59 langues concernées
20 titres trouvés
[1956] Becker-Donner, Etta (1940) : Die Sprache der Mano
[1958] Becker-Donner, Etta (1965) : Die Sprache der Mano
[24558] Delafosse, Maurice (1904) : Vocabulaires comparatifs de plus de soixante langues ou dialectes africains, parlés à la Côte dʼIvoire et dans les régions limitrophes, avec des notes linguistiques et ethnologiques, une bibliographie, et une carte
[5253] Dezeeuw, Peter [Howard] & Rexanna Kruah (1981) : A learner directed approach to Mano: a handbook on communication and culture with dialogs, texts, cultural notes, exercises, drills, and instructions
[25487] Khachaturyan, Maria (2011) : Le système prédicatif du mano de Guinée
[26908] Khachaturyan, Maria (2015) : Grammaire du mano
[27315] Khachaturyan, Maria (2012) : Lexique Mano
[27495] Khachaturyan, Maria (2017) : Bound noun plus verb combinations in Mano
[27500] Khachaturyan, Maria (2018) : A sketch of dialectal variation in Mano
[28183] Khachaturyan, Maria (2021) : Bridging caught in a crossfire: The marker of situated definiteness in Mano and language contact
[28208] Khachaturyan, Maria (2020) : A typological portrait of Mano, Southern Mande
[28209] Khachaturyan, Maria (2011) : Система глагольного спряжения языка мано (System of verbal conjugation in Mano)
[28210] Khachaturyan, Maria () : Reflexivity in Mano
[28212] Khachaturyan, Maria (2020) : Common ground in demonstrative reference: the case of Mano (Mande)
[28233] Khachaturyan, Maria (2011) : Предикативная система в мано, южные манде. Элицидация и корпусная проверка (Predicative system in Mano. Elicitation and corpus verification)
[28234] Khachaturyan, Maria (2014) : Категория именного числа в мано, южные манде. Вопросы языкознания (Category of nominal number in Mano, South Mande)
[28235] Khachaturyan, Maria (2014) : Семантика кванторных слов в мано, южные манде (Semantics of quantifiers in Mano, South Mande)
[28260] Khachaturyan, Maria (2019) : The aorist and the perfect in Mano
[28273] Khachaturyan, Maria (2014) : Grammaire de la langue mano (mandé-sud) dans une perspective typologique
[28213] Khachaturyan, Maria & Maria Konoshenko (2020) : Assessing (a)symmetry in multilingualism: The case of Mano and Kpelle in Guinea