5 langues concernées
14 titres trouvés
[5707] Drewes, A. J. (1960) : Le type verbal k’atala en gurage oriental
[28055] Faust, Noam (2019) : Minding the Gaps in the Wolane Verbal System
[7909] Gutt, Eeva H. M. & Hussein Mohammed (1994) : [Something on Silt’e (Gurage)]
[7910] Gutt, Eeva H. M. , Hussein Mohammed & Ernst-August Gutt (1996) : Silt’e-Amharic-English dictionary
[7906] Gutt, Ernst-August (1983) : Studies in the phonology of Silte
[7907] Gutt, Ernst-August (1985) : A multi-tiered approach to Silt’i verb morphology
[7908] Gutt, Ernst-August (1988) : Toward an analysis of pragmatic connectives in Silt’i
[7911] Gutt, Ernst-August (1997) : The Silte group (East Gurage)
[8700] Hetzron, Robert (1969) : Two notes on Semitic laryngeals in East Gurage
[12053] Leslau, Wolf (1968) : Toward a classification of the Gurage dialects
[27570] Meyer, Ronny (2006) : Wolane: descriptive grammar of an East Gurage Language
[17097] Rawda Siraj (1983) : Silti verb conjugation
[19336] Tahsas Kebebew (1986) : The structure of the simple affirmative sentences in Silti
[21586] Yekatit Getachew (2003) : Problems on the transformation of Silti language from vernacular to medium of instruction