3 langues concernées
10 titres trouvés
[27663] Bickmore, Lee & Winfred Mkochi (2019) : Tonal Absolute Neutralization in Malawian CiTonga
[3878] Cassett, A. (192-) : Citonga grammar and vocabulary for use of settlers between Livingstone and Kafue
[27527] Chavula, Jean (2018) : The polysemy of the neuter extension -ik in Citumbuka (N21) and Citonga (N15)
[9062] Hopgood, Cecil Robert (1940) : Tonga grammar, a practical introduction to the study of Citonga
[27895] Mkochi, Winfred (2019) : Encoding the plural-honorific suffix -ani and the imperfective anga in Malawian CiTonga (N.15)
[14440] Mudzi, Alice Kathleen M. (1976) : The effect of English on CiTonga, a Bantu language of Zambia
[15255] Nkazi, L. (1957) : Citonga note book
[26872] Sanders, Karen W. (2013) : Methods of Studying ciTonga Gestures in Everyday Activities
[19765] Torrend, Julius (1932) : Nkanga grammar ka Citonga
[19767] Torrend, Julius (1934) : Citonga reading and writing, being a scheme of work in accordance with the Native Education Department’s elementary syllabus