6 langues concernées
10 titres trouvés
[1157] Awonusi, Victor O. (1982) : Linguistic interaction in a bilingual society: the case of western Nigeria
[3695] Capo, Hounkpatin C. (1985) : On the high non-expanded vowels in Yoruboid
[3696] Capo, Hounkpatin C. (1985) : Prelude to the relationship between Gbe and Yoruboid
[3701] Capo, Hounkpatin C. (1989) : Defoid
[8853] Hintze, Ursula (1959) : Bibliographie der Kwa-Sprachen und der Sprachen der Togo-Restvölker
[28370] Ilọri, Fọlọrunṣọ (2017) : Interrogative Projections in Yoruboid Languages
[15717] Ohirí-Aníche, Chinyere (1991) : A comparative phonology of consonants in the Igboid, Edoid and the Yoruboid languages of Nigeria
[15850] Olmsted, David L. (1953) : Comparative notes on Yoruba and Lucumi
[19363] Talbot, P. Amaury (1926) : The peoples of southern Nigeria: a sketch of their history, ethnology and languages, with an abstract of the 1921 census, 4: linguistics and statistics
[20727] Warner-Lewis, Maureen (1996) : Trinidad Yoruba: from mother tongue to memory