16 langues concernées

54 titres trouvés

[1514]   Banti, Giorgio (1993) : Noterelle sui sistemi di numerali nell’Africa nord-orientale
[1862]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1981) : Lango: some morphological changes in verb paradigm
[1863]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1982) : Aspects of morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1864]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] (1983) : Morphological and syntactic divergence in Lango and Acholi
[1861]   Bavin, Edith L. [Woock] & Michael [Paul] Noonan (1979) : Vowel harmony in Lango
[26367]   Bong, Caesar Ongorwo , Paul Ahatar Gilbert , Valente Otwari Ladu , Achaha Samuel Nartisio , Philip Horiho Odingo & Timothy M. Stirtz (2014) : Lopit-English Dictionary
[29085]   Carollo, Bruno (1991) : A Practical Lango Grammar and Dictionary
[4261]   Clifton, John M. (1975) : Nonsegmental tone in Lango
[4295]   Coates, Heather (1985) : Otuho phonology and orthography
[4679]   Crazzolara, Joseph Pasquale (1960) : Notes on the Lango-Miru and on the Labwoor and Nyakwai
[4829]   Czekanowski, Jan (1924) : Forshungen im Nil-Kongo-Zwischengebiet, Bd 2: Ethnographie Uele/Ituri/Nil-lander
[5722]   Driberg, Jack H. (1923) : The Lango: a Nilotic tribe of Uganda
[5724]   Driberg, Jack H. (1932) : Lotuko dialects
[5863]   Dwyer, David J. (1983) : The analysis of tone in Acholi, Luo and Lango
[7856]   Gulliver, Philip Hugh (1951) : The name ‘Lango’ as a title for the Nilo-Hamites
[8981]   Hohenberger, Johannes (1979) : Hamito-semitische Wortstämme im Bari und Lotuho, sowie in verwandten Sprachen
[9348]   Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1929) : Studies in Nandi etymology
[28989]   Ladu, Valente Otwari , Achaha Samuel Nartisio , Caesar Ongorwo Bong , Philip Oriho Odingo , John Kerim Fabiano , Paul Ahatar Gilbert & Tim Stirtz (2015) : Lopit – English Dictionary
[12634]   Maddieson, Ian , Timothy Shopen & Betty Jenny Okello (1974) : Lango tonology, suprasegmentals and paradigms
[12799]   Majors, Diane Richart (1993) : An analysis of intransitive/transitive Lango pairs using Localist Case Grammar
[22571]   Meillet, Antoine & Marcel Cohen (1924) : Groupe nilo-équatorien (26 langues)
[27042]   Moodie, Jonathan (2017) : Number marking in Lopit, an Eastern Nilotic language
[27406]   Moodie, Jonathan (2017) : Conditional constructions in Lopit, an Eastern Nilotic language
[29135]   Moodie, Jonathan (2018) : Lopit verb morphology – an introduction
[28203]   Moodie, Jonathan & Rosey Billington (2020) : A Grammar of Lopit: An Eastern Nilotic Language of South Sudan
[14584]   Muratori, Fr. Carlo (1938) : Grammatica lotuxo
[14585]   Muratori, Fr. Carlo (Ed) (1948) : English-Bari-Lotuxo-Acoli vocabulary
[26804]   Noonan, Michael (2013) : Linguistic Materials of Lango
[15293]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] (1981) : Lango syntax
[15294]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] (1981) : “tê” and the structure of Lango narrative discourse
[15296]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] (1992) : A grammar of Lango
[15291]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] & Edith L. [Woock] Bavin (1978) : The passive analog in Lango
[15292]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] & Edith L. [Woock] Bavin (1978) : The semantic basis of complementation in Lango
[15295]   Noonan, Michael [Paul] & Edith L. [Woock] Bavin (1981) : Parataxis in Lango
[15775]   Okello, Betty Jenny (1975) : Some phonological and morphological processes in Lango
[16997]   Raglan, [Lord] (1922) : The Lotuko language
[16998]   Raglan, [Lord] (1926) : Some roots common to the Turkana, Lotuko and Bari languages
[16999]   Raglan, [Lord] (1929) : The influence of environment on language
[17129]   Reh, Mechthild (1986) : Were have all the prefixes gone?
[17137]   Reh, Mechthild (2002) : Multilingual reading and writing practices in Uganda among Lango/Ateso and Luganda speakers
[17139]   Reh, Mechthild (2004) : Multilingual writing: a reader-oriented typology with examples from Lira Municipality (Uganda)
[17836]   Santandrea, Stefano (1948) : Bibliografia di studi africani della Missione dell’Africa Centrale
[18796]   Sommer, Gabi [Gabriele] (1992) : A survey on language death in Africa
[26366]   Stirtz, Timothy M. (2014) : ’Bëlï Phonology, Tone and Orthography
[19109]   Stoneham, H. F. & [Lord] Raglan (1931) : East African languages, with a reply from Lord Raglan - Correspondence to the editor
[19203]   Struck, Bernhard (1928) : A bibliography for the languages of southern Sudan
[19401]   Tarantino, A. G. (1938) : English-Acoli-Lango-Kiswahili pocket dictionary
[20037]   Tucker, Archibald Norman (1958) : Some problems of junction in Lango
[20035]   Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[20336]   Verri, Sisto (1950) : Saggio di comparazione lessicale fra il cunama e le lingue bari e lotuxo
[28014]   Voßen, Rainer (2017) : On the reconstruction of Proto-LOTUKO obstruents
[20738]   Watson, K. (1974) : Identity deletion phenomena in Lango
[20973]   Westermann, Diedrich (1944) : Das Oxoriok: eine sprachliche Skizze
[21478]   Woolford, Ellen (1991) : Two subject positions in Lango