41 langues concernées
17 titres trouvés
[7402] Goody, Jack (1963) : Ethnological notes on the distribution of the Guang languages
[11356] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1980) : West African language data sheets 2
[12944] Manessy, Gabriel (1987) : La classification nominale en proto-guang
[15553] OʼBrien, M. C. (1965) : The distribution of Guang
[16153] Painter, Colin (1964) : The distribution of the Guang: a comparison and classification of the Guang languages and dialects towards a proto Guang
[16154] Painter, Colin (1966) : Linguistic field notes from Banda and language maps of the Guang speaking areas of Ghana, Togo and Dahomey
[16155] Painter, Colin (1966) : Language maps of the Guang-speaking areas of Ghana, togo and Dahomey
[16156] Painter, Colin (1967) : The distribution of Guang in Ghana and a statistical pre-testing of twenty-five ideolects
[24519] Painter, Colin (1980 [1974]) : Hill Guang
[17075] Rapp, Eugen Ludwig (1977) : Miszellen zum Guáng - Kwa-Sprachen in Ghana, Togo und Dahomey (Guang-Studien VIII)
[18735] Snider, Keith L. (1988) : The noun class system of proto-Guang and its implications for internal classification
[18736] Snider, Keith L. (1989) : The vowels of proto-Guang
[18738] Snider, Keith L. (1990) : Tone in proto-Guang nouns
[18739] Snider, Keith L. (1990) : The consonants of proto-Guang
[22994] Snider, Keith L. (1990) : Studies in Guang phonology
[20931] Westermann, Diedrich (1922) : Die Sprache der Guang in Togo und auf der Goldküste und fünf anderen Togosprachen
[20936] Westermann, Diedrich (1925) : Das Tschi und Guang: ihre Stellung innerhalb der Ewe-Tschi-Gruppe (Westsudanische Studien, 1)