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7 titres trouvés

[8153]   Hancock, Ian F. & P. Kobbah (1975) : Liberian English of Cape Palmas
[18610]   Singler, John Victor (1981) : An introduction to Liberian English
[18611]   Singler, John Victor (1981) : Tone and intonation in Liberian English negation
[18614]   Singler, John Victor (1984) : Variation in tense-aspect-modality in Liberian English
[18620]   Singler, John Victor (1991) : Social and linguistic constraints in Liberian English
[18621]   Singler, John Victor (1991) : Phonology in the basilect: the fate of final consonants in Liberian English
[18623]   Singler, John Victor (1996) : An OT account of pidgin phonology: coda consonants in vernacular Liberian English