47 langues concernées

72 titres trouvés

[1516]   Banti, Giorgio (1998) : Saho
[2595]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1967) : Selected problems in noun morphology in the Aussa dialect of ‘Afar
[2596]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1969) : ‘Afar nominals
[2598]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1970) : The lexicon, a key to culture; with illustrations from ‘Afar word lists
[2599]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1973) : Notes on the reconstruction of the glottal stop in the Aussa dialect of ‘Afar
[2600]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1975) : ‘Afar vowel dissimilation: a problem in rule ordering
[2601]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1976) : Afar
[2602]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1976) : Proportional relations and synchronic developments in ‘Afar morphology
[2603]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1977) : A generative grammar study of Afar
[2604]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1980) : Amharic interference in ‘Afar translation
[2606]   Bliese, Loren Frecerick (1981) : A generative grammar of Afar
[3926]   Cerulli, Enrico (1929/30) : Le stazioni lunari nelle nozioni astronomiche dei Somali e dei Danakil
[4027]   Chedeville, Edouard (1951/54) : Noms de parenté en afar-saho
[4028]   Chedeville, Edouard (1954/57) : La formation des noms propres en afar
[4356]   Colby, James (1961) : Danakil grammar (Lessons 1-16)
[4358]   Colby, James (1970) : Notes on the northern dialect of the ‘Afar language
[4357]   Colby, James & Enid M. Parker (1967) : Afar pedagogical grammar (lessons 1-16)
[5611]   Dolgopolʼskij, Aron B. (1999) : On the origin of the Hebrew nota accusativi ?et-?Et and the t-accusative in Akkadian, Agaw and Saho
[8358]   Hayward, Richard J. (1974) : The segmental phonemes of ‘Afar
[8361]   Hayward, Richard J. (1976) : Categories of the predicator in Afar, with special reference to the grammar of radical extensions
[8362]   Hayward, Richard J. (1978) : The stative conjugation in ‘Afar
[8364]   Hayward, Richard J. (1978) : The prefix conjugation in Afar
[8367]   Hayward, Richard J. (1979) : Some inferences from an irregular imperative form in Saho
[8369]   Hayward, Richard J. (1980) : Participles in ‘Afar: evidence for the restructuring of verb suffixes
[8374]   Hayward, Richard J. (1983) : Some aspects of the phonology of ultimate vowels in Saho-‘Afar
[8393]   Hayward, Richard J. (1991) : Tone and accent in the Qafar noun
[8396]   Hayward, Richard J. (1992) : Underspecification theory in the analysis of the feminine genitive in Qafar
[8400]   Hayward, Richard J. (1996) : Compounding in Qafar
[8403]   Hayward, Richard J. (1997) : External sandhi in the Saho noun phrase
[8384]   Hayward, Richard J. & Greville G. Corbett (1988) : Resolution rules in Qafar
[8394]   Hayward, Richard J. & Martin Orwin (1991) : The prefix conjugation in Qafar-Saho: the survival and revival of a paradigm ; part 1
[8979]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1976) : Zur Pluralbildung mit Vokalwechsel im Saho-Afar und in der Nandi-Gruppe
[22485]   Kamil, Mohamed Hassan (2004) : Parlons afar: langue et culture
[10607]   Keany, J. (1953) : Simple Saho
[12030]   Leslau, Wolf (1959) : The languages of Ethiopia and their geographical distribution
[12088]   Leslau, Wolf (1997) : Arabic and Amharic loanwords in Afar
[12235]   Locker, Ernst (1966) : L’afar e il somalo
[12432]   Luc, [Frère] (1967) : Grammaire ‘afar
[12433]   Lucas, Maurice (1935) : Renseignements ethnographiques et linguistiques sur les Danakils de Tadjourah
[12717]   Mahaffy, Francis E. (1940) : An outline of the phonemics and morphology of the Afar (Dankali) language
[13530]   Mehari Daniel (1984) : The morphophonemics of the noun and verb in Saho
[10683]   Morin, Didier (2004) : Approche systématique des pronoms en afar
[14108]   Morin, Didier (1977) : Le nom en afar du sud
[14109]   Morin, Didier (1979) : Proposition pour la transcription de l’Afar
[14110]   Morin, Didier (1984) : A propos des emprunts a l’arabe et au français en afar et en somali a djibouti
[14111]   Morin, Didier (1986) : Typologie grammaticale du couchitique: le cas de l’afar et du somali
[14112]   Morin, Didier (1988) : Le problème de l’infinitif en afar
[14115]   Morin, Didier (1994) : Dialectologie de l’afar-saho
[14116]   Morin, Didier (1995) : Des paroles douces comme la soie: introduction aux contes dans l’aire couchitique (bedja, afar, saho, somali)
[24448]   Morin, Didier (2005) : Prosodie du texte de style oral, lʼexemple dʼune langue accentuelle: lʼafar
[24461]   Morin, Didier (2005) : Progressivité, simultanéité, antériorité en afar-saho
[26280]   Morin, Didier (2012) : Dictionnaire afar-français
[16212]   Parker, Enid M. (1967) : Afar pedagogical grammar (lessons 17-36)
[16214]   Parker, Enid M. (1973/74) : ‘Afar-English dictionary: class I-III verbs
[16216]   Parker, Enid M. (1979) : Prerequisities for an adequate lexicography of ‘Afar
[16217]   Parker, Enid M. (1981) : An English-‘Afar phrase book
[16215]   Parker, Enid M. & L. M. Munro (1974) : An English-‘Afaraf language phrase book
[16219]   Parker, Enid M. & Richard J. Hayward (1985) : An Afar-English-French dictionary (with grammatical notes in English)
[16555]   Plazikowsky-Brauner, Herma & Ewald Wagner (1953) : Studien zur Sprache der Irob
[17410]   Rosen, Björn von (1953) : Game animals of Ethiopia: a short guide for hunters and animal lovers, illustrated and giving the names of each animal in the principal Ethiopian languages
[18427]   Shifare Rufael (2001) : Verb phrase in simple sentences of Saho
[23534]   Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude (2001) : Les langues en Erythrée
[18580]   Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude , Martine Vanhove & Makki Houmedgaba (2000) : La focalisation en afar
[25400]   Takács, Gábor (Ed) (2008) : Semito-Hamitic festschrift for A.B. Dolgopolsky and H. Jungraithmayr
[20247]   Vanhove, Martine (2000) : Notes sur les verbes statifs en afar de Tadjoura (Djibouti)
[25428]   Vergari, Moreno (2008) : How to Express “Adjectives” in Saho
[24616]   Vergari, Moreno & Roberta Vergari (2003) : A basic Saho-English-Italian dictionary, with an English-Saho Index and Grammatical Notes (by Giorgio Banti and Moreno Vergari)
[26263]   Vergari, Moreno & Roberta Vergari (2007) : A basic Saho-English-Italian dictionary
[20849]   Welmers, William Everrett (1952) : Notes on the structure of Saho
[21685]   Zaborski, Andrzej (1975) : The verb in Cushitic
[21701]   Zaborski, Andrzej (1987) : ‘Afar-Saho linguistics: an overview
[21716]   Zaborski, Andrzej (1996) : Notes on ‘Afar verse structure