10 langues concernées
130 titres trouvés
[21986] [Anonymous] (19--) : Afrikaans-Tsonga woodlysileidende Afrikaans
[22048] [Anonymous] (1929) : Buku ya vahlayi: livre de lecture pour les Thonga du nord du Transvaal et de la province Mozambique
[22049] [Anonymous] (1929) : Buku da bahlayi: ledi da ku dama shipele
[22065] [Anonymous] (1934) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22108] [Anonymous] (1952) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22135] [Anonymous] (1960) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22146] [Anonymous] (1962) : Tsonga terminology and orthography 2
[22169] [Anonymous] (1967) : Noord-Sotho, Tswana, Tsonga: wysiginge in die ortografiëe
[22191] [Anonymous] (1970) : Afrikaans-Tsonga woordelys
[22200] [Anonymous] (1972) : Tsonga terminology and orthography 3
[22223] [Anonymous] (1974) : English-Tsonga, Tsonga-English pocket dictionary
[22379] [Anonymous] (1998) : Lexicographic meeting of those languages which do not already have a lexicographic unit, 14 & 15 May 1998, Johanneburg Civic Centre
[288] Afido, Pedro J. , Gregório Firmino , John H. Heins , Samba Mbuub & Manuel Trinta (Ed) (1989) : I seminário sobre a padronizaçâo da ortografía de línguas Moçambicanas
[1632] Bartens, Angela (2000) : Ideophones and sound symbolism in Atlantic Creoles
[1835] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1964) : ’n Klank- en vormleerstudie van Songa
[1836] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1966) : The locative in Tsonga
[1837] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1967) : Introductory remarks on the copulative construction in Tsonga ; part 1
[1838] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1968) : The copulative construction in Tsonga ; part 2
[1840] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1969) : The copulative construction in Tsonga ; part 3
[1843] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1970) : ’n Klassifikasie van die Tsongadialekte van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika
[1844] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1972) : Notes on Xiluleke of Mhinga ; part 1
[1845] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1973) : Notes on Xiluleke of Mhinga ; part 2
[1846] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1974) : Introduction to the speech sounds and speech sound changes of Tsonga
[1847] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1975) : Notes on Xiluleke of Mhinga ; parts 3-4
[1851] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1981) : Notes on Tsonga noun classes 1a and 5a
[1852] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1981) : Tsonga phonetics and sound changes
[1853] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1985) : Pre-Tsonga noun class prefixes and verb suffixes
[1854] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1987) : Analytical Tsonga grammar
[1856] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (1992) : The Tsonga rule
[27625] Bennett, William G. & Seunghun J. Lee (2015) : A Surface Constraint in Xitsonga *Li
[2313] Beuchat, P.-D. [Cole] (1959) : Tonomorphology of the Tsonga noun
[2314] Beuchat, P.-D. [Cole] (196-) : Unpublished notes on Tsonga
[2315] Beuchat, P.-D. [Cole] (1961) : The qualificative and the pronoun in Tsonga
[2316] Beuchat, P.-D. [Cole] (1962) : Additional notes on the tonomorphology of the Tsonga noun
[2409] Bill, Mary C. (1982) : The blankets of darkness: problems in translating from a Bantu language into English in South Africa
[2410] Bill, Mary C. (1994) : Refusal to eat and drink: a metaphor for ‘safe sex’ in Tsonga folktales
[2865] Booysen, J. J. & Philippus Smit (1983) : Tsonga language centenary, 1883-1983: language maps
[29088] Chapatte, Marius (2021) : Tsonga - English Dictionary - Dikixinari Ya Xitsonga – Xinghezi
[4003] Chatelain, Ch. W. (1923) : Pocket dictionary Thonga (Shangaan)-English, English-Thonga (Shangaan)
[4004] Chatelain, Ch. W. (1933) : Pocket dictionary Thonga (Shangaan)-English, English-Thonga (Shangaan)
[4005] Chatelain, Ch. W. (1952) : Pocket dictionary Tsonga-English, English-Tsonga
[4010] Chauke, Osborn Risimati (2004) : The Xitsonga songs: a sociolinguistic study
[4013] Chawner, C. A. (1938) : Step by step Thonga: a series of lessons in the Thonga language
[4084] Chimbutane, Feliciano S. , Almeida Magaia , Bento Sitoe , Celeste Joaquim Matavele , Félix dos Santos Viana Khosa & Sozinho Francisco Matsinhe (2000) : Proposta da ortografia do Xichangana
[4781] Cuénod, R. (1967) : Tsonga-English dictionary
[5551] Doke, Clement Martyn (1937) : Language
[5575] Doke, Clement Martyn (1954) : The Southern Bantu languages
[26186] Duarte, Fábio Bonfim (2011) : Tense Encoding, Agreement Patterns, Definiteness and Relativization Strategies in Changana
[6076] Eiselen, W. W. M. (1927) : Nasalverbindungen im Thonga
[6223] Endemann, Theodor Martin Helmuth (1952) : Die intonasie van Tsonga: ’n sinkroniese studie van Tsongaspreektone
[7332] Godi, Patricia Sizani (2002) : Focus constructions in Xitsonga
[7381] Golele, N. C. P. (1993) : Xitsonga in a multilingual society: a South African “minority” language
[7994] Hachipola, Simooya Jerome (1996) : Survey of the minority languages of Zimbabwe: a research report
[7997] Hachipola, Simooya Jerome (1998) : Survey of the minority languages of Zimbabwe
[8264] Harries, Patrick (1988) : The roots of ethnicity: discourse and the politics of language construction in South East Africa
[8265] Harries, Patrick (1995) : Discovering languages: the historical origins of standard Tsonga in southern Africa
[8651] Herbert, Robert K. (1995) : The sociolinguistics of personal names: two South African studies
[9705] Jacques, [Révérend] A. A. (19--) : Tsonga lectures, with a letter from the author’s widow
[9706] Jacques, [Révérend] A. A. (1929) : Terms of kinship and corresponding patterns of behaviour among the Thonga
[9795] Janson, Tore (1999) : Prenasalised voiced aspirated stops in Changana/Tsonga
[9799] Janson, Tore (2001) : Consonants in Changana/Tsonga
[9800] Janson, Tore (2004) : Languages and language names in Mozambique, 150 years ago and now
[23443] Janson, Tore & Olle Engstrand (2001) : Some unusual sounds in Changana
[9813] Jaques, Alexandre (1938) : Sivongo sa Matshangana
[9814] Jaques, Alexandre (1941) : Shangana-Tsonga ideophones and their tones
[25338] Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[9952] Johnston, Thomas F. (1973) : Speech-tone and other forces in Tsonga music
[10137] Junod, Henri-Alexandre (1929) : Vuvulavuri bya ShiThonga: yi nga milawu ya mavulavulela ya shiThonga
[10138] Junod, Henri-Alexandre (1932) : Elementary grammar of the Thonga-Shangaan language
[10141] Junod, Henri-Alexandre (1967) : Vuvulavuri bya Shithonga [The laws of Shithonga speech]
[10519] Katamba, Francis X. (Ed) (1995) : Bantu phonology and morphology
[10724] Khosa, Félix dos Santos Viana , Barbara Heins & Euphrasia Constantine Lwandle Kunene (1989) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Xitsonga
[10727] Khosa, Félix dos Santos Viana , Simeão Paulo Mathe , Celeste Joaquim Matavele & Salvador Matavele (1995) : Ahikfukeni: buku ra kijondzisa kuhlaya ni kutsala xichangana/livro de alfabetização em língua tsonga (changane)
[10728] Khosa, Félix dos Santos Viana , Simeão Paulo Mathe , Celeste Joaquim Matavele & Salvador Matavele (1996) : Ahipfukeni: buku ra kijondzisa kuhlaya ni kutsala xichangana/livro de alfabetização em xitsonga (changana)
[28068] Kubayi, Sikheto Joe (2013) : Address forms in Xitsonga : a socio-pragmatic perspective
[24740] Lee, Seunghun J. (2009) : H Tone, Depressors and Downstep in Tsonga
[27518] Lee, Seunghun J. (2015) : Cumulative effects in Xitsonga: high-tone spreading and depressor consonants
[12349] Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1968) : The intonation of the sentence and its constituent parts in Xhosa and Tsonga
[12358] Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1975/76) : Palatalization of bilabials in the passive, diminutive and locative in Xhosa and Tsonga
[12367] Louw, Jacobus Abraham (1983) : Some tone rules in Tsonga
[12371] Louw, Jacobus Abraham & C. T. D. Marivate (1992) : Restraints on the formation of nasal compounds in Tsonga
[12419] Loze, Pierre (1922) : Elementos de leitura; ou, O primeiro livro para ensimar a lingua portugueza as criancas dos pais dos Batswa e Batonga
[23811] Mabasa, Tirhani Abigail (2005) : Translation equivalents for health/medical terminology in Xitsonga
[28065] Mabaso, Peniah (2014) : The segmental phonology of Shangani
[12564] Mabaso, Ximbani Eric (2004) : Issues on Xitsonga verbs
[28059] Mabaso, Ximbani Eric (2009) : Issues on Xitsonga verbs
[12575] Mabulwana, Spokes (2004) : Control in Xitsonga constructions: a semantic and syntactic study
[12701] Mageza, C. K. (1952) : Xipembomuso: swifanis swi endle hi M. M. Pemba
[12805] Makhubela, Ananea Hazel (2004) : The role and significance of honorifics, with special reference to Xitsonga discourse
[12983] Manjate, Teresa [Maria] [Alfredo] (2000) : O simbolismo no contexto proverbial Tsonga e Macua-Lómwè (uma análise contrastiva)
[13071] Marivate, C. T. D. (1982) : The ideophone in Tsonga
[23303] Marivate, C. T. D. (1982) : The ideophone in Tsonga
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[13197] Mathumba, D. I. (1998) : The state of Xitsonga lexicography
[23700] Mathumba, D. I. (1993) : A comparative study of selected phonetic, phonological, and lexical aspects of some major dialects of Tsonga in the republic of South Africa, and their impact on the standard language
[13217] Matsinhe, Sozinho Francisco (1991) : Reflexives in Xitsonga
[13219] Matsinhe, Sozinho Francisco (1994) : The status of verbal affixes in Bantu languages with special reference to Tsonga: problems and possibilities
[13237] Matusse, Renato (2001) : Code-switching: an audience-designed form of speech
[13271] Mayevu, G. S. (1973) : Preliminary remarks on the subjectival concord in Tsonga
[14554] Muller, H. (1955) : First steps in English: English-Tsonga phrase book
[15101] Nhaombe, Henrique Ernesto (19--) : Vers une approche semantique et culturelle des idiomes: decodage du sens des expressions idiomatiques du tsonga motivees par les croyances et les moeurs
[15267] Nkondo, Curtis P. N. (1973) : The adjective in Tsonga and Northern Sotho
[15268] Nkondo, Curtis P. N. (1973) : The compound noun in Tsonga: a synchronic study of its derivation, usage and structure
[15269] Nkondo, Curtis P. N. (1981) : Xiletelo xa Xitsonga
[15270] Nkondo, Curtis P. N. (1987) : Problems of terminology in African languages with special reference to Xitsonga
[15271] Nkosi, Nyiko Norman (2004) : A critical analysis of the morphological, syntactic and semantic significance of moods in Xitsonga
[15385] Ntsanʼwisi, Hudson W. Ephraim (1968) : Tsonga idioms: a descriptive study
[15386] Ntsanʼwisi, Hudson W. Ephraim (1973) : The idiom in Tsonga
[15631] Odden, David [Arnold] (1995) : Phonology at the phrasal level in Bantu
[16070] Ouwehand, Mariette (1965) : Everyday Tsonga
[16374] Persson, J. A. (1924) : Lidangalila nya gubili
[16751] Poulos, George (1999) : Grammaticalisation in south-eastern Bantu and the linguistic ‘dynamics’ underlying this process
[17217] Ribeiro, [Padre] Armando (1965) : Gramática changana (tsonga)
[18026] Schapera, Isaac (Ed) (1937) : The Bantu-speaking tribes of South Africa: an ethnographical survey
[26189] Shosted, Ryan K. (2011) : Articulatory and Acoustic Characteristics of Whistled Fricatives in Changana
[18632] Sitoe, Bento (1991) : Byixile! Curso de tsonga para não falantes
[18633] Sitoe, Bento (1996) : The semantics and syntax of the Tsonga verbs kuwà ‘fall’ and kuntlúlá ‘jump’, and their relatives
[18634] Sitoe, Bento (1996) : Dicionário changana-português
[18636] Sitoe, Bento (2000) : Motivação semântica e sociocultural na organização das classes nominais: sua influência sobre sintaxe (o caso de Changana)
[18637] Sitoe, Bento (2001) : Verbs of motion in Changana
[18635] Sitoe, Bento & Armindo Saul Atelela Ngunga (Ed) (2000) : Relatório do II seminário sobre a padronização da ortografia de línguas moçambicanas
[19022] Stevick, Earl W. (1964) : Two Bantu consonant systems
[19865] Traill, Anthony & M. Jackson (1988) : Speaker variation and phonation type in Tsonga
[20205] Usinga, Marinkie Mmaditaba (2002) : The lexical-semantic representation of break verbs in Xitsonga
[20300] Veloso, Maria Teresa (2002) : Becoming literate in Mozambique: the early stages in Sena (CiSena) and Shangaan (XiChangaan)
[20723] Warmelo, Nicolaas Jacobus van (1957) : Neuere Entwicklungen und Bestrebungen in den Bantusprachen Südafrikas
[21125] Wiesemann, Ursula (1989) : A importância do tom no sistema ortográfico
[21524] Wyk, Egidius B. van (1957) : An augmentative noun class in Tsonga
[21657] Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1998) : Tsonga-go dooshi no kusento / A tonological study of Tsonga verbs
[21771] Zeller, Jochen (2004) : Relative clause formation in the Bantu languages of South Africa