10 langues concernées

32 titres trouvés

[22306]   [Anonymous] (1984) : Annotated bibliography of the Ethiopian languages
[2048]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1975) : The Ethiopian Nilo-Saharans
[2049]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1975) : Towards a lexicostatistic classification of Ethiopian languages
[2070]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1983) : Remnant languages of Ethiopia and Sudan
[2071]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1983) : Proto-Koman phonology and lexicon
[2073]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1985) : Gumuz, Koman, Mao and Omotic
[2102]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1996) : The Nilo-Saharan languages: a comparative essay
[2106]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1997) : The Nilo-Saharan languages: a comparative essay
[2065]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (Ed) (1981) : Peoples and cultures of the Ethio-Sudan borderlands
[3390]   Bryan, Margaret Arminel (1975) : The I- and U-coloration syndrome: an excercise in morphotypology
[3493]   Burns, S. J. (1947) : Unpublished notes towards a grammar of the Koma language
[4554]   Corfield, F. D. (1938) : The Koma
[6376]   Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan (1932) : Ethnological observations in Dar Fung
[7781]   Grottanelli, Vinigi L. (1945) : Acconciatura e vestiario dei koma al confine etiopico-sudanese
[7782]   Grottanelli, Vinigi L. (1946) : Materiali di lingua coma
[8528]   Heine, Bernd , Thilo C. Schadeberg & H. Ekkehard Wolff (Ed) (1981) : Die Sprachen Afrikas. Bd 3: Nilosaharanisch
[9184]   Hudson, Grover (1999) : Linguistic analyses of the 1994 Ethiopian census
[9777]   James, Wendy R. (1981) : Ethnic terms and ambiguities on the Sudan-Ethiopia border
[9886]   Jernudd, Björn H. (1979) : The language survey of Sudan
[10087]   Jungraithmayr, Herrmann (1981) : Langues du Soudan oriental du nord: tableau d’ensemble
[12030]   Leslau, Wolf (1959) : The languages of Ethiopia and their geographical distribution
[22573]   Meillet, Antoine & Marcel Cohen (1924) : Groupe nilo-abyssinien (15 langues)
[29138]   Otero, Manuel (2018) : Directional verb morphology in Ethiopian Komo
[26842]   Otero, Manuel A. (2015) : [+ATR] Dominant Vowel Harmony Except When It's Not? Evidence from Ethiopian Komo
[27545]   Otero, Manuel A. (2015) : Tta Komo Tta Gozom Tta Ingilizi Dɨkshenerɨ - Komo-Amharic-English Dictionary
[28512]   Otero, Manuel A. (2020) : A Historical Reconstruction of the Koman Language Family
[28980]   RWC Workshop (eds.) (2015) : Komo – English Dictionary
[17957]   Schadeberg, Thilo C. , Norbert Cyffer , Inge Hofmann & Franz Rottland (1981) : Nilosaharanisch
[18521]   Siebert, Ralph , Kati Siebert & Klaus Wedekind (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey report on languages of the Asosa-Begi-Komosha area
[27889]   Smolders, Joshua A.G. (2019) : Nominal and verbal number in Bilugu Opo
[20183]   Unseth, Peter (1990) : Linguistic bibliography of the non-Semitic languages of Ethiopia
[27020]   van Silfhout, Marijke (2013) : Opuo - Towards a Phonology