227 langues concernées

41 titres trouvés

[421]   Aklilu Yilma (1983) : Endegen phonology
[26337]   Blench, Roger M. (s.d.) : Ekoid: Bantoid Languages of the Nigeria-Cameroun Borderland
[26827]   Cahill, Michael (2015) : Polar Question Intonation in Five Ghanaian Languages
[24558]   Delafosse, Maurice (1904) : Vocabulaires comparatifs de plus de soixante langues ou dialectes africains, parlés à la Côte dʼIvoire et dans les régions limitrophes, avec des notes linguistiques et ethnologiques, une bibliographie, et une carte
[6176]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1984) : Morphology of the gerund in Degema and its reconstruction in proto-Edoid
[24664]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1976) : Noun class vestiges in Dẹgẹma
[6391]   Eyassu Nega (2003) : The morphology of Endegegne
[24667]   Fulop, Sean A., Ethelbert E. Kari, Peter Ladefoged (1998) : An Acoustic Study of the Tongue Root Contrast in Degema Vowels
[28044]   Kari, Ethelbert (2017) : Cognate Object Constructions in Degema
[10417]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1991) : The noun phrase in Degema
[10418]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1995) : The structure of the Degema verb
[10419]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1995) : Clitics in Degema
[10420]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1995) : Extensional suffixes in Degema
[10421]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1997) : Degema
[10422]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1997) : Dialectal variations, controversies and the way forward: the Degema example
[10423]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (1998) : Final close vowels in a sequence of vowels in Degema: a reanalysis
[10425]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2001) : On the grammar of clitics in Degema
[10426]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2002) : Inflection vs derivation in Degema
[10427]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2002) : On endoclitics: some facts from Degema
[10428]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2002) : The source of Degema clitics
[10430]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2002) : Distinguishing between clitics and words in Degema, Nigeria
[10431]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2002) : Distinguishing between clitics and affixes in Degema
[10432]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2003) : Clitics in Degema: a meeting point of phonology, morphology, and syntax
[10433]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2003) : Lexical borrowing in Degema
[10434]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2003) : Clitic doubling: insights from Degema
[10435]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2003) : Serial verb constructions in Degema, Nigeria
[10436]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2004) : Further evidence in favour of the affixal origin of Degema clitics
[23150]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2004) : A reference grammar of Degema
[24125]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2005) : Degema subject markers: Are they prefixes or proclitics?
[24666]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2007) : Vowel harmony in Degema, Nigeria
[25274]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2008) : Degema–English dictionary with English index
[26690]   Kari, Ethelbert E. (2001) : The Source of Degema Clitics
[27002]   Kari, Ethelbert Emmanuel (2015) : Second Position Clitics in Degema: A Reanalysis
[28912]   Kari, Ethelbert Emmanuel (2021) : The Factative and Perfect Aspect Markers in Degema and Kalaḅarị
[13639]   Mercier, H. (1937) : Vocabulaires et textes berbères dans le dialecte des Aït Izdeg
[27029]   Rolle, Nicholas & Ethelbert E. Kari (2017) : Degema clitics and serial verb constructions at the syntax/phonology interface
[18440]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (Ed) (1968) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist
[19599]   Thomas, Elaine (1966) : Preliminary paradigm of some Degema independent clauses
[19600]   Thomas, Elaine & Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] Williamson (1967) : Wordlists of Delta Edo: Epie, Engenni, Degema
[24665]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (1969) : Dẹgẹma: A Test of the New Proposals for Comparing Noun-Class Systems
[21225]   Williamson, Kay [Ruth] [Margaret] (Ed) (1973) : Benue-Congo: comparative wordlist