30 langues concernées
222 titres trouvés
[22060] [Anonymous] (1932) : Actes du congrès de l’Institut Internationale des Langues et Civilisations Africaines, Paris 1931
[22104] [Anonymous] (1951) : Comptes rendus du premiere conférence international des africanistes de l’ouest, Dakar 1945
[22150] [Anonymous] (1963) : Actes de second colloque international de linguistique négro-africaine, Dakar, 12-16 avril 1962
[22157] [Anonymous] (1964) : Colloque sur le multilingualisme/Symposium on multilingualism: the second meeting of the Inter-African Committee on Linguistics, Brazzaville, 16-21 August 1962
[22185] [Anonymous] (1969) : Le francais en France et hors de France, I: créoles et contacts africains. Actes du colloque sur les ethnies francophones, Nice, 26-30 avril, 1968
[22227] [Anonymous] (1974) : Edo language and its orthography: report of the seminar on Edo orthography, May 15-18 1974
[22244] [Anonymous] (1977) : Promotion des langues nationales: resultats des travaux, Yaoundé du 1 au 8 decembre 1976
[22247] [Anonymous] (1977) : Le français en contact avec - la langue arabe, les langues négro-afrcaines, la science et la technique les cultures régionales, Sassenage, 16-20 mai 1977
[22253] [Anonymous] (1978) : Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2-6 juillet 1975
[22262] [Anonymous] (1979) : Langues kru: 1ère colloque international
[22268] [Anonymous] (1980) : A Themne orthography workshop - held during February 18-22, 1980
[22270] [Anonymous] (1980) : A Mende orthography workshop - held during January 21-25, 1980
[22273] [Anonymous] (1981) : A Krio orthography workshop - held during November 24-25, 1981
[22282] [Anonymous] (1982) : The language of the Isekiri people: proceedings of the Isekiri language workshop
[22285] [Anonymous] (1983) : Report of the writer’s workshop of the indigenous languages education project - held during April 3-9, 1983
[22301] [Anonymous] (1984) : African ethnonyms and toponyms: reports and papers of the meeting of experts organized by Unesco in Paris, 3-7 July 1978
[22305] [Anonymous] (1984) : Revised Kono, Krio, Limba, Mende and Themne orthographies - workshop held during April 24-27, 1984
[22308] [Anonymous] (1984) : Kongresreferate 1983 - Linguistevereniging van Suider-Afrika (LVSA)
[22309] [Anonymous] (1984) : English language programme for Namibians: seminar report from Lusaka, 19-27 October 1983
[22322] [Anonymous] (1986) : Language in education in Africa: proceedings of a seminar held in the Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh, 29 and 30 November, 1985
[22323] [Anonymous] (1986) : Proceedings of the conference on English in East Africa, 24-27 March 1986
[22329] [Anonymous] (1987) : Langues tchadiques et non tchadiques en contact en Afrique centrale: actes de la table ronde franco-allemagne, Ivry (France), 8-12 décembre 1978
[22336] [Anonymous] (1989) : Journée d’études de linguistique berbère
[22338] [Anonymous] (1989) : Africanistes au Zaire: actes du 1e colloque d’Aequatoria, 10-13 octobre 1987
[22353] [Anonymous] (1993) : Namibia national conference on the implementation of the language policy for schools (Ongwediva Training Centre, 22-26 June 1992)
[22358] [Anonymous] (1995) : Conference report from the first Runyakitara conference, Makerere University, 1994
[22360] [Anonymous] (1995) : Papers from GILLBT’s seminar week, January 30 - February 3, 1995, Tamale
[22367] [Anonymous] (1996) : Language and literacies: proceedings of the 10th annual conference of the South African Applied Linguistics Association, University of Zululand, 8-10 July
[22372] [Anonymous] (1997) : Lexicographic consultative meating, 31 October 1997, Holiday Inn, Johannesburg International Airport
[22374] [Anonymous] (1997) : Actes de la 8ème conférence internationale des études nubiennes, Lille, 11-17 septembre 1994
[22378] [Anonymous] (1998) : Lexicographic meeting of the existing lexicographic units of South Africa, 19 & 20 March 1998, Johannesburg Civic Centre
[22379] [Anonymous] (1998) : Lexicographic meeting of those languages which do not already have a lexicographic unit, 14 & 15 May 1998, Johanneburg Civic Centre
[166] Adam, Hussein Mohamed & Charles L. Geshekter (Ed) (1982) : Proceedings of the 1st international congress of Somali studies, 1980
[180] Adams, G. B. (1970) : Colloquium on Hamito-Semitic comparative linguistics
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[388] Akindele, Femi Dele & Karsten Legère (Ed) (2001) : From the south: a selection of papers
[394] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. (Ed) (1995) : Theoretical approaches to African linguistics
[402] Akinlabí, Akinbiyi M. & Oluseye Adesola (Ed) (2004) : Proceedings of the 4th world congress of African linguistics, New Brunswick 2003
[1369] Baldi, Sergio (Ed) (1997) : Langues et contacts de langues en zone sahélo-saharienne: 3ème table ronde du réseau de diffusion lexicale (colloque internazionale, Napoli, 12-15 settembre, 1994)
[1423] Bamgbose, Ayo (Ed) (1977/80) : Language in education in Nigeria: proceedings of the Kaduna Language Symposium, October 31st - november 4th, 1977
[1513] Banti, Giorgio (Ed) (1992) : Proceedings of the second international symposium on Cushitic and Omotic languages, Turin, 16-18 November, 1989
[1596] Barreteau, Daniel (Ed) (1987) : Langues et cultures dans le bassin du lac Tchad: journées d’études les 4 et 5 septembre 1984
[1603] Barreteau, Daniel & Henry Tourneux (Ed) (1990) : Relations interethniques et culture matérielle dans le bassin du lac Tchad: actes du IIIème colloque MEGA-TCHAD, 11-12 septembre 1986
[23976] Barreteau, Daniel & Henry Tourneux (Ed) (1988) : Le milieu et les hommes ; recherches comparatives et historiques dans le bassin du Lac Tchad: actes du 2ème colloque Méga-Tchad, ORSTOM Bondy, le 3 et 4 octobre 1985
[1810] Batibo, Herman M. (1999) : Report on the International Basarwa Languages Workshop held at the University of Botswana, 14th to 16th January 1999
[1848] Baumbach, Ernst J. M. (Ed) (1978) : Proceedings of the 2nd African languages congress of UNISA/Tweede Afrikatale-kongres van UNISA
[1860] Bausi, Alessandro & Mauro Tosco (1997) : Afroasiatica neapolitana: contributi presentati all’8° incontro di linguistica afroasiatica (camito-semitica), Napoli 25-26 Gennaio 1996
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[1933] Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne & Fritz Serzisko (Ed) (1988) : Cushitic Omotic: papers from the international symposium on Cushitic and Omotic languages, Cologne, January 6-9, 1986
[1948] Beck, Rose Marie , Lutz Diegner , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (2000) : Swahili Forum VII
[1949] Beck, Rose Marie , Lutz Diegner , Thomas Geider & Werner Gräbner (Ed) (2001) : Swahili Forum VIII
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[2099] Bender, Marvin Lionel & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (Ed) (1996) : Proceedings of the 6th international Nilo-Saharan linguistics conference, Santa Monica 1995, March 27-29
[2224] Bernini, Giuliano & Vermondo Brugnatelli (Ed) (1987) : Atti della 4a giornata di studi camito-semitici e indoeuropei, Bergamo, Istituto Universitario, 29, novembre 1985
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[2446] Birnie, John R. & Gilbert Ansre (Ed) (1969) : Proceedings of the conference on the study of Ghanaian languages, 5-8 May, 1968
[2765] Bokamba, Eyamba Georges (1990) : The contribution of African linguistics to linguistic theory
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[2839] Bonnet, Charles (Ed) (1992) : Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève - actes du 7ème congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3-8 septembre 1990
[3004] Bouquiaux, Luc (Ed) (1980) : L’expansion bantoue: actes du colloque international du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Viviers 4-16 avril 1977
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[4092] Chimhundu, Herbert (Ed) (1992) : Report on the African Languages Lexicon Project (ALLEX): planning and training workshop, Harare, 21-25 September 1992
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[4412] Collins, Chris[topher] [Thad] & Victor B. Manfredi (Ed) (1992) : Proceedings of the Kwa comparative syntax workshop
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[4673] Crawhall, Nigel T. (Ed) (1992) : Democratically speaking: international perspectives on language planning
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[5026] Davies, A. (Ed) (1985) : Language and education in Africa
[5386] Dihoff, Ivan R. (Ed) (1983) : Current approaches to African linguistics I: selection of papers read at the 11th annual conference on African linguistics, April 11-12, 1980, Boston University
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[5791] Dumestre, Gérard (Ed) (1978) : Journées d’études, langue et linguistique Manding, Orcemont, 5-7 juillet, 1978
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[6428] Fagan, Brian M. & Roland Anthony Oliver (1968) : Wenner-Gren Research Conference on Bantu origins in sub-Saharan Africa
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[6935] Fronzaroli, Pelio (Ed) (1978) : Atti di secondo congresso internazionale di linguistica camito-semitica, Firenze, 16-19 aprile 1974
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[7302] Givón, Talmy & Russell Galen Schuh (Ed) (1971) : Papers from the 2nd conference on African linguistics
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[8593] Hellan, Lars , Eli Saetherɔ & Adams B. Bodomo (Ed) (1994) : Papers read at the 2nd Trondheim seminar on African linguistics
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[11776] Leben, William Ronald (Ed) (1974) : Proceedings of the 5th annual conference on African linguistics
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[11893] Legère, Karsten (Ed) (1996) : African languages in basic education: proceedings of the 1st workshop on African languages in basic education, held at the National Institute for Educational Development (NIED), Okahandja, 18-23 September 1995
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[11892] Legère, Karsten & Hans-Volker Gretschel (Ed) (1994) : Language ecology in Africa: a collection of papers presented at the international conference “Language ecology in Africa” held at the University of Namibia from 9 to 13 September 1991
[11906] Legère, Karsten & Sandra Fitchat (Ed) (2002) : Talking freedom: language and democratisation in the SADC region (includes papers presented at the fifth triennial conference of the Linguistics Association for SADC Universities, held from 11 to 14 August 1998 at the University of Namibia)
[11958] Lepage, Claude & autres (Ed) (1994) : Études éthiopiennes: actes de la 10ème conférence internationale des études éthiopiennes, Paris, 24-28 aout 1988
[12304] Lopes, Armando Jorge (Ed) (1992) : Proceedings of the 3rd LASU conference/workshop held at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Moçambique, 14-16 August 1991
[12648] Maddieson, Ian & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (Ed) (1998) : Language history and linguistic description in Africa: selected papers of the 26th annual conference on African linguistics, held March 23-25, 1995, in Santa Monica, California
[12676] Maduka-Durunze, Omen N. (Ed) (1991) : Selected papers from the 12th annual conference of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria
[12750] Maho, Jouni Filip (Ed) (2001) : Selected papers from the 1st Nordic meeting on African languages, Göteborg University, 8-10 December 2000
[12910] Manessy, Gabriel (Ed) (1967) : La classification nominale dans les langues négro-africaines: actes du colloque international CNRS, Aix-en-Provence, 3-7 juillet 1967
[12973] Manfredi, Victor B. & Karl H. Reynolds (Ed) (1995) : Niger-Congo syntax and semantics 6: proceedings of the 1993 Niger-Congo Workshop, Boston University
[22942] Marchese, Lynell (Ed) (1980) : Communications présentées au premiere colloque international sur les langues kru
[13253] Maw, Joan & David J. Parkin (Ed) (1985) : Swahili language and society: papers from the workshop held at the School of Oriental and African Studies in April 1982
[13460] Medlaoui, Mohamed el , Saïd Gafaiti & Fouad Saa (Ed) (1998) : Actes sur le 1ère congrès chamito-sémitique de Fès, 1997
[13766] Miehe, Gudrun , Brigitte Reineke , Manfred von Roncador & Kerstin Winkelmann (Ed) (1997) : Actes du premier colloque international sur les langues gur, Ouagadougou, 3-7 mars 1997. Partie 1: généralités et phonologie
[13769] Miehe, Gudrun , Brigitte Reineke , Manfred von Roncador & Kerstin Winkelmann (Ed) (1998) : Actes du premier colloque international sur les langues gur, Ouagadougou, 3-7 mars 1997. Partie 2: grammaire, discours et comparaison
[14063] Moore, Kevin E. , David A. Peterson & Comfort Wentum (Ed) (1994) : Special session on historical issues in African linguistics
[14264] Mould, Martin [Joel] & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (Ed) (1977) : Proceedings of the 8th conference on African linguistics
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[23490] Mugane, John Muratha (Ed) (2003) : The linguistic typology and representation of African languages
[14526] Mukarovsky, Hans Guenter (Ed) (1990) : Proceedings of the 5th international Hamito-Semitic congress (held at the University of Vienna, 27th September - 2nd October 1987)
[14527] Mukarovsky, Hans Guenter (Ed) (1991) : Proceedings of the 5th international Hamito-Semitic congress (held at the University of Vienna, 27th September - 2nd October 1987)
[23151] Naït-Zerrad, Kamal , Dymitr Ibriszimow & Rainer Vossen (Ed) (2004) : Nouvelles études berbères: le verbe et autres articles - actes du “2. Bayreuth-Frankfurter Kolloquium zur Berberologie”, 2002
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