12 langues concernées

98 titres trouvés

[57]   Abdulaziz, Mohamed H. Mkilifi & Kenneth Osinde (1997) : Sheng and Engsh: development of mixed codes among the urban youth in Kenya
[534]   Alexandre, Pierre (1967) : Note sur la réduction du système des classes dans les langues véhiculaires a fonds bantu
[1061]   Asangama, Natisa (1988) : Mabadiliko ya kifonetiki ya *D ya Kibantu katika Kiswahili Sanifu na Kiswahili cha Zaire
[27189]   Barasa, Sandra Nekesa & Maarten Mous (2017) : Engsh, a Kenyan middle class youth language parallel to Sheng
[2636]   Blommaert, Jan (1998) : The other side of history: grassroots literacy and autobiography in Shaba, Congo
[2637]   Blommaert, Jan (1999) : Reconstructing the sociolinguistic image of Africa: grassroots writing in Shaba (Congo)
[24719]   Bosire, Mokaya (2006) : Hybrid Languages: The Case of Sheng
[26203]   Bosire, Mokaya (2009) : What Makes a Sheng Word Unique? Lexical Manipulation in Mixed Languages
[2909]   Bostoen, Koen (1997) : Het Shaba-Swahili: geschiedenis en bronne
[2911]   Bostoen, Koen (1999) : Katanga Swahili: the particular history of a language reflected in her structure
[2973]   Boucher, Evelyn (1983) : Développement du swahili en Afrique noire et recule de l’anglais dans le sud-est asiatique
[3793]   Carpaneto, G. M. & F. P. Germi (1989) : The mammals in the zoological culture of the Mbuti pygmies in north-eastern Zaïre
[5841]   Duran, James Joseph (1979) : Non-standard forms in Swahili in west-central Kenya
[22833]   Echessa, P. G. (1990) : A study of the word structure and processes involved in word formation in Sheng: a case study of the Eastlands area in Nairobi
[6412]   Fabian, Johannes (1982) : Schratching the surface: observations on the poetics of lexical borrowing in Shaba Swahili
[6414]   Fabian, Johannes (1986) : Simplicity on command: on pidginization of Swahili in Shaba (Zaire)
[6415]   Fabian, Johannes (1986) : Language and colonial power: the appropriation of Swahili in the former Belgian Congo 1880-1983
[6416]   Fabian, Johannes (1990) : History from below: the “vocabulary of Elisabethville” by André Tav - text, translations and interpretive essay
[6417]   Fabian, Johannes (1990) : Power and performance: ethnographic explorations through proverbal wisdom and theatre in Shaba, Zaïre
[6418]   Fabian, Johannes (1991) : Potopot: problems of documenting the history of spoken Swahili in Shaba
[6521]   Fee, Dan & Jacko Moga (1997) : Dictionary ya Sheng
[6546]   Ferrari, Aurélia (2004) : Le sheng: expansion et vernacularisation d’une variété urbaine hybride à Nairobi
[27544]   Ferrari, Aurélia , Marcel Kalunga & Georges Mulumbwa (2014) : Le swahili de Lubumbashi : Grammaire, Textes, Lexique
[7261]   Gilman, Charles (1979) : Convergence in Lingala and Zairian Swahili
[26113]   Githinji, Peter (2008) : Ambivalent Attitudes: Perception of Sheng and its Speakers
[26124]   Githinji, Peter (2006) : Bazes and Their Shibboleths: Lexical Variation and Sheng Speakers’ Identity in Nairobi
[7291]   Githiora, Chege (2002) : Sheng: peer language, Swahili dialect or emerging creole?
[7498]   Goyvaerts, Didiers L. (1986) : Le contexte historique de la naissance et de la diffusion du kingwana
[7502]   Goyvaerts, Didiers L. (1988) : Indoubil: a Swahili hybrid in Bukavu [with comments in Indu Bill by K. Kabongo-Mianda]
[7945]   Gysels, Marjolein (1992) : French in urban Lubumbashi Swahili: codeswitching, borrowing or both?
[8268]   Harris, Zellig Sabbetai & F. Lukoff (1942) : The phonemes of Kingwana Swahili
[8471]   Heine, Bernd (1968) : Afrikanische Verkehrssprachen
[8475]   Heine, Bernd (1970) : Status and use of African lingua francas
[8564]   Heine, Bernd (1991) : On the development of Kenya Pidgin Swahili
[17814]   Holm, John A. (1988/89) : Pidgins and creoles
[9340]   Hunter, W. F. (1959) : A manual of Congo Swahili grammar
[22543]   Kakule, M. K. (1977) : Les variantes régionales du swahili: région du Shaba
[10271]   Kalombo, Mbogho (1983) : The process of change in the languages of the Great Lakes area: the case of Lubumbashi Swahili
[22544]   Kalumbo, Mbogho (1983) : The process of change in the languages of the Great Lakes area: the case of Lubumbashi Kiswahili
[10280]   Kalunga, Mwela-Ubi (1979) : Le lexique du swahili standard face au lexique du swahili du Lubumbashi
[10390]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1990) : Language variation and language attitudes: a case study from Shaba Swahili
[10391]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1991) : Language variation and change: a case study of Shaba Swahili
[10393]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1993) : Shaba Swahili and the processes of linguistic contact
[10395]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (1998) : Impact of language variation and accommodation theory on language maintenance: an analysis of Shaba Swahili
[10396]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (2001) : Recreating a language: a socio-historical approach to the study of Shaba Swahili
[10397]   Kapanga, André Mwamba (2001) : A socio-historical linguistic approach to the study of Shaba Swahili: recreating the parent language
[26117]   King’ei, Kitula & John Kobia (2007) : Lugha Kama Kitambulisho: Changamoto ya Sheng Nchini Kenya
[10927]   Kitumboy, L. W. Hamis (1960) : Kiswahili usages, Congo Belge & Ruanda Urundi
[11481]   Kwon, Myong-Shik (1984) : Sprachliche Eigenheiten des Swahili von Shaba (Zaïre)
[11812]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1947) : Étude sur l’origine de suffixe ‘habituel’ -ka- en kingwana
[11813]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1948) : De l’influence des langues congolaises Bantu sur le Ki-Swahili
[11814]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1949) : La parenté terminologie en Ki-Ngwana
[11815]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1954) : Le Ngwana, variété du Swahili
[11816]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1955) : Vocabulaire ngwana
[11817]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1955) : La systéme de parenté des Ngwana
[11818]   Lecoste, Baudouin (1960) : A grammatical study of two recordings of Belgian-Congo Swahili
[12171]   Liesenborghs, O. (1938) : Wat is Kingwana?
[13289]   Mazrui, Alamin M. (1995) : Slang and codeswitching: the case of Sheng in Kenya
[13304]   Mbaabu, Ireri & Kibande Nzuga (2003) : Sheng-English dictionary: deciphering East Africa’s underworld language
[13439]   McWhorter, John H. (1999) : A creole by any other name: streamlining the terminology
[14452]   Mufwene, Salikoko S. (1989) : La créolisation en bantou: les cas du kituba, du lingala urbain et du swahili du Shaba
[14532]   Mukendi, Tshalu-Tshalu (1989) : Interprétation des emprunts swahili de Lubumbashi en luba-kasaayi (L31a)
[14666]   Mutonya, Mungai & Timothy H. Parsons (2004) : KiKAR: a Swahili variety in Kenya’s colonial army
[14744]   Myers-Scotton, Carol (1979) : The context is the message: morphological, syntactic and semantic reduction and deletion in Nairobi and Kampala varieties of Swahili
[14944]   Newell, H. W. (1933) : Unpublished notes on the Ki-Swahili as spoken by the K.A.R.
[22548]   Nkiko, Munya-Rugero & B. Kempf (1976) : Les variantes régionales du swahili
[22549]   Nkiko, Munya-Rugero & B. Kempf (1976) : Donées sur le dialecte swahili du Kivu
[15273]   Nkulu, Kabuya (1999) : The noun classes and concord of Congo Copperbelt Swahili
[15573]   Obeidat, Hussein Ali & N. Kapanga (1988) : The behavior of non-terms in Shaba Swahili: a relational approach
[22828]   Ogechi, Nathan Oyori (2005) : On lexicalization in Sheng
[22832]   Ogechi, Nathan Oyori (2002) : Trilingual codeswitching in Kenya: evidence from Ekegusii, Kiswahili, English and Sheng
[24799]   Ogechi, Nathan Oyori (2005) : Does Sheng have a Kiswahili grammar?
[22835]   Osinde, Kenneth (1986) : Sheng: an investigation into the social and structural aspects of an evolving language
[16634]   Polomé, Edgar C. (1968) : Lubumbashi Swahili
[16637]   Polomé, Edgar C. (1971) : The Katanga (Lubumbashi) Swahili Creole
[16638]   Polomé, Edgar C. (1971) : Multilingualism in an African urban centre: the Lubumbashi case
[16658]   Polomé, Edgar C. (1985) : Swahili in the Shaba region of Zaire
[17365]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1989) : Kazi/Kazhi: creatief gebruik van fonologische variatie als middel tot vormgeven en manipuleren van ‘situatie’ in een Shaba-Swahili text
[17366]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1991) : Code switching and style shifting as discourse strategies in Shaba Swahili
[17367]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1995) : Shaba Swahili
[17368]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1995) : The status and use of the French complementizer QUE in Shaba Swahili discourse: a structural-functionalist account
[17369]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1996) : Cohesion through contrast: discourse structure in Shaba Swahili/French conversations
[17370]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1997) : Shaba Swahili: partial creolization due to second language learning and substrate pressure
[17371]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (1998) : Problems of (re-)contextualizing and interpreting variation in oral and written Shaba Swahili
[17372]   Rooij, Vincent Aloysius de (2000) : French discourse markers in Shaba Swahili conversations
[17416]   Ross, Ren (1977) : Le swahili populaire de Lubumbashi
[17423]   Rossé, René (1977) : Le swahili populaire de Lubumbashi
[18052]   Schicho, Walter (1980) : Kiswahili von Lumumbasi: Sprachverwendung und Sprachwertung am Beispiel einer afrikanischen Gross-stadt
[18053]   Schicho, Walter (1982) : Syntax des Swahili von Lubumbashi
[18054]   Schicho, Walter (1988) : Tense vs aspect in Sango and Swahili of Lubumbashi
[18055]   Schicho, Walter (1990) : AUX, creole und Swahili von Lubumbashi
[18057]   Schicho, Walter (1992) : Non-acceptance and negation in the Swahili of Lubumbashi
[18464]   Shitemi, Naomi L. (2001) : Pidginization: Sheng, the melting-pot of the Kenyan languages and an anti-Babel development
[22836]   Spyropoulos, M. (1987) : Sheng: some preliminary investigation into a recently emerged Nairobi street language
[22834]   Sure, E. Kembo (1992) : The coming of Sheng
[20429]   Vitale, Anthony John (1980) : Kisetla: linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects of a Pidgin Swahili of Kenya
[22837]   Waithira, C. (2001) : A study of the structure of the youth jargons in Nairobi
[22734]   Yav, André (2001) : Vocabulaire de ville de Elisabethville: a history of Elisabethville from its beginning to 1965 [edited, translated, and commented by Johannes Fabian with the assistance from Kalundi Mango]