4 langues concernées
14 titres trouvés
[26542] Ackerman, Farrell & John Moore (2013) : Objects in Moro
[2480] Black, K. & Mrs K. Black (1971) : The Moro language: grammar and dictionary
[24746] Gibbard, George , Hannah Rohde & Sharon Rose (2009) : Moro Noun Class Morphology
[26569] Ille, Enrico (2013) : Some linguistic expressions related to agricultural annual cycles in the Nuba Mountains (Miri, Krongo, Moro, Tira, Abol)
[26541] Jenks, Peter (2013) : Noun phrases in Moro
[28121] Jenks, Peter (2020) : Verbal and verbless copular clauses in Moro
[28125] Lamoureaux, Siri (2020) : Ethnic nationalism and gendered morality in the semiotic construction of the Moro language of Sudan
[28117] Naser, Angelo Ali & Sharon Rose (2020) : Ideophones in Moro
[26543] Naser, Angelo Ngaloka (2013) : Moro literacy education and language development
[26844] Ritchart, Amanda & Sharon Rose (2015) : Schwas in Moro Vowel Harmony
[26540] Rose, Sharon (2013) : The morphological structure of the Moro verb
[27370] Rose, Sharon , Farrell Ackerman , George Gibbard , Peter Jenks , Laura Kertz & Hannah Rohde (2014) : In-situ and ex-situ wh-question constructions in Moro
[18272] Scruggs, Terri R. (1980) : Notes on African linguistics
[26172] Strabone, Andrew & Sharon Rose (2012) : Morphophonological Properties of Moro Causatives