89 langues concernées

16 titres trouvés

[13083]   Basso Marques, João (1947) : Familiaridade idiomática entre Cobianas e Cassangas
[3494]   Burquest, Donald A. (1971) : A preliminary study of Angas phonology
[3495]   Burquest, Donald A. (1972) : A grammar of Angas
[3496]   Burquest, Donald A. (1977) : Angas
[3497]   Burquest, Donald A. (1978) : Semantic parametres in Angas kinship terminology
[24553]   Caron, Bernard (2002) : Notes de terrains sur les langues sud-Bauchi
[5929]   Ebermann, Erwin (1990) : Possessivsätze im Samo von Bangasoko (Burkina Faso)
[8958]   Hoffmann, Carl F. (1975?) : Towards a comparative phonology of the Angas-Goemai group
[10042]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1963) : On the ambiguous position of Angas
[10055]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1968/69) : Hausa, Ron and Angas: a comparative analysis of the aspect systems
[11273]   Kraft, Charles H. (Ed) (1981) : Chadic wordlists - Volume I (“Plateau-Sahel”)
[11352]   Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (Ed) (1977) : West African language data sheets 1
[11767]   Lax, Beverie Michaele (1986) : The West A-branch of the Chadic language family: a comparative study of Hausa, Sha, Angas, Karekare and Dera
[24565]   Lespinay, Charles de (1992) : Dictionnaire Baynunk (guñun-gujaxer-guhaca-gubòy)
[18446]   Shimizu, Kiyoshi (1974) : Towards Angas dialectology
[24335]   Takács, Gábor (2006) : Comparative Angas-Sura Phonology in the Light of the Comparative Dictionary of the Angas-Sura Languages