54 langues concernées

97 titres trouvés

[22256]   [Anonymous] (1979) : Manuel pour lire et écrire la langue gunu
[22259]   [Anonymous] (1979) : Petit lexique gunu-français
[99]   Aboh, Enoch Oladé (1995) : Notes on focalization in Gungbe
[100]   Aboh, Enoch Oladé (1996) : A propos de la syntaxe du gungbe
[101]   Aboh, Enoch Oladé (1996) : On argumental topicalization in Gungbe
[102]   Aboh, Enoch Oladé (1998) : Focus constructions and the focus criterion in Gungbe
[104]   Aboh, Enoch Oladé (1999) : A split IP and CP approach: evidence from Gungbe
[514]   Alexander, Neville (1992) : Harmonising Nguni and Sotho
[1208]   Ayukachale, Peter Egbe (1976) : The noun class system in “Ngunaya” Ejagam
[26219]   Bao Diop, Sokhna (2013) : Description du baynunk guñaamolo, langue minoritaire du sénégal : analyse phonologique, morphologique et syntaxique
[26888]   Bao Diop, Sokhna (2015) : Les classes nominales en nyun gunyamolo
[27073]   Bao Diop, Sokhna (2017) : Le baynunk guñaamolo - Une langue du sud du Sénégal
[25370]   Blench, Roger M. (2003) : Why Reconstructing Ron is so Problematic
[27291]   Bodian, Lamine (2014) : Morphosyntaxe du guñaamolo, parler de baïnounk de Niamone
[27326]   Bodian, Lamine (2017) : Morphosyntaxe du guñaamolo, parler de baïnounk de niamone
[26111]   Bosch, Sonja E. , Laurette Pretorius & Axel Fleisch (2008) : Experimental Bootstrapping of Morphological Analysers for Nguni Languages
[28966]   Boyd, Virginia Lee (Ed.) (2019) : Gunu – French – English Dictionary
[3663]   Canonici, Noverino N. (1994) : The Nguni languages: a simple presentation and comparison of Zulu, Xhosa and Swati
[3698]   Capo, Hounkpatin C. (1987) : Renaissance du gbe (une langue de l’Afrique occidentals): réflexions critiques et constructives sur l’eve, le fon, le gen, l’aja, le gun
[3706]   Capo, Hounkpatin C. (1990) : Towards a viable orthography for Egungbe
[3887]   Cassimjee, Farida & Charles Wayne Kisseberth (1992) : The tonology of depressor consonants: evidence from Mijikenda and Nguni
[4072]   Childs, George Tucker (1994) : The status of Isicamtho, an Nguni-based urban variety of Soweto
[4077]   Childs, George Tucker (1997) : The status of Isicamtho, an Nguni-based urban variety of Soweto
[4253]   Clercq, J. C. de (1958) : Die kopulatief of nie-verbale predikaat in Nguni en Sotho: met besondere verwysing na Zulu en Suid-Sotho
[26357]   Cloarec-Heiss, France & Luc Bouquiaux (1997) : Lexique ngundu
[26794]   Cobbinah, Alexander & Friederike Lüpke (2014) : When number meets classification ; The linguistic expression of number in Baïnounk languages
[5658]   Donnelly, Simon Scurr (1999) : Southern Tekela Nguni is alive: reintroducing the Phuthi language
[5681]   Downing, Laura J. (1990) : Local and metrical tone shift in Nguni
[23321]   Duthie, Alan S. & R. K. Vlaardingerbroek (1981) : Bibliography of Gbe (Ewe, Gen, Aja, Xwla, Fon, Gun, etc.): publications on and in the language
[7202]   Gerhardt, Phyllis (1987) : Aspect in Nugunu
[7208]   Gerhardt, Phyllis (1989) : Les temps en nugunu
[28599]   Gerhardt, Phyllis (1984) : Les classes nominales en gunu
[7814]   Guarisma, Gladys & Christiane Paulian (1986) : Dialectometrie lexicale de quelques parlers bantous de la zone A
[7926]   Güldemann, Tom (1999) : Toward a grammaticalization and typological account of the ka-possessive in southern Nguni
[8641]   Herbert, Robert K. (1990) : Labial palatalization in Nguni and Sotho languages: internal and external evidence
[8719]   Hetzron, Robert (1977) : The Gunnän-Gurage languages
[9511]   Hyman, Larry Michael (2001) : Vowel harmony in Gunu
[9999]   Jordan, Archibald Campbell (1967) : The adjective in the Nguni languages of southern Africa with special reference to Xhosa
[26318]   Jouitteau, Mélanie (2012) : Verb doubling in Breton and Gungbe: Obligatory exponence at the sentence level
[10440]   Kasanga, L. A. (1996) : The use of indigenized forms of English in Nguni’s Devil on the Cross: a linguistic and sociolinguistic analysis
[11187]   Koudjo, B. (1988) : Parole et musique chez les Fon et les Gun du Bénin: pour une nouvelle taxonomie de la parole littéraire
[11584]   Laman, Karl Edward (1929) : Teke-kuta-ngunu-svensk ordbok
[11585]   Laman, Karl Edward & A. Philips (1930) : Svensk-teke-kuta-ngunu ordbok
[11669]   Lanham, Leonard Walter (1960) : The comparative phonology of Nguni
[11676]   Lanham, Leonard Walter (1969) : Generative phonology and the analysis of Nguni languages
[11677]   Lanham, Leonard Walter (1971) : The noun as a deep-structure source for Nguni adjectives and relatives
[24565]   Lespinay, Charles de (1992) : Dictionnaire Baynunk (guñun-gujaxer-guhaca-gubòy)
[12109]   Letele, Gladstone Llewellyn (1945) : A preliminary study of the lexicological influence of the Nguni languages on Southern Sotho
[12344]   Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1963) : ’n Vergelykende studie van die defisiënte verbum in die Ngunitale
[12370]   Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1986) : Some linguistic influence of Khoi and San in the prehistory of the Nguni
[13076]   Marks, Shula & Anthony Atmore (1970) : The problem of the Nguni: an examination of the ethnic and linguistic situation in South Africa
[13853]   Miti, Lazarus Musazitame (1996) : Subgrouping Ngoni varieties within Nguni: a lexicostatistical approach
[23079]   Moe, Ronald & James Mbabazi (1999) : Lugungu orthography guide
[14407]   Msimang, Christian Themba (1989) : Some phonological aspects of the Tekela Nguni dialects
[14765]   Mzamane, Godfred Isaac Malunga (1949) : A consice treatise on Phuthi with special reference to its relationship with Nguni and Sotho
[14766]   Mzamane, Godfred Isaac Malunga (1962) : A comparative phonetic and morphological study of the dialects of southern Nguni including lexical influences of non-Bantu languages
[27402]   Ndao, Dame , Lamine Bodian , Arame Goudiaby & Sokhna Bao Diop (2016) : La négation en guñaamolo, langue atlantique parlée au Sénégal
[15104]   Nhlapo, Jacob M. (1945) : Nguni and Sotho: a practical plan for the unification of the South African Bantu languages
[15989]   Orwig, Carol (1987) : Les extensions verbales en nugunu
[15990]   Orwig, Carol (1989) : Extensions verbales en nugunu
[15991]   Orwig, Carol (1991) : Les temps en nugunu
[22894]   Orwig, Carol (1991) : Relative time reference in Nugunu
[26336]   Ouzilleau, François Marie Frédéric (1911) : Notes sur les langues des Pygmées de la Sanga: Suivies de vocabulaires
[16101]   Ownby, Carolyn Postma (1981) : Early Nguni history: linguistic suggestions
[16102]   Ownby, Carolyn Postma (1985) : Early Nguni history: the linguistic evidence and its correlation with archaeology and oral tradition
[16277]   Patman, Frankie (1991) : Tone in the Nugunu verb phrase
[25296]   Patman, Frankie (1995) : A Functional Account of Syntactic Similarities in Nugunu
[25297]   Patman, Frankie (1998) : Syntactic encoding of informational distinctions in Nugunu
[16284]   Paulian, Christiane (1994) : Nasales et nasalisation en ngùngwèl, langue bantu du Congo
[16393]   Peterson, Karen (1989) : A comparative look at Nguni verbal tone
[16623]   Poll, J. D. P. van der (1970) : Die lokatief in Xhosa en die ander Nguni-tale: ’n deskriptiewe en vergelykende analise
[16706]   Posselt, Edgar (1975) : ’n Vergelykende studie van die klanke van oer-bantoe met dié van Nguni
[17155]   Rekanga, Jean-Paul (1989) : Essai de grammaire gunu (langue bantoue du Cameroun, A62)
[27660]   Robert, Businge Makolome & Martin Diprose (2012) : Ntontogoli̱ gya Lugungu - Lugungu Dictionary: Lugungu - English with English Index
[17305]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. (1980) : Petit lexique gunu-francais
[17306]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. (1984) : Phonologie du gunu (parler yambassa), langue bantoue du Cameroun
[22874]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. (1980) : The internal structure of a Gunu narrative text
[23678]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. (2003) : Nugunu provisional lexicon
[25298]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. (1989) : Règles d'orthographe pour la langue Nugunu
[25299]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. (1980) : Participants in Gunu narrative discourse
[17304]   Robinson, Clinton D. W. & Mollie Robinson (1979) : Manuel pour lire et écrire la langue gunu
[23376]   Roux, Justus Christiaan (1993) : Aspects of tonal perception in Nguni
[17617]   Rurangwa, I. M. (1982) : Éléments de description du ngungwel, langue bantoue du Congo
[22394]   Rycroft, David K. (1979) : Tone formulae for Nguni
[22395]   Rycroft, David K. (1980) : Nguni tonal typology and Common Bantu
[24696]   Sabel, Joachim & Jochen Zeller (2006) : wh-Question Formation in Nguni
[18169]   Schryver, Gilles-Maurice de (2003) : Drawing up the macrostructure of a Nguni dictionary, with special reference to isiNdebele
[24741]   Sibanda, Galen (2009) : Vowel Processes in Nguni: Resolving the Problem of Unacceptable VV Sequences
[26190]   Sibanda, Galen (2011) : Ghost Segments in Nguni
[18680]   Slabbert, Sarah (1998) : Language and identity: a comparison of Nguni and Sotho
[18679]   Slabbert, Sarah & Rosalie Finlayson (1998) : Comparing Nguni and Sotho: a sociolinguistic classification
[18895]   Spuy, Andrew van der (1993) : Dislocated noun phrases in Nguni
[20026]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1949) : Sotho-Nguni orthography and tone-marking
[20137]   Ugot, Mercy I. (2003) : Affixation in Agwuagune
[20987]   Westhuizen, P. J. W. S. van der (1979) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir !Xû (Qguñ)
[21149]   Wilkes, A. (1985) : Word and word division: a study of some orthographical problems in the writing systems of the Nguni and Sotho languages
[21921]   Zungu, E. M. (2000) : A comparative phonological and morphological analysis of the North and South Lala dialects of Tekela Nguni