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7 titres trouvés

[742]   Andersen, Torben (1993) : Aspects of Berta phonology
[743]   Andersen, Torben (1993) : Verbal roots and verbal inflection in Berta
[746]   Andersen, Torben (1995) : Absolutive and nominative in Berta
[2083]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1989) : Berta lexicon
[3940]   Cerulli, Enrico (1947) : Three Berta dialects in western Ethiopia
[28751]   Starostin, George (2022) : The value of “triangulation” in determining phylogenetic relationship: On the areal and genetic connections of the Berta languages
[19936]   Triulzi, Alessandro , Atieb Dafallah & Marvin Lionel Bender (1976) : Berta