391 langues concernées

70 titres trouvés

[28051]   Adeniyi, Kolawole & Ben Elugbe (2018) : Consonant Voicing, Tonal Morphemes, and Downstep in Gwari
[28961]   Akinbo, Samuel (ed.) (2018) : Fungwa – English Dictionary
[3336]   Brown, E. U. (1989) : The verbal system of the Emohua and the Igwarutura dialects of Ikwere: a comparative study
[4160]   Chumbow, Beban Sammy & Emile-Gille Nguendjio (1991) : Floating tones in Bangwa
[4220]   Clemens, G. (1952) : Essai de grammaire sénoufo-tagwana (Côte d’Ivoire)
[4432]   Colombel, Véronique de (1998) : Les pronoms dans une dizaine de langues des monts du Mandara (avec tableaux comparatifs des pronoms)
[29134]   Goldberg, Joelle (2018) : Person marking in Gwama
[29131]   Goldberg, Justin M. (2018) : Obstruent neutralization in Gwama
[28967]   Goldberg, Justin , Asadik Habte , Bekama Jiregna & Mengistu Mulat (eds.) (2016) : Gwama – English Dictionary
[7498]   Goyvaerts, Didiers L. (1986) : Le contexte historique de la naissance et de la diffusion du kingwana
[8268]   Harris, Zellig Sabbetai & F. Lukoff (1942) : The phonemes of Kingwana Swahili
[24787]   Heath, Jeffrey (2005) : Tondi Songway Kiini (montane Songhay, Mali): Reference grammar and TSK-English-French Dictionary
[27918]   Hellenthal, Anne-Christie (2020) : Two verbal reduplication processes in Gwama
[29115]   Hellenthal, Anne-Christie (2022) : A survey of demonstratives in Gwama
[29139]   Hellenthal, Anne-Christie (2018) : Semantics of directional verb morphology in Gwama
[8834]   Hinnebusch, Thomas J. (1976) : The Shungwaya hypothesis: a linguistic reappraisal
[9427]   Hyman, Larry Michael & Daniel J. Magaji (1970) : Essentials of Gwari grammar
[9667]   James, H. S. (1990) : A phonologial study of the Gwari lects
[26284]   Kievit, Dirk & Erika Robertson (2012) : Notes on Gwama grammar
[25387]   Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume II (“Biu-Mandara”)
[11470]   Küsters, Meinulf (193-) : Kipangwa Grammatik, mit Uebungstücke
[11812]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1947) : Étude sur l’origine de suffixe ‘habituel’ -ka- en kingwana
[11814]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1949) : La parenté terminologie en Ki-Ngwana
[11815]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1954) : Le Ngwana, variété du Swahili
[11816]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1955) : Vocabulaire ngwana
[11817]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1955) : La systéme de parenté des Ngwana
[24040]   Leyew, Zelealem [Mollaligne] (2005) : Gwama, a Little-known Endangered Language of Ethiopia : A Sketch of its Grammar and Lexicon
[12171]   Liesenborghs, O. (1938) : Wat is Kingwana?
[12423]   Löhr, Doris (1998) : Sprachkontakte bei den Malgwa (Gamergu) in Nordost-Nigeria
[12424]   Löhr, Doris (1999) : Traces of a lost gender distinction? A study of Malgwa (Central Chadic) zoonymes
[12425]   Löhr, Doris (1999) : Die Sprache der Malgwa - Nárá Málgwa: grammatische Erstbeschreibung einer zentraltschadischen Sprache Nordostnigerias
[12426]   Löhr, Doris (2002) : Die Sprache der Malgwa (Nárá Málgwa)
[22410]   Löhr, Doris (2003) : Locative-directional verbal extensions and related prepositions in Malgwa
[24854]   Löhr, Doris (2007) : Predications focus in Malgwa
[25416]   Löhr, Doris (2008) : Revisiting the Aspectual Domain in Malgwa (Central Chadic)
[25637]   Löhr, Doris (2011) : Bəlantə zəla átə yáwe ‘sending an eagle up to water’ – Multiword expressions in Malgwa
[25742]   Löhr, Doris (2010) : Coding temporal subordination in Malgwa
[13221]   Matsushita, Shuji (1973) : Personal pronoun and verb structure in Gwandara (Northern Nigeria)
[13223]   Matsushita, Shuji (1975) : A comparative vocabulary of the Gwandara dialects
[13444]   Mdemu, C. (1995) : A comparative study of Ki-hehe, Ki-bena and Ki-pangwa
[27902]   Meek, Charles Kingsley (1931) : A Sudanese Kingdom - An Ethnographical Study of The Jukun-speaking Peoples of Nigeria
[28682]   Miehe, Gudrun (2007) : G9. Tagbana (Tagwana)
[24771]   Miehe, Gudrun & Kerstin Winkelmann (2007) : Noun Class Systems in Gur Languages; Vol. I Southwestern Gur Languages (without Gurunsi)
[14281]   Mous, Maarten (2001) : Basic Alagwa syntax
[22694]   Mous, Maarten (1992) : Unpublished Alagwa grammatical sketch
[27076]   Mous, Maarten (2016) : Alagwa – a South Cushitic Language of Tanzania - Grammar, Texts and Lexicon
[14996]   Newman, Paul (1985) : Toe splitting and Gwandara ethnohistory
[15072]   Nguendjio, Emile-Gille (1992) : Temps et aspect de la langue bangwa
[23843]   Nguendjio, Emile-Gille (1989) : Morphologie nominale et verbale de la langue bangwa
[26937]   Nguendjio, Emile-Gille (2014) : A Descriptive Grammar of Bangwà: a Grassfields Language of Cameroon
[15432]   Nurse, Derek (1982) : Shungwaya and the Bantu of Somalia: some linguistic evidence
[15453]   Nurse, Derek (1991) : Shungwaya and the diaspora
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[15577]   Obeng, Samuel Gyasi (1995) : Vowel harmony in Gwa Nmle
[23964]   Painter, Colin (1972) : Fourteen papers on Gwa, and 52 texts on Gwa
[28050]   Persohn, Bastian & Rasmus Bernander (2018) : A Note on the Present Tenses in some Southern Tanzanian Bantu Languages
[25828]   Philip, Joy Naomi (2009) : Tone on Lagwan Verbs: The Conflict between Perceptual Prominence and Lexical Contrast
[23023]   Rosendall, Heide J. (1992) : A phonological study of the Gwari lects
[24855]   Ruff, Joy Naomi (2007) : Nasal + obstruent sequences in Lagwan
[18289]   Sedlak, Philip Alan Stephen (1977) : Migration theory, the northeastern coastal Bantu and the Shungwaya hypothesis
[18440]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[28985]   Shryock, Aaron & Marouf Brahim (eds) (2020) : Lagwan – French – English Dictionary
[19095]   Stirnimann, Hans (1983) : Praktische Grammatik der Pangwa-Sprache (SW-Tanzania)
[25400]   Takács, Gábor (Ed) (2008) : Semito-Hamitic festschrift for A.B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr
[12734]   Tourneux, Henry (2004) : Les marques personnelles en kotoko et en mafa/wandala
[20717]   Warmelo, Nicolaas Jacobus van (1929/30) : Zur Gwamba-Lautlehre
[21044]   Whitehead, John & L. F. Whitehead (1928) : Manuel de Kingwana
[21059]   Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1958) : A short description of item categories in Iraqw, with material on Gorowa, Alagwa and Burunge
[21225]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[24857]   Wolff, H. Ekkehard (2007) : Reduplication, aspect, and predication focus in Central Chadic : What Lamang and Hdi tell about Malgwa verb morphology