3 langues concernées

11 titres trouvés

[2383]   Biddulph, Joseph (1993) : Meet me in Windhoek: notes on four Bantu languages of Namibia
[2582]   Blench, Roger M. (1999) : Are the African pygmies an ethnographic fiction?
[3641]   Cameron, Barbara & Janet Kunkel (2002) : A sociolinguistic survey of the Dhimba language
[22805]   Cardoso, Carlos Lopes (1967) : “Ovatjimba” em Angola
[10544]   Kavari, Jekura U. (1990) : Toponomastics: places names in Kaokoland
[10545]   Kavari, Jekura U. (1993) : Languages in Kaokoland and Herero dialects
[12730]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1993) : An overview of people and languages in Namibia
[12738]   Maho, Jouni Filip (1998) : Few people, many tongues: the languages of Namibia
[15755]   Ohly, Rajmund (1995) : Dhimba: a Herero dialect
[16832]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië. Deel 5: Kaokolanders
[16840]   Prinsloo, Karel P. , D. J. Stoker , A. M. Lubbe , A. E. Strydom , H. A. Engelbrecht & D. P. van Vuuren (Ed) (1982) : Aspekte van taal- en kommunikasieaangeleenthede in SWA/Namibië