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8 titres trouvés
[24956] Amargira, Adelino (2006) : Derivational Forms and the Nature of Modifiers in Tennet
[25552] Amargira, Adelino (2012) : The function of tone in the Tennet language
[5414] Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1983) : Tenet (Surma): ein Fall partiellen Sprachwechsels
[17029] Randal, Scott (1995) : Nominal morphology in Tennet
[17030] Randal, Scott (1998) : A grammatical sketch of Tennet
[17031] Randal, Scott (2000) : Does Tennet have postpositions?
[17032] Randal, Scott (2000) : Tennet’s ergative origins
[18796] Sommer, Gabi [Gabriele] (1992) : A survey on language death in Africa