389 langues concernées
1154 titres trouvés
[22099] [Anonymous] (1951) : Universal decimal classification [...] reclassification of the Bantu languages
[22303] [Anonymous] (1984) : Situation linguistique en Afrique centrale - inventaire préliminaire: la Republique Centrafricaine
[22326] [Anonymous] (1987) : Situation linguistique en Afrique centrale - inventaire préliminaire: le Congo
[139] Abu-Fadl, F. (1961) : Volkstümliche Texte in arabischen Bauerndialekten der ägyptischen Provinz Sharqiyya, mit dialektgeographischen Untersuchungen zur Lautlehre
[152] Abubakar, Abdulhamid (1991) : Towards a quantificational analysis of Hausa: a synchronic analysis of Hausa dialects
[160] Adam, Jean Jerome (1954) : Dialectes du Gabon: la famille des langues téké
[236] Adetugbo, Abiodun (1967) : The Yoruba language in western Nigeria: its major dialect areas
[27043] Ahland, Colleen (2017) : Daatsʼíin, a newly identified undocumented language of western Ethiopia: A preliminary examination
[29114] Ahland, Colleen (2022) : Revisiting Komuz: New Evidence that supports an old proposal
[390] Akinkugbe, Femi (1976) : An internal classification of the Yoruboid group (Yoruba, Isekiri, Igala)
[391] Akinkugbe, Femi (1978) : A comparative phonology of Yoruba dialects: Itsekiri and Igala
[497] Alemayehu Haile (1981) : Omotic and Kushitic verbal markers: a possible isogloss
[525] Alexandre, Pierre (1959) : Le bantu et ses limites
[535] Alexandre, Pierre (1968) : Le bantu et ses limites
[544] Alexandre, Pierre (1981) : Les langues bantu: tableau d’ensemble; description sommaire de deux langues (swahili et bulu)
[610] Almeida, António de & Ernst Oswald Johannes Westphal (19--) : Línguas não-bantas de Angola
[27904] Alyebo, Nelson Orkaan (2018) : Historicolinguistic study of convergence and divergence in the Tivoid languages phylum
[27259] Ameka, Felix K. (2017) : The Ghana-Togo Mountain languages: Introduction
[28467] Ameka, Felix K. (2015-2016 [2018]) : Ghana-Togo-Mountain languages: A socio-cultural, a typological or a genetic grouping?
[27260] Ameka, Felix K. & James Essegbey (2017) : Divergence and convergence among the Ghana-Togo Mountain languages
[22653] Amfani, A. H. (1990) : A glottochronology of four Benue-Congo languages in Zuruland
[712] Anbessa Teferra, & Peter Unseth (1989) : Towards a classification of Shabo
[788] Andersson, Lars-Gunnar (1993) : Khoisanspråk
[790] Andersson, Lars-Gunnar & Tore Janson (1997) : Languages in Botswana: language ecology in southern Africa
[805] Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1964) : The position of Galla in the Cushitic language group
[883] Annett, Mary & Anna Kohler (1975) : Enquête dialectale fali
[25339] Anonymous (1990s) : Tocco wordlist
[927] Applegate, Joseph R. (1970) : The Berber languages
[955] Appleyard, David L. (1996) : The position of Agaw within Cushitic
[957] Appleyard, David L. (1999) : Afroasiatic and the Nostratic hypothesis
[980] Arensen, Jon[athan] Edward (1989) : On comparing language relationships: a case study of Murle, Kacipo and Tirma
[1006] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1962) : Glottochronology and African linguistics
[1010] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1964) : The study of West African languages
[1014] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1967) : A comparative wordlist of five Igbo dialects
[1020] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1981) : The Idomoid language sub-family of the eastern Kwa borderland
[1023] Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1989) : Idomoid
[1121] Auber, Jacques & Maurice Soulé (1957) : La langue malgache en 30 familles de mots: essai de regroupement systèmatique de thèmes de la langue malgache
[25152] Avelar, Juanito , Sonia Cyrino & Charlotte Galves (2009) : Locative Inversion and Agreement Patterns: Parallelisms Between Brazilian Portuguese and Bantu Languages
[1176] Awóbùlúyì, Oládélé (1992) : Aspects of contemporary standard Yoruba in dialectological perspective
[1203] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis surveys of Atong, Ambele and Menka (Widikum-Menka Subdivision, Momo Division, North-West Province)
[1204] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis survey of Manta
[1205] Ayotte, Michael & Charlene Ayotte (2002) : Rapid appraisal and lexicostatistical analysis surveys of Dama, Mono, Pam, Ndai and Oblo
[1268] Bagari, Dauda Muhammad (1972) : Dangantakar Hausa de harsunan Afrika [The relationship of Hausa with the tongues of Africa]
[1370] Baleke, M. (1979) : Étude géolinguistique des dialectes yaka (phonologie et morphologie)
[1469] Banda, Felix (1998) : The classification of languages in Zambia and Malawi
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[1555] Barnard, Alan (1976) : Khoisan classification
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[23974] Barreteau, Daniel (1987) : Une essai de classification lexicostatistique des langues de la famille tchadique parlées au Cameroun
[1606] Barreteau, Daniel & Charlotte von Graffenried (Ed) (1993) : Datation et chronologie dans le bassin du lac Tchad/Dating and chronology in the Lake Chad Basin: séminaire de réseau Méga-Tchad, ORSTOM Bondy, 11 et 12 septembre 1989
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[1588] Barreteau, Daniel & Paul Newman (1978) : Les langues tchadiques
[1589] Barreteau, Daniel & Yves Moñino (1978) : Les langues oubanguiennes
[1624] Barry, Abdoulaye (1987) : The Joola languages: subgrouping and reconstruction
[1733] Basset, André (1959) : Articles de dialectologie berbère
[1743] Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] (1978) : Les langues bantoues
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[1747] Bastin, Yvonne [Angenot] (1983) : Essai de classification de quatre-vingts langues bantoues par la statistique grammaticale
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[25403] Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (2008) : The Classification of Cushitic and Omotic: a Critique
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[2030] Belova, Anna Grigorievna (1996) : Einige jemenitisch-afrikanische Isoglossen
[2040] Bender, Marvin Lionel (1968) : Remarks on the glotto-chronology of northern Ethiopian Semitic languages
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[2154] Bennett, Patrick R. (1973) : Identification, classification and Bantu linguistics
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