695 langues concernées
847 titres trouvés
[21954] [Anonymous] (1---) : Vocabulaire français-kituba-tshiluba-tshisonge-tshikuba-tshitetela
[21956] [Anonymous] (1---) : Italian-Kikuyu and Kikuyu-Italian dictionary
[21962] [Anonymous] (1---) : Glossary of Chikabanga
[21986] [Anonymous] (19--) : Afrikaans-Tsonga woodlysileidende Afrikaans
[22002] [Anonymous] (19--) : Afrikaans-Engels-Tswana woordelys
[22050] [Anonymous] (1929) : Alphabets for the Efik, Ibo and Yoruba languages
[22057] [Anonymous] (1931) : Petite grammaire de la langue du bas-Congo (kikongo)
[22058] [Anonymous] (1931) : Lexicon kikuyense-latinum
[22059] [Anonymous] (1931) : Lexicon latinum-kikuyense
[22072] [Anonymous] (1938) : Miners’ companion in English, Afrikaans, Sesuto and Mine Kaffir
[22077] [Anonymous] (1939) : Kikamba-English dictionary
[22090] [Anonymous] (1948) : A veterinary glossary in Kiswahili, Kikuyu, Masai and Nandi (compiled for the Department of Veterinary Services, Kenya Colony)
[22100] [Anonymous] (1951) : Kikongo unifié: grammaire et exercises
[22101] [Anonymous] (1951) : Die invloed van die Namataal op Afrikaans
[22111] [Anonymous] (1953) : Miners’ companion in English, Afrikaans and Fanakalo
[22156] [Anonymous] (1964) : Tjipeletana tjabana: a Tjikalanga reader
[22158] [Anonymous] (1964) : Afrikaans-Xhosa, Xhosa-Afrikaans woordeboek
[22180] [Anonymous] (1969) : Miners’ companion in English, Afrikaans and Fanakalo
[22191] [Anonymous] (1970) : Afrikaans-Tsonga woordelys
[22202] [Anonymous] (1972) : Miners’ dictionary: English/Fanakalo & Afrikaans/Fanakalo
[22241] [Anonymous] (1976) : Afrikaans: dit is ons erns
[22250] [Anonymous] (1978) : Manuel pour apprendre à lire et écrire la langue tikar
[22254] [Anonymous] (1978) : Miners’ dictionary: English/Fanakalo, Afrikaans/Fanakalo
[22289] [Anonymous] (1983) : Lexiques thematiques de l’Afrique centrale (LETAC): Rwanda, Ikinyarwanda
[22314] [Anonymous] (1985) : Miners’ dictionary: English-Fanakalo/Woordeboek vir mynwerkers: Afrikaans-Fanakalo
[22332] [Anonymous] (1988) : Gciriku ortografie/orthography 1
[22348] [Anonymous] (1991) : South African multi-language dictionary and phrase book: English, Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, Sesotho, Tswana, Xhosa, and Zulu
[22373] [Anonymous] (1997) : Glossário de conceitos político-sociais: caderno de trabalho na língua cimanyika
[27] Abbott, Mary & Mary Steele (1973) : An introduction to learning Likpakpaln (Konkomba)
[172] Adams, R. F. G. (1934) : Some Efik plant names
[173] Adams, R. F. G. (1939) : English-Efik, Efik-English dictionary
[174] Adams, R. F. G. (1943) : Efik vocabulary of living things ; part 1
[175] Adams, R. F. G. (1943) : English-Efik, Efik-English dictionary
[176] Adams, R. F. G. (1947) : Efik vocabulary of living things ; part 2
[177] Adams, R. F. G. (1948) : Efik vocabulary of living things ; part 3
[178] Adams, R. F. G. (1952/53) : English-Efik/Efik-English dictionary
[27008] Adeniyi, Kolawole (2016) : Downstep in Igala and Yala (Ikom)
[278] Adoua, J.-M. (1981) : Description phonologique du likuba
[26699] Afola-Amey, Ufualè Christine (2009) : Temps, Aspect, Mode en ikposso
[27180] Agbedo, Christopher Uchenna (1997) : Patterns of Linguistic Variation and Change in Igbo: The Ezikeoba Dialect Example
[22744] Akinyemi, T. O. (1986) : Ikpesi phonology
[450] Akpanyung, O. A. (1977) : An Efik language handbook for teachers
[28824] Alerechi, Roseline I.C. (2018) : Consonant substitution in child language (Ikwere)
[24521] Allan, Edward Jay (1980 [1974]) : Likpe
[614] Alo, E. (1973) : Esquisse phonologique et morphologie de la langue kaliko
[622] Aloys, (1---) : Vocabulaire kikumu-kifransa
[658] Ameka, Felix K. (1999) : Spatial information packaging in Ewe and Likpe: a comparative perspective
[660] Ameka, Felix K. (1999) : The progressive aspect in Likpe (Sekpele): implications for aspect and word order in Kwa
[26698] Ameka, Felix K. (2009) : Verb extensions in Likpe (Sɛkpɛlé)
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[907] Antonissen, R. (1942) : Handleiding in het Afrikaans: een practisch overzicht
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[1005] Armstrong, Lillias Eveline (1940) : The phonetic and tonal structure of Kikuyu
[26238] Aunio, L. (2010) : Ikoma nominal tone
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[22750] Azunda, U. A. (1987) : A contrastive study of affirmation and negation in Ikwere (Igwuruta)
[1346] Bal, Willy (1962) : Prénoms portugais en kikongo
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[25870] Barbier, Marie Claude (2009) : Y a-t-il un avenir pour l'Afrikaans ?
[1549] Barkhuizen, Gary P. & Ute Knoch (2005) : Missing Afrikaans: ‘linguistic longing’ among Afrikaans-speaking immigrants in New Zealand
[1550] Barlow, Arthur Ruffell (1927) : The use of the copula with the Kikuyu verb
[1551] Barlow, Arthur Ruffell (1951) : Studies in Kikuyu grammar and idioms
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[1559] Barnard, Alan (1980) : Convergent structures in Nama and Dutch-Afrikaans kinship terminologies
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[1968] Beecher, Leonard James & Gladys S. B. Beecher (1935) : A Kikuyu-English dictionary, with a general introduction to the phonetics, orthography and spelling of Kikuyu
[1969] Beek, Walter E. A. van (1977) : Color terms in Kapsiki
[1972] Begne, Leopold Prosper (1980) : The phonology of Bikele, a Cameroonian language
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[2152] Bennett, Patrick R. (1970) : The problem of class in Kikuyu
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[2357] Biberauer, Theresa (2001) : Synchronic language change in Afrikaans and the perennial V2 puzzle: considering new data
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[28408] Bisilki, Abraham Kwesi (2019) : Body-Part Terms in Likpakpaln
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[2714] Boeke, Johanna du Pisani (1976) : Konfrontative Untersuchungen zum Plural des Substantivs im Afrikaansen und im Deutschen
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[25571] Borchardt, Nadine (2012) : Agreement in Ikaan compound numerals
[25609] Borchardt, Nadine (2011) : A morphosyntactic categorization of Ikaan numerals
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