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8 titres trouvés
[7905] Guthrie, Malcolm (1995) : A vocabulary of Icibemba
[9484] Hyman, Larry Michael (1992) : Velar palatalization in Cibemba: a “non-duplication problem”
[9496] Hyman, Larry Michael (1994) : Cyclic phonology and morphology in Cibemba
[9498] Hyman, Larry Michael (1995) : Minimality and the prosodic morphology of Cibemba imbrication
[10455] Kashoki, Mubanga E. (1974) : A phonemic analysis of iciBemba: a presentation of Bemba syllable structure, phonemic contrasts and their distribution
[10478] Kasonde, Alexander Raymond Makasa (2002) : A classified vocabulary of the Icibemba language
[17689] Sadler jnr, Wesley L. (1964) : Untangled CiBemba (a language of Northern Rhodesia, Central Africa)
[18601] Sims, George W. (1959) : An elementary grammar of Cibemba