9 langues concernées
50 titres trouvés
[23880] Agha-ah, Chiatoh Blasius (1993) : The noun class system of Mmen
[23878] Agha, Grace Beh (1987) : Phonology of Mmen
[26724] Akumbu, Pius W. (2011) : Tone in Kejom (Babanki) associative construction
[28237] Akumbu, Pius W. (2019) : A featural analysis of mid and downstepped high tone in Babanki
[28764] Akumbu, Pius W. & Roland Kießling (2022) : The role of the Babanki noun phrase-final enclitic class marker
[28863] Akumbu, Pius W. & Roland Kießling (2022) : The Lexical Semantics of Verbs in the Babanki Food Domain
[23830] Akumbu, Pius Wuchu (1999) : Nominal phonological processes in Babanki
[27427] Akumbu, Pius Wuchu (2015) : Babanki verb tone
[25503] Akumbu, Pius Wuchu & Evelyn Fogwe Chibaka (2012) : A Pedagogic Grammar of Babanki – a Grassfields Language of Northwest Cameroon
[23879] Bangha, George F. (2003) : The Mmen noun phrase
[26132] Blood, Cynthia L. (1999) : The Oku noun class system
[26134] Blood, Cynthia L. & Leslie K. Davis (compiled by) (1999) : Oku - English Provisional Lexicon
[3349] Bruens, A. (1942/45) : The structure of Nkom and its relations to Bantu and Sudanic
[3393] Brye, Edward (2001) : Rapid appraisal socioinguistic research among the Babanki: ALCAM [824] (Mezam Division, Northwest Province)
[3383] Chia, Emmanuel L. (1983) : The expression of location in Kom
[3384] Chia, Emmanuel L. (1984) : Guide to the Kom alphabet
[28019] Chie, Esther P. (2019) : Evidence for the existence of a phonological and an intonational domain in Babanki
[23831] Chie, Esther Phubon (2002) : Phonology of the Babanki verb
[22882] Davis, Leslie K. (1992) : A segmental phonology of the Oku language
[26133] Davis, Leslie K. (1997) : Tone in the Oku Noun and Verb
[7258] Gilligan, Gary M. (1985) : Autosegmental Babanki
[9448] Hyman, Larry Michael (1979) : Tonology of the Babanki noun
[9453] Hyman, Larry Michael (1980) : Babanki and the Ring group
[23252] Hyman, Larry Michael (2005) : Initial vowel and prefix tone in Kom: related to the Bantu augment?
[9541] Idiata [Mayombo], Daniel Franck & Gabriel Mba (Ed) (2003) : Studies on voice through verbal extensions in nine Bantu languages spoken in Cameroon, Gabon, DRC and Rwanda
[9988] Jones, Randy (2001) : Provisional Kom-English lexicon
[11628] Lamberty, Melinda (2002) : A sociolinguistic survey of Bum (Boyo Division, North West Province)
[23863] Loh, Christopher Njuakom (2001) : Tonological processes in the Kom verb phrase
[13298] Mba, Gabriel & Blasius Agha-ah Chiatoh (2003) : Verbal extensions in Kom
[28706] Möller, Mirjam (2016) : The noun class system in Mmen: A center Ring Grassfields Bantu language
[28710] Möller, Mirjam (2012) : The noun and verb in Mmen - a Center Ring Grassfields Bantu language
[28719] Möller, Mirjam (2014) : Nominal Tone in Mmen - A Grassfield Bantu language of Cameroon
[23862] Moye, Judith Fonyuy (2003) : Reduplication in Kom: a morpho-syntactic study
[28611] Mua, Benjamin (2015) : Mmen Language Grammar Sketch
[26598] Mua, Benjamin (compiled by) (2013) : Mmen - English Lexicon, with English - Mmen index
[28995] Mua, Benjamin (ed.) (2018) : Mmen – English Dictionary
[24113] Mutaka, Ngessimo M. & Esther Phubon Chie (2006) : Vowel raising in Babanki
[23897] Nforbi, Emmanuel (1993) : Oku verb morphology: tense, aspect and mood
[15043] Nges, Chia Emmanuel (1976) : Kom tenses and aspects
[15045] Nges, Chia Emmanuel (1983) : The expression of location in Kom
[23943] Ngoin, T. J. (1997) : The internal structure of the noun phrase in Kom
[23255] Shultz, George (1997) : Kom language: grammar sketch
[23929] Tamanji, Pius Ngwa (1987) : Phonology of Babanki
[23939] Tamanji, Pius Ngwa (1991) : The Bafut noun phrase: a government and binding analysis
[19386] Tamm-Koptjevskaja, Maria (1984) : Some Bantu tense systems
[23937] Troyler, D. & Paul Huey (1995) : A rapid appraisal survey of Mmen (ALCAM 821) and Aghem dialects (ALCAM 810), Menchum Division, North-West Province
[23533] Trudell, Barbara Louise (2005) : The power of the local: education choices and language maintenance among the Bafut, Kom and Nso’ communities of north west Cameroon
[28612] Yensi , Agnes Mbibeh (1996) : The noun class system of Oku
[23898] Yensi, Agnes Mbibeh (1996) : The noun class system of Oku
[23946] Yuh, Peter (1986) : The noun class system of Kom