44 langues concernées
35 titres trouvés
[28785] Akinbo, Samuel , Alexander Angsongna , Avery Ozburn , Murray Schellenberg & Douglas Pulleyblank (2022) : Velar Tap in Dàgáárè
[508] Alenuma, Sidonia (2002) : The Dagaare-speaking communities of West Africa: a culture area profile
[28211] Ali, Mark , Scott Grimm & Adams Bodomo (2021) : A dictionary and grammatical sketch of Dagaare
[854] Angkaaraba Saanchi, James Nubabong (1997) : The vowel system of Dagaare
[23555] Angkaaraba Saanchi, James Nubabong (2003) : Aspect and the Dagaare verb
[28334] Angsongna, Alexander (2021) : Dàgáárè complex constructions: Serial verb constructions, multi-aspectual constructions and coordination
[908] Anttila, Arto & Adams B. Bodomo (1996) : Tonal correspondences in Dagaare
[909] Anttila, Arto & Adams B. Bodomo (1999) : Tonal polarity in Dagaare
[24742] Anttila, Arto & Adams Bodomo (2009) : Prosodic Morphology in Dagaare
[28238] Anttila, Arto & Adams Bodomo (2019) : Metrically conditioned vowel length in Dagaare
[24692] Bodomo, Adams (2006) : The Structure of Ideophones in African and Asian Languages: The Case of Dagaare and Cantonese
[2670] Bodomo, Adams B. (1993) : Dagaare syntax: a two-level X-bar account
[2672] Bodomo, Adams B. (1994) : The noun class system of Dagaare: a phonology-morphology interface
[2677] Bodomo, Adams B. (1997) : Paths and pathfinders: exploring the syntax and semantics of complex verbal predicates in Dagaare and other languages
[2679] Bodomo, Adams B. (1997) : The structure of Dagaare
[2680] Bodomo, Adams B. (1998) : Serial verb constructions as complex predicates in Dagaare and Akan
[2681] Bodomo, Adams B. (1999) : The syntax of serial verbs in Dagaare
[2682] Bodomo, Adams B. (2000) : Dàgáárè
[2683] Bodomo, Adams B. (2001) : History form linguistics: loanwords in Dagaare as sources of information for a cultural history of the Dagaaba
[2684] Bodomo, Adams B. (2001) : The temporal systems of Dagaare and Dagbane: re-apraising the philosophy of linguistic diversity
[2686] Bodomo, Adams B. (2004) : The syntax of nominalized complex verbal predicates in Dagaare
[2687] Bodomo, Adams B. (2004) : A Dagaare-Cantonese-English lexicon for lexicographical field research training
[23675] Bodomo, Adams B. & Ken Hiraiwa (2004) : Relativization in Dagaare
[23485] Bodomo, Adams B. , Charles Ofosu Marfo , A. Cunningham & Sally Y. K. Mok (2006) : A Unicode keyboard for African languages: the case of Dagaare and Twi
[2685] Bodomo, Adams B. , Kang Kwong Luke & Owen Nancarrow (2001) : Linguistic form compression in Dagaare
[3261] Bresnan, Joan & Adams B. Bodomo (1997) : A note on Dagaare action nominalization as mixed categories
[5653] Dong, D. A. (1981) : The verb phrase in Dagaare
[24485] Hall, E. (1977 [1973]) : Dagaare
[11352] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1977) : West African language data sheets 1
[12497] Luke, Kang Kwong & Adams B. Bodomo (2003) : A comparative study of the semantics of serial verb constructions in Dagaare and Cantonese
[28166] Mwinlaaru, Isaac Nuokyaa-Ire (2016) : A Systemic Functional Description of the Grammar of Dagaare
[14834] Nakuma, Constancio (1990) : Étude contrastive des systèmes phonologiques dagaare-français avec proposition d’une orthographe dagaare tenant compte des faits tonals
[14835] Nakuma, Constancio (1998) : Phonie et graphie tonale du dàgàaré, langue voltaïque du Ghana
[18257] Schwenter, Scott (1998) : Discontinuous remoteness in Dagaare
[21550] Yabang, Cletus K. (1990) : Dialectal survey of Dagaare