8 langues concernées
13 titres trouvés
[2582] Blench, Roger M. (1999) : Are the African pygmies an ethnographic fiction?
[3236] Brenzinger, Matthias (1992) : Patterns of language shift in East Africa
[8501] Heine, Bernd (1976/77) : Bemerkungen zur Boni-Sprache (Kenia)
[8506] Heine, Bernd (1978) : The Sam languages: a history of Rendille, Boni and Somali
[8535] Heine, Bernd (1982) : Language and history of the Boni
[8532] Heine, Bernd (Ed) (1982) : Boni dialects
[17262] Rilling, Art (1986) : The Boni/Dahalo report
[17883] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1979) : Entlehnung morphophonemischer Regeln im Boni
[17889] Sasse, Hans-Jürgen (1981) : ‘Basic word order’ and functional sentence perspective in Boni
[18796] Sommer, Gabi [Gabriele] (1992) : A survey on language death in Africa
[19779] Tosco, Mauro (1993) : Boni, Karre, Digil: uno sguardo comparativo
[20052] Tucker, Archibald Norman (1969) : Sanye und Boni
[21685] Zaborski, Andrzej (1975) : The verb in Cushitic