) : A wordlist of central Kambari
[8955] Hoffmann, Carl F. (1972) : A note on vowel contraction in Central Kambari
[9078] Horton, Rose M. (1960) : Kamba Bible dictionary
[9281] Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1977) : Esquisse du parler des Lwankamba
[9380] Hurskainen, Arvi (1994) : Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu in test: a computer system for analyzing dictionaries and for retrieving lexical data
[9442] Hyman, Larry Michael & Maurice Tadadjeu (1976) : Floating tones in Mbam-Nkam
[28246] Jones, Patrick & Jake Fryer (2019) : Reconsidering tone and melodies in Kikamba
[28506] Kempf , Viktoria (2020) : “Long live our tribal jujus” - Das Bedeutungsspektrum des Begriffs juju im kamerunischen Englisch
[10846] Kindija, Kulwa Abel (2003) : The syllable representation in Kisukuma: the case of the Jidakama dialect
[10860] Kioko, Angelina Nduku (1994) : Issues in the syntax of Kikamba, a Bantu language
[10861] Kioko, Angelina Nduku (1995) : The Kikamba multiple applicative: a problem for the lexical functional grammar analysis
[10866] Kioko, Angelina Nduku (2005) : Theoretical issues in the grammar of Kikamba, a Bantu language
[27563] Kleinewillinghöfer,Ulrich (2015) : Some notes on Nyiŋɔm (aka Nyingwom or Kam)
[24178] Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[11135] Korhonen, Elsa , Mirja Saksa & Ronald J. Sim (1986) : A dialect study of Kambaata-Hadiyya (Ethiopia) ; part 1
[11136] Korhonen, Elsa , Mirja Saksa & Ronald J. Sim (1986) : A dialect study of Kambaata-Hadiyya (Ethiopia) ; part 2: appendices
[15100] Kouadio NʼGuessan, Jérémie (1983) : La morphologie du nom dans les langues Kwa de Côte dʼIvoire
[25387] Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume II (“Biu-Mandara”)
[25388] Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume III (“Biu-Mandara” et al.)
[11753] Lavergne, G. (1949) : Folklore africain: les Matakam
[27564] Lesage, Jakob (2019) : A Kam Lexicon
[28194] Lesage, Jakob (2020) : A grammar and lexicon of Kam (àŋwɔ̀m), a Niger-Congo langage of central eastern Nigeria
[12004] Leslau, Wolf (1952) : Notes on Kambatta of southern Ehiopia
[12014] Leslau, Wolf (1956) : Additional notes on Kambatta of southern Ethiopia
[12184] Lindblom, [Karl] Gerhard (1926) : Notes on Kamba grammar, with two appendices: “Kamba names of persons, places, animals and plants” and “Salutations”
[12521] Lumwamu, François (1974) : Éléments pour un lexique kongo-français (dialectes dondo-kamba-kuni)
[13114] Masele, Balla F. Y. P. (1996) : Tense and aspect in Jinakiiya, Kimunasukuma and Kidakama dialects of the Kisukuma-Kinyamwezi languages
[13239] Maundu, P. Mumo (1985) : Some aspects of consonantal sound change in KiKamba
[13329] Mbiti, John S. (1959) : English-Kamba vocabulary
[23335] Mdee, James Salehe (1991) : Writing definitions that do not define: an appraisal of Kamusi ya Kiswahili Sanifu (KKS)
[18094] Mel, Gnamba Bertin (1983) : Aperçu sur les tons dans les langues Kwa de Côte dʼIvoire
[19304] Mensah, Emmanuel N. A. (1983) : Les systèmes phonologiques des langues kwa de Côte dʼIvoire
[29107] Möhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg (2022) : The Bantu Languages of the Kenya Coast - Aspects of Comparison and Contact
[14802] Naden, Anthony Joshua (1999) : Notes on the Kamara of Larabanga
[28275] Naden, Anthony Joshua (2015) : A Brief KaMara Dictionary
[14903] Ndumbu, J. M. G. & Wilfred Howell Whiteley (1962) : Some problems of stability and emphasis in Kamba one-word tenses
[15405] Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[15640] Odden, David [Arnold] & R. Ruth Roberts-Kohno (1999) : Constraints on superlow tone in Kikamba
[16228] Parkin, David J. (1971) : Language choice in two Kampala housing states
[26339] Petzell, Malin & Harald Hammarström (2013) : Grammatical and Lexical Comparison of the Greater Ruvu Bantu Languages
[28574] Petzell, Malin & Lotta Aunio (2019) : Kami G36
[24062] Prost, [R. P.] André (1974) : Notes sur le kamara de Bouna
[17293] Roberts-Kohno, R. Ruth (1995) : Vowel coalescence and hiatus in Kikamba
[17294] Roberts-Kohno, R. Ruth (1996) : Kikamba verb stems tonology
[17295] Roberts-Kohno, R. Ruth (1998) : Empty root nodes in Kikamba: conflicting evidence and theoretical implications
[17296] Roberts-Kohno, R. Ruth (1999) : Kikamba verb stem tonology
[17297] Roberts-Kohno, R. Ruth (1999) : Kikamba: evidence for the tone feature [extreme]
[24595] Roberts-Kohno, R. Ruth (2000) : Kikamba Phonology and Morphology
[27620] Roberts-Kohno, Ruth (2014) : Melodic Tones in Kikamba
[22482] Rongier, Jacques (2002) : Parlons avikam: une langue de Côte d’Ivoire
[25287] Rongier, Jacques (2003) : Documents lexicaux donnés au LLACAN par l’auteur
[24397] Schang, Emmanuel (1995) : Description dʼune langue de Côte dʼIvoire : Lʼavikam
[18419] Sheleme Ketata (1989) : Noun morphology of Kambata
[18440] Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[18564] Sim, Margaret (1985) : Kambaata verb morphophonemics
[18566] Sim, Margaret (1988) : Palatalization and gemination in the Kambaata verb
[18653] Skinner, A. Neil (1970) : Kàmaa: an example of free variation in Hausa?
[18686] Sloat, L. R. (1935) : Kambari-English vocabulary & English-Kambari vocabulary
[28295] Tideman, Lauren (2019) : Vowel Phenomena of Guang Languages
[24057] Treis, Yvonne (2008) : A Grammar of Kambaata. Part I: Phonology, Nominal Morphology, and Non-verbal Predication
[24800] Treis, Yvonne (2005) : Kambaata Kinship terminology
[24818] Treis, Yvonne (2007) : Motion events in Kambaata
[24832] Treis, Yvonne (2005) : Avoiding their names, avoiding their eyes: how Kambaata women respect their in-laws
[24833] Treis, Yvonne (2006) : Form and function of case marking in Kambaata
[24834] Treis, Yvonne (2007) : Copulas in Kambaata
[24835] Treis, Yvonne (2008) : Relativization in Kambaata (Cushitic)
[25728] Treis, Yvonne (2010) : Perception Verbs and Taste Adjectives in Kambaata and Beyond
[26091] Treis, Yvonne (2011) : Expressing Future Time Reference in Kambaata
[26324] Treis, Yvonne (2012) : Categorial hybrids in Kambaata
[26793] Treis, Yvonne (2014) : Number in Kambaata
[27279] Treis, Yvonne (2011) : Polysemous agent nominals in Kambaata (Cushitic)
[27696] Treis, Yvonne (2012) : Kambaata children’s songs and word games: Or what can we learn about the grammar of Kambaata by analysing marginal literature genres?
[28012] Treis, Yvonne (2017) : “They are only two, like the teats of a donkey” – Kambataa denumerals revisited
[28112] Treis, Yvonne (2019) : Similative and equative demonstratives in Kambaata
[27892] Treis, Yvonne & Deginet Wotango Doyiso (2019) : “Issues and maize bread taste good when they're cool”: Temperature terms and their metaphorical extensions in Kambaata (Cushitic)
[20489] Voorhoeve, Jan (1971) : The linguistic unit Mbam-Nkam (Bamileke, Bamun and other related languages)
[20491] Voorhoeve, Jan (Ed) (1971) : The Mbam-Nkam languages
[21072] Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1963) : Loan words in Kamba: a preliminary survey
[21071] Whiteley, Wilfred Howell & M. G. Muli (1962) : Practical introduction to Kamba
[21225] Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[21612] Young, T. Cullen (1932) : Notes on the speech of the Tumbuka-Kamanga peoples in the northern province of Nyasaland