64 langues concernées
9 titres trouvés
[23634] Allan, Edward Jay (1973) : A grammar of Buem, the Lelemi language
[24484] Allan, Edward Jay (1977 [1973]) : Buem
[23559] Fiedler, Ines & Anne Schwarz (2005) : Out-of-focus encoding in Gur and Kwa
[26694] Fiedler, Ines & Anne Schwarz (2009) : Focal aspects in the Lelemi verb system
[8529] Heine, Bernd (1982) : African noun class systems
[9139] Höftmann, Hildegard (1971) : The structure of Lelemi language, with text and glossary
[11336] Kropp Dakubu, Mary Esther (1967) : Lefana, Akpafu and Avatime, with English gloss
[17267] Ring, James Andrew (1995) : Lelemi tone
[25287] Rongier, Jacques (2003) : Documents lexicaux donnés au LLACAN par l’auteur