57 langues concernées
132 titres trouvés
[346] Aikhenvald, Aleksandra (1988) : On verb stem markers in Cushitic languages in the light of Afro/Asiatic
[24759] Amha, Azeb , Maarten Mous & Graziano Savà (2007) : Omotic and Cushitic Studies; Papers from the Fourth Cushitic Omotic Conference, Leiden, 10-12 April 2003
[938] Appleyard, David L. (1986) : Agaw, Cushitic and Afroasiatic: the personal pronoun revisited
[946] Appleyard, David L. (1991) : The role of tone in some Cushitic languages
[24570] Arvanites, Linda (1991) : The Glottalic Phonemes of Proto Eastern Cushitic
[1508] Banti, Giorgio (1987) : Evidence for a second type of suffix conjugation in Cushitic
[1509] Banti, Giorgio (1988) : “Adjectives” in East Cushitic
[25752] Banti, Giorgio (2010) : Remarks on the typology of converbs and their functional equivalents in East Cushitic
[1513] Banti, Giorgio (Ed) (1992) : Proceedings of the second international symposium on Cushitic and Omotic languages, Turin, 16-18 November, 1989
[1515] Banti, Giorgio & Klaus Wedekind (1994) : [Something on Cushitic and Omotic languages]
[25403] Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (2008) : The Classification of Cushitic and Omotic: a Critique
[1933] Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne & Fritz Serzisko (Ed) (1988) : Cushitic Omotic: papers from the international symposium on Cushitic and Omotic languages, Cologne, January 6-9, 1986
[25404] Bender, Marvin Lionel (2008) : Proto-Cushitic Lexical Innovations
[2481] Black, Paul D. (1972) : Cushitic and Omotic classification
[2485] Black, Paul D. (1975) : Lowland East Cushitic: subgrouping and reconstruction
[2534] Blazek, Václav (1991) : Honey in the Cushitic and Omotic languages
[2537] Blazek, Václav (1997) : Cushitic lexicostatistics: the second attempt
[25797] Blench, Roger M. (2009) : Was there an Interchange between Cushitic Pastoralists and Khoesan Speakers in the Prehistory of Southern Africa and how can this be Detected?
[26577] Blench, Roger M. (2013) : Links between Cushitic, Omotic, Chadic and the position of Kujarge
[3893] Castellino, Giorgio (1975) : Gender in Cushitic
[3894] Castellino, Giorgio (1978) : The case system of Cushitic in relation to Semitic
[4669] Crass, Joachim (2001) : The position of K’abeena within Highlands East Cushitic
[24081] Crass, Joachim (2007) : Highland East Cushitic
[26573] Crass, Joachim (2013) : Some remarks about the compound suffix conjugation in Highland East Cushitic languages
[5602] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1973) : Sravnitel’no-istoriceskaja fonetika kusitskich jazykov [Comparative historical phonetics of the Cushitic languages]
[5606] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1983) : Semitic and East Cushitic: sound correspondences and cognate sets
[5608] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1987) : South Cushitic lateral consonants as compared to Semitic and East Cushitic
[5609] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1988) : East Cushitic and Semitic: word-initial laryngeals
[6031] Ehret, Christopher (1980) : The historical reconstruction of southern Cushitic phonology and vocabulary
[6044] Ehret, Christopher (1987) : Proto-Cushitic reconstruction
[6049] Ehret, Christopher (1991) : The consonant inventory of Proto-Eastern Cushitic
[25411] Ehret, Christopher (2008) : Yaakuan and Eastern Cushitic: A Historical Linguistic Overview
[6106] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1976) : Southern Cushitic
[6548] Ferrario, Benigno (1929) : Circa la questione “cushitica”
[6681] Fleming, Harold C. (1969) : The classification of West Cushitic within Hamito-Semitic
[6687] Fleming, Harold C. (1976) : Non-Semitic languages: Cushitic and Omotic
[6699] Fleming, Harold C. (1992) : Omotic and Cushitic: a reply to Lamberti
[68] Gebre-Tsadik, Abebe , Margaret Sim , Ronald J. Sim , Charlotte Wedekind & Klaus Wedekind (Ed) (1985) : The verb morphophonemics of five Highland East Cushitic languages, including Burji
[7357] Goldenberg, Gideon & Shlomo Raz (Ed) (1994) : Semitic and Cushitic studies
[26574] Gragg, Gene (2013) : Cushitic verb classes revisited
[7526] Gragg, Gene B. (1988) : Estimating convergence and conflict among cognate sets in a Cushitic etymological index
[7527] Gragg, Gene B. (1996) : CUSHLEX: a Cushitic etymological index
[7634] Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1970) : Cushitic languages
[7709] Griefenow-Mewis, Catherine & Rainer Maria Voigt (Ed) (1996) : Cushitic and Omotic languages: proceedings of the 3rd international symposium, Berlin, March 17-19, 1994
[8359] Hayward, Richard J. (1975) : Middle voice verb forms in eastern Cushitic
[8368] Hayward, Richard J. (1979) : The place of Bayso within eastern Cushitic
[8376] Hayward, Richard J. (1984) : A reconstruction of some root extensions of the eastern Cushitic verb
[8511] Heine, Bernd , Franz Rottland & Rainer Vossen (1979) : Proto-Baz: some aspects of early Nilotic-Cushitic contacts
[8713] Hetzron, Robert (1974) : An archaism in the Cushitic verbal conjugation
[8724] Hetzron, Robert (1980) : The limits of Cushitic
[9168] Hudson, Grover (1976) : Highland East Cushitic
[9174] Hudson, Grover (1981) : The Highland East Cushitic family vine
[9176] Hudson, Grover (1988) : The Highland Cushitic hypothesis
[9177] Hudson, Grover (1989) : Highland East Cushitic dictionary
[24825] Hudson, Grover (2005) : Highland East Cushitic languages
[24826] Hudson, Grover (2007) : Highland East Cushitic morphology
[9639] Ishigaki, Yukio (1972) : Cushitic (Somalia & Ethiopia)
[27779] Kiebling, Roland (2020) : South Cushitic
[10761] Kiessling, Roland (1996) : Verbal inflectional suffixes in the West Rift group of southern Cushitic
[10766] Kiessling, Roland (2000) : Some salient features of southern Cushitic (Common West Rift)
[10769] Kiessling, Roland (2001) : South Cushitic links to East Cushitic
[10773] Kiessling, Roland (2003) : Infix genesis in South Cushitic
[10772] Kiessling, Roland & Maarten Mous (2003) : The lexical reconstruction of West-Rift southern Cushitic
[11612] Lamberti, Marcello (1988) : The correspondence “labial-velar-glottal” in Cushitic
[11613] Lamberti, Marcello (1988) : Kuliak and Cushitic: a comparative study
[11614] Lamberti, Marcello (1991) : Cushitic and its classifications
[11626] Lamberti, Marcello (1999) : The pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person in Cushitic and their reconstruction
[11873] Legère, Karsten (1988) : Bantu and southern Cushitic: the impact of Kiswahili on Iraqw
[12037] Leslau, Wolf (1962) : The influence of the Cushitic substratum on Semitic Ethiopic re-examined
[12078] Leslau, Wolf (1988) : Fifty years of research: selection of articles on Semitic, Ethiopian Semitic and Cushitic
[27778] Leyew, Zelealem (2020) : Central Cushitic
[13005] Mansuur, Cabdalla Comar (1986) : A lexical aspect of Somali and East Cushitic languages
[14117] Morin, Didier (2001) : Bridging the gap between northern and eastern Cushitic
[26579] Mous, Maarten (2013) : Reduplication in Cushitic
[15459] Nurse, Derek (1994) : South meets north: Ilwana=Bantu+Cushitic on Kenya’s Tana River
[15977] Orel, Vladimir E. (1992) : Reconstruction of the Afrasian vocalism: Cushitic and Chadic
[16184] Palmer, Frank R. (1970) : Cushitic
[16185] Palmer, Frank R. (1974) : Some remarks on the grammar and phonology of the ‘compound verbs’ in Cushitic and Ethiopian Semitic
[25422] Peust, Carsten (2008) : Some Cushitic Etymologies
[26578] Philippson, Gérard (2013) : Southern Cushitic loans in North-Eastern Bantu – a reconsideration of the evidence
[16601] Podolski, Baruch (1978) : Bibliographia cushitica
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[16936] Puglielli, Annarita (1997) : Focus systems in Cushitic languages
[17519] Rowe, Joy (2000) : Finding the place for Dahalo in Cushitic: an investigation into the genetic classification of an East African language
[17884] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1979) : The consonant phonemes of Proto-East-Cushitic (PEC): a first approximation
[17892] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1982) : Research on the Cushitic language family of East Africa
[17893] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1984) : Case in Cushitic, Semitic and Berber
[17894] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1984) : The pragmatics of noun incorporation in eastern Cushitic languages
[17896] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (2003) : Cushitic adpositions and Semitic
[18567] Sim, Ronald J. (1988) : The diachronic derivation of the verb in northern highland East Cushitic
[26505] Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude & Martine Vanhove (eds.) (2013) : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cushitic and Omotic Languages, Paris, 16-18 April 2008
[22564] Sottile, Roberto (1997) : A few phonetic correspondences in some Cushitic languages
[19099] Stolbova, Olga Valerievna (1988) : Cushitic and West Chadic isoglosses and cognate sets
[19349] Takács, Gábor (1999) : Sibilant and velar consonants of South Cushitic and their regular correspondences in Egyptian and other Afro-Asiatic branches
[19352] Takács, Gábor (2000) : South Cushitic consonant system in Afro-Asiatic context
[19353] Takács, Gábor (2000) : Compensatoric lengthening of *a in East Cushitic: some marginal etymological notes
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[26576] Tilahun, Dawit (2013) : Reconstructing proto-consonant phonemes of Lowland East Cushitic languages
[19771] Tosco, Mauro (1988) : The phoneme D and the marker of reflexive-middle voice in eastern Cushitic
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[20457] Voigt, Rainer Maria (1987) : The two prefix-conjugations in East Cushitic, East Semitic and Chadic
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