2 langues concernées
7 titres trouvés
[27156] Brindle, Jonathan (2017) : A dictionary and grammatical outline of Chakali
[27690] Brindle, Jonathan A. (2015) : Why is Chakali still spoken?
[24744] Brindle, Jonathan Allen (2009) : On the Identification of Noun Class and Gender Systems in Chakali
[27471] Brindle, Jonathan Allen (2015) : The multiple senses of sÉ” in Sigu
[26152] Brindle, Jonathan Allen & Samuel Awinkene Atintono (2012) : A Comparative Study of Topological Relation Markers in Two Gur Languages: GurenÉ› and Chakali
[17146] Reimer, Jean & Regina Blass (1975) : Chakali survey report
[19733] Tompkins, Barbara & Angela Kluge (2002) : Sociolinguistic survey of the Chakali language area