168 langues concernées
87 titres trouvés
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[289] Afido, Pedro J. , Carlos Manuel , Aníbal Victorino , Armindo Saul Atelela Ngunga , Gosnell L. Yorke , Karl Erland Gadelii , Leia Maria Victor Macane , Manuel Involiua , Simão Pedro Columa & Simões Duarte (2000) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Emakhuwa
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[1349] Balau, João Lopes (19--) : Vocabulário de português-macua
[1803] Batibo, Herman M. , Naledi M. Mosaka & James [Motlhagolela] Moilwa (1997) : The historical implications of the linguistic relationship between Makua and Sotho
[2828] Bonalumi, João (196-) : Vocabulário makua-lomwe-portuguàs
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[3890] Cassimjee, Farida & Charles Wayne Kisseberth (1999) : A conspiracy argument for optimality theory: Emakhuwa dialectology
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[6923] Frizzi, Giuseppe (1982) : Dicionário de emakhuwa-português e português-emakhuwa
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[7292] Giuseppe, Frizzi (1982) : Dicionário emakhuwa-português e português-emakhuwa
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[8234] Harries, Lyndon [Pritchard] (19--) : Vocabularies of northern Makua
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[9647] Ismail, Joseph Hokororo (2000) : Aspects of Makua phonology: the case of the Meto variety
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[10527] Kathupa, Mateus , Manuel Trinta & Pedro J. Afido (1989) : Proposta da ortografia da língua Emakhuwa
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[13760] Miehe, Gudrun (1989) : Verbal extensions in Swahili and neighbouring languages
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[17145] Reiman, Duane (2001) : Findings from the sociolinguistic survey of the Lolo people
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