4 langues concernées
6 titres trouvés
[10594] Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1962/63) : Studien zur tonalen Struktur der Bantusprachen. Teil 2: Chasu im und am Fusse des Pare-Gebirges, Tanganyika
[10597] Kähler-Meyer, Emmi (1963/64) : Töne und Akzente in der Formenlehre des Chasu (Tanganjika)
[27336] Kotz, Ernst (2017) : Grammatik des Chasu
[14398] Mreta, Abel Yamwaka (1990) : The problem of Bantu linguistic affiliation: the case of Chasu, Kigweno, Kikahe and Kirombo
[14399] Mreta, Abel Yamwaka (1998) : An analysis of tense and aspect in Chasu: their form and meaning in the affirmative constructions
[14400] Mreta, Abel Yamwaka (2000) : The nature and effects of Chasu-Kigweno contact