30 langues concernées
76 titres trouvés
[731] Andersen, Torben (1987) : The phonemic system of Agar Dinka
[738] Andersen, Torben (1991) : Subject and topic in Dinka
[740] Andersen, Torben (1992/94) : Morphological stratification in Dinka: on the alternations of voice quality, vowel length and tone in the morphology of transitive verbal roots in a monosyllabic language
[741] Andersen, Torben (1993) : Vowel quality alternation in Dinka verb inflection
[757] Andersen, Torben (2002) : Case inflection and nominal head marking in Dinka
[25521] Andersen, Torben (2012) : Verbal directionality and argument alternation in Dinka
[26322] Andersen, Torben (2012) : Spatial roles and verbal directionality in Dinka
[26795] Andersen, Torben (2014) : Number in Dinka
[27389] Andersen, Torben (2017) : Vowel quality alternation in Dinka verb derivation: The Agar variety
[27752] Andersen, Torben (2019) : External possession of body-part nouns in Dinka
[28441] Andersen, Torben (2020) : Multiple adnominal modification in Dinka Chaining construct states
[26283] Andrason, Alexander (2012) : The Basse Mandinka “future”
[26980] Andrason, Alexander (2013) : Mapping the meaning of the be riŋ formation in Basse Mandinka
[28359] Blum, Mirella L. (2021) : On the nature of adjectives: evidence from Dinka
[25921] Caroline Juillard (2010) : Analyse sociolinguistique du contact entre et groupes joola et mandinka, à Ziguinchor
[4404] Colley, Ebrima (1995) : Mandinka-English dictionary
[4405] Colley, Ebrima (1995) : Mandinka grammar manual
[4714] Creissels, Denis (1983) : Eléments de grammaire de la langue mandinka
[24288] Creissels, Denis (1982) : A propos de defauts de mémorisation de signifiants par les locuteurs mandinka
[25208] Creissels, Denis (1979) : Etude comparative du consonantisme de deux parlers manding (mandinka - bambara)
[25392] Creissels, Denis (2011) : Lexique mandinka-français (état provisoire, mars 2011)
[27695] Creissels, Denis & Alain-Christian Bassène (2013) : Valency patterns for bivalent verbs in two West African languages: Mandinka (Mande) and Jóola Banjal (Atlantic)
[26596] Creissels, Denis & Pierre Sambou (2013) : Le mandinka (mandiŋkakáŋo): phonologie, grammaire, textes
[24286] Creissels, Denis & Sidia Jatta (1981) : La composition verbale en mandinka
[27725] Creissels, Denis & Yaya Dramé (2019) : Tonologie du mandinka du Pakaawu
[24287] Creissels, Denis , Sidia Jatta & Kalifa Jobarteh (1982) : Lexique mandinka-français
[26894] Creissels, Denis , Sokhna Bao Diop , Alain‑Christian Bassène , Mame Thierno Cissé , Alexander Cobbinah , El Hadji Dieye , Dame Ndao , Sylvie Nouguier‑Voisin , Nicolas Quint , Marie Renaudier , Adjaratou Sall & Guillaume Segerer (2015) : L'impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne
[5188] Denning, Keith (1989) : The diachronic development of phonological voice quality, with special reference to Dinka and other Nilotic languages
[25014] Dramé, Mallafé (1985) : Les propositions relatives en mandinka
[5702] Dramé, Man Lafi (Ed) (2003) : Parlons mandinka
[5766] Duerksen, John (1989) : Syllable initial ‘h’ in Dinka
[5767] Duerksen, John (1997) : Dinka dialects: a preliminary report
[23086] Duerksen, John (2004) : Dinka-Nuer orthographies
[24289] Dumestre, Gérard (1982) : Note sur les adverbes idéophoniques du mandinka
[6377] Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1934) : Imagery in Ngok Dinka cattle-names
[6643] Firoo, Londoo (2003) : Mandinka kango taamañaa
[7022] Gamble, David Percy (1949) : Mandinka grammar
[7023] Gamble, David Percy (1949) : Notes on Mandinka
[7025] Gamble, David Percy (1976) : Medical Mandinka (useful phrases and vocabulary)
[7028] Gamble, David Percy (1987) : Intermediate Gambian Mandinka-English dictionary
[7029] Gamble, David Percy (1987) : Elementary Mandinka
[7030] Gamble, David Percy (1987) : Mandinka-English dictionary
[7254] Gilley, Leoma G. (2004) : Morphophonemic orthographies in fusional languages: the cases of Dinka and Shilluk
[7284] Girgis, Savet (1948) : A list of common fish of the Upper Nile with their Shilluk, Dinka and Nuer names
[7320] Gjerlow-Johnson, Kristine C. & Edward B. G. Ayom (1985) : The passive in Bor Dinka
[8136] Hamlyn, William Temple (1935) : A short study of the western Mandinka language
[8342] Haust, Delia (1995) : Codeswitching in Gambia: eine soziolinguistische Untersuchung von Mandinka, Wolof und Englisch in Kontakt
[9547] Idris, Hélène Fatima (2004) : Modern developments in the Dinka language
[9619] Innes, Gordon (1990) : Formulae in Mandinka epic: the problems of translation
[24296] Labatut, Roger (1987-88) : Introduction à l'étude des emprunts du peul au mandinka
[12537] Lück, Marlies & Linda Henderson (1993) : Gambian Mandinka: a learning manual for English speakers
[12810] Makok, Stephen Dit & Samuel Galuak Marial (1999) : Dinka-English dictionary
[12870] Malou, Job Dharuai (1983) : The Dinka vowel system
[12871] Malou, Job Dharuai (1988) : Dinka vowel system
[23097] Malou, Job Dharuai (1983) : Language use among the Dinka
[13422] McLaughlin, John (1967) : Tentative time depths for Nuer, Dinka and Anuak
[14243] Motsch, Gudula (1994) : Arabische Lehn- und Fremdwörter im Mandinka: eine linguistische und historische Untersuchung
[14905] Nebel, P. Arturo (1936) : Dinka dictionary, with abridged grammar
[14906] Nebel, P. Arturo (1948) : Dinka grammar (Rek-Malual dialect) with texts and vocabulary
[14907] Nebel, P. Arturo (1979) : Dinka-English English-Dinka dictionary
[15050] Ngom, Fallou (1999) : Phonetic and phonological description of Mandinkan phonemes as spoken in Kajor (Ziguinchor)
[25550] Norton, Russell (2012) : Non-concatenative morphology in Dinka and Arabic – Augmentation and replacement
[15396] Nunn, G. N. N. (1934) : Short phrase book and classified vocabularies from English into Mandinka
[24661] Remijsen, Bert & D. Robert Ladd (2008) : The tone system of the Luanyjang dialect of Dinka
[17334] Roettger, Lisa & Larry Roettger (1989) : A Dinka dialect survey
[28108] Rognoni, Luca (2010) : The voice quality distinction in Dinka songs
[17524] Rowlands, Evan Celyn (1959) : A grammar of Gambian Mandinka
[18412] Shaw, Archibald (1924) : The Dinka accusative of respect
[19550] Thelwall, Robin E. W. (1978) : Lexicostatistical relations between Nubian, Daju and Dinka
[19590] Thomas, Northcote Whitridge (1924) : The genitive in Dinka
[19947] Trudinger, Ronald (1942/44) : [Padang (Dinka) dictionary]
[20017] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1939) : Dinka orthography
[20020] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1945) : Memorandum on Dinka orthography
[20066] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1981) : Le dinka (agar)
[24290] Vydrin, Valentin (1998) : Sur l'écriture mandingue et mandé en caractères arabes (mandinka, bambara, soussou, mogofin)
[24156] Wilson, William André Auquier (2000-01) : W.A.A. Wilson on Creisselsʼ Mandinka Grammar