7 langues concernées

31 titres trouvés

[34]   Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : Tamazight verb structure: a generative approach
[35]   Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : A reference grammar of Tamazight: a comparative study of the Berber dialects of Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen (Middle Atlas), Morocco
[23361]   Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : A computerized lexicon of Tamazight: Berber dialect of Ayt Seghrouchen
[23362]   Abdel-Massih, Ernest T. (1971) : A course in spoken Tamazight: Berber dialects of Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen
[474]   Alalou, Ali (2003) : The pragmatics and syntax of deixis in Tamazight (Berber): the case of the morphemes ‘d’ and ‘nn’
[25908]   Ameur, Meftaha (2008) : Les contacts amazighe-arabe – Le cas des noms de nombre
[27559]   Ameur, Meftaha , Khalid Ansar , Abdellah Boumalk , Noura El Azrak , Rachid Laabdelaoui & Hamid Souifi (2017) : Dictionnaire général de la langue amazighe
[23355]   Belaid, Boudris (1993) : Tamawalt usegmi: vocabulaire de l’éducation français-tamazight
[2457]   Bisson, (1940) : Lecons de berbère tamazight
[859]   Boukhris, Fatima (1989) : Le verbe en tamazight: lexique et morphologie (parlers des Zemmours)
[25759]   Boukhris, Fatima (2010) : La variation morphosyntaxique en amazighe – position et ordre des pronoms clitiques
[25760]   Chakiri, Malika (2010) : La locution nominale en tamazighte, aspects morphologique et syntaxique
[21776]   Durand, Olivier (1998) : Lineamenti di lingua berbera: varietà tamazight del Marocco centrale
[25882]   El Aissati, Abderrahman (2008) : Status planning and corpus planning of Amazigh (Berber) in Morocco
[25917]   El Aissati, Abderrahman (2008) : Amazigh, Arabic and Dutch in contact on an Internet forum
[24877]   El Aissati, Abderrahman (ed) (2008) : The Amazigh Language at Home and at School. Perspectives on Oral Discourse Structure and Academic Language Skills
[25880]   El Aissati, Abderrahman (Ed) (2008) : The Amazigh Language at Home and at School. Perspectives on Oral Discourse Structure and Academic Language Skills
[25556]   El Kirat El Allame, Yamina (2012) : A diachronic and comparative analysis of spirantization in Amazigh – The case of the Beni Iznassen variety
[25666]   Ennaji, Moha (2011) : Le causatif en amazighe
[22463]   Hamimi, Gaya (1997) : Grammaire et conjugaison amazigh
[8258]   Harries, Jeanette (1971) : Verbless sentences and ‘verbs of being’ in Tamazight
[8260]   Harries, Jeanette (1974) : Tamazight basic course
[9919]   Johnson, Mary Jeanette (1966) : Syntactic structures of Tamazight
[25918]   Lafkioui, Mena (2008) : Identity construction through bilingual Amazigh-Dutch digital discourse
[18223]   Mouhoubi, Rabirha (1997) : A comparative study of a minority language for teaching purposes: Kabyl Tamazight as a case study
[16051]   Ouakrim, Mohamed (2001) : Promoting the maintenance of endangered languages through the Internet: the case of Tamazight
[16071]   Ouzzate, Hassan (1999) : Dashing Amazigh hopes to language school maintenance (abstract)
[22465]   Quitout, Michel (1997) : Grammaire berbère (rifain, tamazight, chleuh, kabyle)
[17711]   Saïb, Jilali (1976) : A phonological study of Tamazight Berber: dialects of the Ayt Ndhir
[19341]   Taïfi, Miloud (1991) : Dictionnaire tamazight-francais (parlers du Maroc central)
[25886]   Taifi, Miloud (2008) : Les lubrifiants discursifs à valeur modalisante en berbère (tamazight)