51 langues concernées
67 titres trouvés
[22208] [Anonymous] (1973) : Historia fupi ya lugha ya Kiiraqw [A short history of the Iraqw language]
[1815] Batibo, Herman M. (2000) : The linguistic situation of Tanzania
[2200] Berger, Paul (1938) : Die südlichsten Hamitensprachen Ostafrikas: Überblick über die vorläufigen Ergebnisse meiner linguistischen Forschungsreise 1934-36 in das abflusslose Gebiet Ostafrikas, II: die Iraku-Gruppe
[3132] Bradfield, M. (1977) : It in Iraqw: an analysis of the object selector series of the Iraqw verb
[3757] Carlin, Eithne B. & Maarten Mous (1995) : The “back” in Iraqw: extensions of meaning in space
[27894] Catling, Amy & Maarten Mous (2019) : Using a discourse adverb to correct expectations an analysis of mak in Iraqw: an analysis of mak in Iraqw
[4934] Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1978) : Inaccessibility and denotional nominal marking in Iraqw
[5600] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1972) : O proisxozdenii licnyx okoncanij glagolov v vostocnosidamskix i irakvskix jazykax
[5603] Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1973) : Glagolnye okonchaniia v vostochno-sidamskikh i irakvskikh iazykakh [Verb endings in the East Sidamo and Iraqw languages]
[6031] Ehret, Christopher (1980) : The historical reconstruction of southern Cushitic phonology and vocabulary
[6106] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1976) : Southern Cushitic
[6113] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1988) : A note on ? as a plural marker in Iraqw nouns
[6114] Elderkin, Edward Derek (1988) : Person and number markers in Iraqw verbs
[6118] Elderkin, Edward Derek & Josephat B. Maghway (1992) : Some West Rift roots
[6126] Elders, Stefan & Maarten Mous (1991) : The adverbial qo in Iraqw
[7650] Greenway, P. J. (1947) : A veterinary glossary of some tribal languages of Tanganyika Territory
[8529] Heine, Bernd (1982) : African noun class systems
[8519] Heine, Bernd (Ed) (1980) : The non-Bantu languages of Kenya
[8515] Heine, Bernd & Rainer Vossen (1980) : Language structures in Kenya
[9203] Hulst, Harry van der & Maarten Mous (1992) : Transparent consonants
[10756] Kiessling, Roland (1988) : Die Selektor-Kategorie im Iraqw. ihre Funktion bei der PErsonalmarkierung im Satz
[10757] Kiessling, Roland (1989) : Die Rolle der Selektoren im Iraqw
[10758] Kiessling, Roland (1990) : Preverbal position as a cradle of grammatical innovation in Iraqw
[10760] Kiessling, Roland (1995) : Mainland Kiswahili used as a lingua franca in the Rift Valley area of Tanzania in 1935
[10761] Kiessling, Roland (1996) : Verbal inflectional suffixes in the West Rift group of southern Cushitic
[11080] Kohl-Larsen, Ludwig (1943) : Auf den Spuren des Vormenschen: Forshungen, Fahrten und Erlebnisse ind Deutsch-Ostafrika (Deutsche Afrika-Expedition 1934-1936 und 1937-1939)
[11113] Kooij, Jan & Maarten Mous (2002) : Incorporation: a comparison between Iraqw and Dutch
[27455] Kruijt, Anne (2018) : The use of the ablative clitic in locative phrases in Iraqw, a Cushitic language of Tanzania
[11773] Leatherman, K. (1950) : Unpublished notes on the structure of the Mbulu /Iraqw/ language
[11873] Legère, Karsten (1988) : Bantu and southern Cushitic: the impact of Kiswahili on Iraqw
[11903] Legère, Karsten (2000) : “... are not fully involved...”: language knowledge and language use among the Barabaig and Iraqw
[25419] Maarten Mous and Martha Qorro (2008) : The Evidential Adverb hhóo in Iraqw
[12703] Maghway, Josephat B. (1983) : Iraqw vocabulary
[12704] Maghway, Josephat B. (1989) : Iraqw vocabulary
[12705] Maghway, Josephat B. (1989) : A vocabulary of Iraqw
[12707] Maghway, Josephat B. (1995) : Some salient linguistic features of an Iraqu narrative text
[12708] Maghway, Josephat B. (1995) : Annotated Iraqw lexicon
[12754] Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[22571] Meillet, Antoine & Marcel Cohen (1924) : Groupe nilo-équatorien (26 langues)
[14274] Mous, Maarten (1993) : A grammar of Iraqw
[14278] Mous, Maarten (2000) : Ka baby kabbiyo: riddling in Iraqw
[22690] Mous, Maarten (2004) : The grammar of conjunctive and disjunctive coordination in Iraqw
[27799] Mous, Maarten (2020) : Iraqw
[14277] Mous, Maarten & Martha P. Qorro (2000) : The middle voice in Iraqw
[26013] Mous, Maarten & Martha Qorro (2010) : The syntactic function of a scope marking suffix in Iraqw
[14282] Mous, Maarten , Martha P. Qorro & Roland Kiessling (2002) : Iraqw-English dictionary, with an English and a thesaurus index
[15299] Nordbustad, Fröydis (1988) : Iraqw grammar: an analytical study of the Iraqw language
[16436] Pflug, Felicitas (1989) : Die pronominale Funktion des Selektors in der Iraqw-Sprache
[16650] Polomé, Edgar C. (1980) : The languages of Tanzania
[16961] Qorro, Martha P. (1982) : Tense and aspect of the English and Iraqw verb
[17135] Reh, Mechthild (1999) : ‘Body’, ‘back’ and ‘belly’ - or: On the antonyms of ‘inside’ and their conceptual sources
[22717] Rottland, Franz & Maarten Mous (2001) : Datooga and Iraqw: a comparison of subsistence vocabulary
[17557] Rubagumya, Cashmir M. (1990) : Language in Tanzania
[17825] Sands, Bonny [Eva] (1995) : Evaluating claims of distant linguistic relationships: the case of Khoisan
[17829] Sands, Bonny [Eva] (1998) : Comparison and classification of Khoisan languages
[17830] Sands, Bonny [Eva] (1998) : Eastern and southern African Khoisan: evaluating claims of distant linguistic relationship
[17831] Sands, Bonny [Eva] (2001) : Borrowing and diffusion as a source of lexical similarities in Khoesan
[25400] Takács, Gábor (Ed) (2008) : Semito-Hamitic festschrift for A.B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr
[20033] Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1956) : Far eastern section: Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[20035] Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[27914] Van Pinxteren, Bert (2020) : Is Iraqw an easy language to learn?
[20320] Verhoeven, Pierre (1926) : Grammaire iraqw
[20602] Wada, Shohei (1973) : Iraku go kiso goi suwahiri go taisho [Iraqw basic vocabulary, with Swahili equivalents]
[21049] Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1953) : Studies in Iraqw: an introduction
[21059] Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1958) : A short description of item categories in Iraqw, with material on Gorowa, Alagwa and Burunge
[21066] Whiteley, Wilfred Howell (1960) : The verbal radical in Iraqw
[21685] Zaborski, Andrzej (1975) : The verb in Cushitic