2 langues concernées
8 titres trouvés
[9345] Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1927) : Grammar and vocabulary of Orusyan of north-east Uganda
[9346] Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1928) : Ghosts and devils in East Africa
[9349] Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1930) : Tribal names in the Nyanza and Kerio provinces, Kenya Colony
[9350] Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1931) : “Shouting” and “non-shouting” languages - Correspondence to the editor
[9362] Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton (1965) : The Orusyan language of Uganda
[11090] Kojima, Yasuhiro (2001) : [Syan vocabulary]
[18122] Schoenbrun, David Lee (1997) : The historical reconstruction of Great Lakes Bantu: etymologies and distributions
[18272] Scruggs, Terri R. (1980) : Notes on African linguistics