2 langues concernées
12 titres trouvés
[14817] Nakagawa, Hirosi (1995) : A preliminary report on the click accompaniments in |Gui
[14818] Nakagawa, Hirosi (1996) : A first report on the click accompaniments of |Gui
[14819] Nakagawa, Hirosi (1996) : An outline of |Gui phonology
[14820] Nakagawa, Hirosi (1996) : The stop system and “unmotivated” palatalization in |Gui and //Gana
[14822] Nakagawa, Hirosi (1998) : Unnatural palatalization in |Gui and //Gana?
[14825] Nakagawa, Hirosi (2004) : Some sociolinguistic aspects of |Gui communities
[15933] Ono, Hitomi (1996) : |Gui terms of address: rethinking avoidance/joking relationships in terms of their usage of the honorific plural
[25688] Ono, Hitomi (2010) : |Gui kinship verbs? Verbs and nouns in |Gui and linguistic differences found among its kinship terms
[19227] Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (1996) : Some methodological issues for the analysis of everyday conversations among the |Gui
[19228] Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (1997) : A name as a mnemonic device: an ethnographic study of personal names among the Central San (|Gui and //Gana)
[19229] Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (1998) : The ‘egalitarian’ attitude in everyday conversations among the |Gui
[19230] Sugawara, Kazuyoshi (2001) : Cognitive space concerning habitual thought and practice toward animals among the Central San (|Gui and //Gana): deictic/indirect cognition and prospective/retrospective intention