199 langues concernées

16 titres trouvés

[25272]   Bostoen, Koen & Léon Mundeke (2011) : Passiveness and inversion in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC)
[26022]   Bostoen, Koen & Léon Mundeke (2011) : The causative/applicative syncretism in Mbuun (Bantu B87, DRC): Semantic split or phonemic merger?
[27238]   Bostoen, Koen & Léon Mundeke (2012) : Subject marking, object-verb order and focus in Mbuun (Bantu, B87)
[3546]   Bwantsa-Kafungu, S. Pierre & Achille Emiel Meeussen (1971) : Notes mbuum, non-publié
[24553]   Caron, Bernard (2002) : Notes de terrains sur les langues sud-Bauchi
[26236]   Di Carlo, Pierpaolo (2011) : Lower Fungom Linguistic Diversity and its Historical Development: Proposals from a Multidisciplinary Perspective
[26237]   Good, Jeff , Jesse Lovegren , Jean Patrick Mve , Carine Nganguep Tchiemouo , Rebecca Voll & Pierpaolo Di Carlo (2011) : The Languages of the Lower Fungom Region of Cameroon: Grammatical Overview
[7482]   Gowlett, Derek F. (1970) : Verbal extensions in Mbuunda
[9634]   Irvine, Janice Irene (1980) : Exploring the limits of structural semantics: analyses of the Buu kinship system and their social order
[24178]   Koelle, Sigismund Wilhelm (1963 [1854]) : Polyglotta africana, or a comparative vocabulary of nearly three hundred words and phrases in more than one hundred distinct African languages
[25966]   Koni Muluwa, Joseph (2010) : Plantes, animaux et champignons en langues bantu : Etude comparée de phytonymes, zoonymes et myconymes en nsong, ngong, mpiin, mbuun et hungan (Bandundu, RD Congo)
[26925]   Koni Muluwa, Joseph & Koen Bostoen (2015) : Lexique comparé des langues bantu du Kwilu (République démocratique du Congo) - Français – anglais – 21 langues bantu (B, C, H, K, L)
[12129]   Lewis, Ioan M. (1958) : The Gadabuursi Somali script
[27216]   Mundeke, Léon (2006) : Eléments de phonologie et de morphologie de la langue mbuun (B.87): approche structuraliste
[27237]   Mundeke, Léon (2011) : Etude morphosyntaxique de la langue mbuun (B87) (parler d’Elyob)
[27239]   Mundeke, Léon (1988) : Variation phonologique du mbuun