101 langues concernées

517 titres trouvés

[22157]   [Anonymous] (1964) : Colloque sur le multilingualisme/Symposium on multilingualism: the second meeting of the Inter-African Committee on Linguistics, Brazzaville, 16-21 August 1962
[22208]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Historia fupi ya lugha ya Kiiraqw [A short history of the Iraqw language]
[22218]   [Anonymous] (1973) : Osnovnye problemy afrikanistiki: etnografiya, istoriya, filologiya
[15]   Abasiattai, M. B. (Ed) (1987) : Akwa Ibom and Cross River states: the land, the people and their culture
[192]   Adegbija, Efurosibina [Emmanuel] (1994) : Language attitudes in sub-Saharan Africa: a sociolinguistic overview
[237]   Adetugbo, Abiodun (1973) : The Yoruba language in Yoruba history
[245]   Adey Abebe (1987) : The role of the Ethiopian Revolution in the development of Amharic vocabulary
[265]   Adhiambo, Jacqueline H. Oduol (1991) : Luo cultural history: some inferences from linguistic evidence
[267]   Adhikari, Mohamed (Ed) (1996) : Straatpraatjes: language, politics and popular culture in Cape Town 1909-1922
[483]   Alcock, Janet (1994) : Origin and diffusion of Bantu languages (supplement)
[530]   Alexandre, Pierre (1965) : Proto-histoire du groupe beti-bulu-fang: essai de synthèse provisoire
[574]   Alkali, M. Nur (1987) : On the study of the history of the Kanuri language
[575]   Alkali, Waziri Kashim (1998) : A reconstruction of socio-linguistic features of the Kanem-Borno empire
[594]   Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton (1959) : The rapid spread of Swahili
[628]   Alterhenger-Smith, S. (1978) : Language planning and language policy in Tanzania during the German colonial period
[790]   Andersson, Lars-Gunnar & Tore Janson (1997) : Languages in Botswana: language ecology in southern Africa
[828]   Andrzejewski, Bogumil W. (1978) : Linguistic evidence of non-Semitic influence in the history of Ethiopian Semitic: lexical borrowing in Ge‘ez and other Ethiopian Semitic languages
[977]   Ardener, Edwin W. (1968) : Documentary and linguistic evidence for the rise of the trading polities between Rio del Rey and Cameroons, 1500-1650
[991]   Argyle, W. John (1994/95) : Khoisan-southern Bantu livestock exchanges: reinterpreting the linguistic evidence (summary)
[1012]   Armstrong, Robert Gelston (1964) : The use of linguistics and ethnographic data in the study of Idoma and Yoruba history
[1027]   Arnaut, Karel , Jo Verhoeven & Jan Blommaert (1998) : Historical, socio-cultural and phonetic notes on Bondoukou Kulango (Cote d’Ivoire)
[1111]   Atkinson, Ronald R. (1985) : ‘State’ formation and language change in westernmost Acholi in the eighteenth century
[1114]   Attas, Ali (1991) : Swahi’lî
[1288]   Bahuchet, Serge (Ed) (1979) : Pygmées de Centrafrique: études ethnologiques, historiques et linguistiques sur les “Ba.Mbenga” (aka/baka) du nord-ouest du bassin congolais
[1290]   Bahuchet, Serge & Jacqueline M. C. Thomas (1986) : Linguistique et histoire des pygmées de l’ouest du bassin congolais
[1327]   Baker, Philip (1976) : Towards a social history of Mauritian Creole
[1329]   Baker, Philip (1982) : The contribution of non-francophone immigrants to the lexicon of Mauritian Creole
[1373]   Balibatsu, Maniragaba (2000) : Le potentiel ontologique des langues bantu face à l’ontologie classique
[1375]   Ballard, John A. (1971) : Historical inferences from the linguistic geography of the Nigerian Middle Belt
[1536]   Barcelo, Carmen (1990) : ¿Galgos o podencos? Sobre la supuesta berberizacion del pais valenciano en los siglos VIII y IX
[1563]   Barnard, Alan (1988) : Kinship, language and production: a conjectural history of Khoisan social structure
[1565]   Barnard, Alan (1992) : Hunters and herders of southern Africa: a comparative ethnography of the Khoisan peoples
[1776]   Batibo, Herman M. (1985) : Some linguistic contributions to the cultural history of the people of the Great Lakes
[1793]   Batibo, Herman M. (1992) : The peopling of Busukuma: a linguistic account
[1818]   Batibo, Herman M. & Franz Rottland (2001) : The adoption of Datooga loanwords in Sukuma and its historical implications
[1803]   Batibo, Herman M. , Naledi M. Mosaka & James [Motlhagolela] Moilwa (1997) : The historical implications of the linguistic relationship between Makua and Sotho
[1902]   Bearth, Thomas , Wilhelm Johann Georg Möhlig , Beat Sottas & Edgar Suter (Ed) (1994) : Perspektiven afrikanistischer Forschung: Beiträge zur Linguistik, Ethnologie, Geschichte, Philosophie und Literatur, X. Afrikanistentag, Zürich, 23.-25. Sept. 1993
[1930]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (1984/85) : Sprachliche und historische Rekonstruktionen in Bereich des Nubischen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Nilnubischen
[25961]   Bechhaus-Gerst, Marianne (2011) : The (Hi)story of Nobiin - 1000 Years of Language Change
[2067]   Bender, Marvin Lionel (1982) : Livestock and linguistics in north and east African ethnohistory
[2165]   Bennett, Patrick R. (1983) : Patterns in linguistic geography and the Bantu origins controversy
[2195]   Berchem, Jörg (1989/90) : Sprachbeziehungen im Bereich des Kulturwortschatzes zwischen den Bantusprachen und dem Malagasy
[2296]   Besha, Ruth Mfumbwa (1990) : The languages of Kilwa: a historical excursion
[2308]   Besten, Hans den (1987) : Die niederländischen pidgins der alten Kap-kolonie
[2309]   Besten, Hans den (1989) : From Khoekhoe foreigner talk via Hottentot Dutch to Afrikaans: the creation of a novel grammar
[2329]   Beyer, Klaus (1998) : Kulturwortfelder in den Oti-Volta-Sprachen: ein linguistischer Beitrag zu einer historischer Diskussion
[2389]   Biddulph, Joseph (2002) : Towards a linguistic history of Africa
[2484]   Black, Paul D. (1975) : Linguistic evidence on the origins of the Konsoid peoples
[2574]   Blench, Roger M. (1994/95) : Linguistic evidence for cultivated plants in the Bantu borderland
[2568]   Blench, Roger M. & MacDonald (Ed) (199-) : The origins and development of African livestock: archaeology, genetics, linguistics and ethnography
[2673]   Bodomo, Adams B. (1994) : Language, history and culture in northern Ghana: an introduction to the Mabia linguistic group
[2683]   Bodomo, Adams B. (2001) : History form linguistics: loanwords in Dagaare as sources of information for a cultural history of the Dagaaba
[3305]   Böhm, Gerhard (1996) : Sprache und Geschichte im kanarischen Archipel
[2881]   Borland, Colin H. (1992) : Computing African linguistic prehistory
[2902]   Bosman, D. B. (1923) : Oor die onstaan van Afrikaans
[2903]   Bosman, D. B. (1928) : Oor die onstaan van Afrikaans
[2904]   Bosman, D. B. (1976) : Oor die onstaan van Afrikaans
[2914]   Bostoen, Koen (2004) : Linguistics for the use of African history and the comparative study of Bantu pottery vocabulary
[2915]   Bostoen, Koen (2004) : Étude comparative et historique du vocabulaire relatif à la poterie en bantou
[26667]   Bostoen, Koen (2006) : Des mots et des pots en bantou : Une approche linguistique de l’histoire de la céramique en Afrique
[2921]   Botha, Colin Graham (1922) : The early history of the Cape Province, as illustrated by Dutch place names
[3007]   Bouquiaux, Luc & Jacqueline M. C. Thomas (1980) : Le peuplement oubanguien, hypothèse de reconstruction des mouvements migratoires dans la région oubanguienne d’après des données linguistiques et de tradition orale
[3034]   Boutrais, Jean & Catherine Baroin (Ed) (1999) : L’homme et l’animal dans le bassin du Lac Tchad: actes du colloque du réseau Méga-Tchad, Orléans, 15-17 octobre 1997
[3148]   Brain, James Lewton (1966) : Basic structures of Swahili
[3149]   Brain, James Lewton (1969) : Basic structures of Swahili, part II: a background to the Swahili language and advanced exercises
[3204]   Brauner, Siegmund (1986) : Zum Verhältnis von Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte: chinesische Lehnwörter im Swahili
[3308]   Brosnahan, L. F. (1963) : Some historical cases of language imposition
[3339]   Brown, David (1992) : Language and social history in South Africa: a task still to be undertaken
[3332]   Brown, Lalage (1973) : Two centuries of African English
[3392]   Bryant, Alfred T. (1963) : Bantu origins: the people and their language
[3444]   Buisson, M. S. du (Ed) (1959) : Die wonder van Afrikaans: bydraes oor die ontstaan en groei van Afrikaans tot volwaardige wêreldtaal
[23225]   Burton, John William (1981) : Some observations on the social history of the Atuot dialect of Nilotic
[23717]   Byrd, Steven (2005) : Calunga, an Afro-Brazilian speech of the Triângulo Mineiro: its grammar and history
[3749]   Cardona, Giorgio Raimondo (1986) : Somalia and the Indian Ocean: cultural and linguistic contact
[3798]   Carreira, António (1982) : The people of the Cape Verde Islands: exploitation and emigration
[3799]   Carreira, António (1983) : O crioulo de Cabo Verde: surto e expansão
[3879]   Cassidy, F. G. (1964) : Toward a recovery of early English-African pidgin
[4017]   Chebanne, Andy M. (1994) : The history of the Kalanga alphabet
[4175]   Cichon, Peter (Ed) (1996) : Das sprachliche Erbe des Kolonialismus in Afrika und Lateinamerika: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven aus romanistischer Sicht
[27354]   Cien, Mark Akec, Andrew Agok Igai Piiny, David Mabor Angong, John Malak Balang Kerjok, Daniel Majier Johou, David Kuacreng Nhial, with Tim Stirtz (2015) : Reel-English Dictionary
[4286]   Cluver, August Dawid de Villiers (1991) : Languages in contact and conflict in Africa: an ethnolinguistic survey of the languages of Namibia
[4343]   Cohen, David William (1983) : The face of contact: a model of a cultural and linguistic frontier in early eastern Uganda
[4459]   Connell, Bruce A. (1998) : Linguistic evidence for the development of yam and palm culture among the Delta Cross River peoples of southeastern Nigeria
[4791]   Curley, Richard T. & Ben G. Blount (1971) : The origins of the Langi: a lexicostatistical analysis
[4818]   Cyffer, Norbert (1996) : Who are the ancestors of the Saharan family?
[4815]   Cyffer, Norbert , Herrmann Jungraithmayr , E. Platte & R. Vogels (1994) : Auf den Spuren vergangener Kulturen: Dynamik ethnischer und sprachlicher Prozesse im Mega-Tschad-Raum
[4902]   Dalby, David (1971) : Priorities for a linguist in the study of African history
[4906]   Dalby, David (1975) : The prehistorical implications of Guthrie’s ‘Comparative Bantu’. Part 1: problems of internal relationship
[4907]   Dalby, David (1976) : The prehistorical implications of Guthrie’s ‘Comparative Bantu’. Part 2: interpretation of cultural vocabulary
[4899]   Dalby, David (Ed) (1970) : Language and history in Africa: a volume of collected papers presented to the London seminar on language and history in Africa (held at the School of Oritneal and African Studies, 1967-69)
[4895]   Dalby, David & Paul Edward Hedley Hair (1967) : A West African word of 1456
[4942]   Dalphinis, Morgan (1986) : Caribbean and African languages: social history, language, literature and education
[5025]   Davies, Humphrey Taman (1981) : Seventeenth-century Egyptian Arabic: a profile of the colloquial material in Yusuf al-Sirbini’s Hazz al-Quhuf fi Sarh Qasid abi Saduf
[5057]   Dehnhard, Barbara (2002) : Zur Beziehung von Kanem und Borno: sprachliche und historische Einflüsse des Kanuri im Kanembu von Mao
[5183]   Denbow, James Raymond & Alec C. Campbell (1986) : The early stages of food production in southern Africa and some potential linguistic correlations
[5249]   Dez, Jacques (1963) : La linguistique et les origines de la civilisation malgache
[5408]   Dimmendaal, Gerrit Jan (1982) : Contacts between eastern Nilotic and Surma groups: linguistic evidence
[5462]   Diop, Cheikh Anta (1984) : A methodology for the study of migrations
[5480]   Distefano, John Albert (1985) : The precolonial history of the Kalenjin of Kenya: a methodological comparison of linguistic and oral traditional evidence
[5554]   Doke, Clement Martyn (1938) : The earliest records of Bantu
[5587]   Doke, Clement Martyn (1960) : The earliest records of Bantu
[5650]   Doneux, Jean Léonce (1978) : Les liens historiques entre les langues du Sénégal
[25117]   Doneux, Jean-Léonce (2003) : Histoire de la linguistique africaine
[5785]   Duma, Pius Ludoviki (19--) : Maandishi ya ligha ya Kisandawe: historia yake
[23234]   Dwyer, David J. (2005) : The Mende problem
[5930]   Ebermann, Erwin , E. R. Sommerauer & K. E. Thomanek (Ed) (1992) : Komparative Afrikanistik: sprach-, geschicht- und literaturwissenschaftliche Aufsätze zu Ehren von Hans G. Mukarovsky anlasslich seines 70. Geburtstages
[6009]   Eggert, Manfred K. H. (1981) : Historical linguistics and prehistoric archaeology: trends and patterns in early iron age research in sub-Saharan Africa
[6020]   Ehret, Christopher (1967) : Cattle-keeping and milking in eastern and southern African history: the linguistic evidence
[6021]   Ehret, Christopher (1971) : Southern Nilotic history: linguistic approaches to the study of the past
[6023]   Ehret, Christopher (1972) : Bantu origins and history: critique and interpretation
[6024]   Ehret, Christopher (1973) : Patterns of Bantu and central Sudanic settlement in central and southern Africa (ca. 1000 BC - 500 AD)
[6025]   Ehret, Christopher (1974) : Ethiopians and East Africans: the problem of contacts
[6037]   Ehret, Christopher (1982) : Linguistic inferences about early Bantu history
[6039]   Ehret, Christopher (1982) : The first spread of food production to southern Africa
[6040]   Ehret, Christopher (1982) : Population movement and culture contact in the southern Sudan, c.3000 BC to AD 1000: a preliminary linguistic overview
[6045]   Ehret, Christopher (1988) : Language change and the material correlates of language and ethnic shift
[6046]   Ehret, Christopher (1988) : Social transformation in the early history of the Horn of Africa: linguistic clues to developments of the period 500 BC to AD 500
[6050]   Ehret, Christopher (1993) : Nilo-Saharans and the Saharo-Sudanese neolithic
[6053]   Ehret, Christopher (1999) : An African classical age: eastern and southern Africa in world history, 1000 BC to 400 AD
[6056]   Ehret, Christopher (2000) : Language and history
[6060]   Ehret, Christopher (2001) : Bantu expansions: re-envisioning a central problem of early African history
[6061]   Ehret, Christopher (2001) : The establishment of iron-working in eastern, central and southern Africa: linguistic inferences on technological history
[6063]   Ehret, Christopher (2003) : Language contacts in Nilo-Saharan prehistory
[22582]   Ehret, Christopher (1997) : African languages: an historical introduction
[22720]   Ehret, Christopher (2002) : Language family expansions: broadening our understanding of cause from an African perspective
[22761]   Ehret, Christopher (1984) : Historical linguistic evidence on early African agriculture
[6033]   Ehret, Christopher & Derek Nurse (1981) : The Taita Cushites
[6032]   Ehret, Christopher & Margaret R. Kinsman (1981) : Shona dialect classification and its implications for iron age history in southern Africa
[6022]   Ehret, Christopher & others (1971) : Outlining southern African history: a re-evaluation AC 100-1500
[6094]   Eksteen, L. C. (1967) : The diachronics of Afrikaans I
[6095]   Eksteen, L. C. (1967) : The diachronics of Afrikaans II
[6172]   Elugbe, Ben Ohi[omambe] (1979) : Some tentative historical inferences from comparative Edoid studies
[6413]   Fabian, Johannes (1985) : Language on the road: notes on Swahili in two nineteenth century travelogues
[6415]   Fabian, Johannes (1986) : Language and colonial power: the appropriation of Swahili in the former Belgian Congo 1880-1983
[6428]   Fagan, Brian M. & Roland Anthony Oliver (1968) : Wenner-Gren Research Conference on Bantu origins in sub-Saharan Africa
[6429]   Fagan, Brian M. , Roland Anthony Oliver & Tulli Grundemann (1968) : Wenner-Gren Research Conference on Bantu origins in sub-Saharan Africa, Chicago, March 24-29, 1968: summary report and recommendations
[6434]   Fagborun, J. Gbenga (1994) : The Yoruba koiné: its history and linguistic innovations
[6487]   Farias, P. de Moraes (1990) : The oldest extant writing of West Africa: medieval epigraphs from Essuk, Saney and Egef-n-Tawaqqast (Mali)
[6516]   Fayer, Joan M. (1982) : Written Pidgin English in Old Calabar in the 18th and 19th centuries
[6517]   Fayer, Joan M. (1986) : Pidgins as written languages: evidence from 18th century Old Calabar
[6534]   Felgas, Hélio Esteves (1960) : Grupos etnico-linguisticos do Congo portugues: sua origem, distribuicao e estabelecimento
[6602]   Figge, Horst H. (1998) : Tupi: zum westafrikanischen Ursprung einer südamerikanischen Sprache
[6618]   Finlayson, Rosalie (1987) : Southern Bantu origins
[6674]   Fleisch, Axel & Dirk Otten (Ed) (1995) : Sprachkulturelle und historische Forshungen in Afrika: 11. Afrikanistentage, Köln, 19.-21. Sept. 1994
[6704]   Flight, Colin (1981) : Trees and traps: strategies for the classification of African languages and their historical significance
[23227]   Fourshey, Catherine Cymone (2002) : Precolonial history of southwestern Tanzania: a linguistic approach
[25311]   Fourshey, Catherine Cymone (2002) : Agriculture, Ecology, Kinship and Gender: A Social and Economic History of Tanzania’s Corridor 500 BC to 1900 AD
[6900]   Frazier, Steven Douglas (1991) : Bantu reflexes of Proto-Benue-Congo: implications for Proto-Bantu and the Bantu dispersion
[6905]   Freeman-Greenville, G. S. P. (1959) : Medieval evidence for Swahili
[6906]   Freeman-Greenville, G. S. P. (198-) : The Portuguese on the Swahili coast: buildings and language
[6966]   Gabel, Creighton (1965) : Stone age hunters of the Kafue
[25312]   Gaye, Matar (2006) : La Sénégambie et son influence sur la Louisiane Créole
[7241]   Gibson, Gordon D. , Thomas John Larson & Cecilia R. McGurk (1981) : The Kavango peoples
[7246]   Gilbert, Glenn G. (1985) : Hugo Schuchardt and the Atlantic creoles: a newly discovered manuscript “On the Negro English of West Africa”
[7273]   Ginneken, [Père] Jacques van (1939) : Les clicks, les consonnes et les voyelles dans l’historiede l’humanité
[7498]   Goyvaerts, Didiers L. (1986) : Le contexte historique de la naissance et de la diffusion du kingwana
[7505]   Goyvaerts, Didiers L. (1995) : The emergence of Lingala in Bukavu
[7495]   Goyvaerts, Didiers L. (Ed) (1986) : Language and history in Central Africa
[7618]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1963) : Langues et histoire en Afrique
[7621]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1964) : Historical inferences from linguistic research in sub-Saharan Africa
[7671]   Greschat, Hans-Jürgen & Herrmann Jungraithmayr (Ed) (1969) : Wort und Religion, Kalima na dini: Studien zur Afrikanistik, Missionswissenschaft, Religionswissenschaft, Ernst Dammann zum 65. Geburtstag
[7709]   Griefenow-Mewis, Catherine & Rainer Maria Voigt (Ed) (1996) : Cushitic and Omotic languages: proceedings of the 3rd international symposium, Berlin, March 17-19, 1994
[7791]   Grüner, Rolf W. (1982) : Die invloed van Duits op vroeë Afrikaans: ’n sosiohistoriese perspektief
[7884]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1962) : Bantu origins: a tentative new hypothesis
[7886]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1962) : Some developments in the prehistory of the Bantu languages
[7892]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1965) : Language classification and African studies
[7894]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1967) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 1: the comparative linguistics of the Bantu languages
[7895]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1967/71) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages
[7901]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1970) : Contributions from comparative Bantu studies to the prehistory of Africa
[7903]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[7978]   Haacke, Wilfrid [Heinrich] [Gerhard] (2002) : Linguistic evidence in the study of origins: the case of the Namibian Khoekhoe-spreakers
[7984]   Haberland, Eike (1988) : Remarks on the cultural history and the languages of southwestern Ethiopia
[8057]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1963) : The languages of western Africa c.1770: a note and a query
[8062]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1965) : The enslavement of Koelle’s informants
[8065]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1966) : A nineteenth century link between Chinese and African language studies
[8066]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1966) : The use of African languages in Afro-European contacts in Guinea 1440-1560
[8068]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1966) : Nigerian languages and Sierra Leonean missionary-linguists, 1840-1890
[8071]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1967) : Ethnolinguistic continuity on the Guinea coast
[8072]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1967) : An ethnolinguistic inventory of the Upper Guinea coast before 1700
[8075]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1968) : An ethnolinguistic inventory of the Lower Guinea coast before 1700 ; part 1
[8077]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1969) : An ethnolinguistic inventory of the Lower Guinea coast before 1700 ; part 2
[8080]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1970) : The contribution of early linguistic material to the history of West Africa
[8084]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley (1975) : From language to culture: some problems in the systematic analysis of the ethnohistorical records of Sierra Leone region
[8082]   Hair, Paul Edward Hedley & P. K. Mitchell (1970) : Historical toponymy of the Scarcies area
[8145]   Hamp, Eric H. (1970) : On Bantu and comparison
[8171]   Hanouz, Saïd (1969) : Grammaire berbère: la langue, les origines du peuple berbère
[29154]   Hantgan, Abbie (2023) : Layers of Lexical Borrowing in Long-Term Contact Rooted among Ancient Crops from Mali’s Bandiagara Region
[8200]   Harlech-Jones, Brian (1986) : Education in Namibia, 1920-1960: the relationship of the administration of South-West Africa with the mission churches
[8291]   Hartshorne, Kenneth B. (1987) : Language policy in African education in South Africa 1910-1985, with particular reference to the issue of medium of instruction
[8321]   Hassen, Mohammed & Richard J. Hayward (1980) : Linguistic evidence in an aspect of Oromo history: some innovations involving glides
[8483]   Heine, Bernd (1972) : Historical linguistics by a non-linguist
[8499]   Heine, Bernd (1976) : Neue Beiträge der Sprachforschung für die afrikanische Geschichte
[8506]   Heine, Bernd (1978) : The Sam languages: a history of Rendille, Boni and Somali
[8508]   Heine, Bernd (1979) : Some linguistic observations on the early history of Africa
[8535]   Heine, Bernd (1982) : Language and history of the Boni
[8536]   Heine, Bernd (1982) : Language and culture contact south of Lake Turkana
[8570]   Heine, Bernd (1993) : Language as a tool in recapturing the African past
[8514]   Heine, Bernd & Wilhelm Johann Georg Möhlig (Ed) (1980) : Language and dialect atlas of Kenya, 1: geographical and historical introduction; language and society; selected bibliography
[8502]   Heine, Bernd , Hans Hoff & Rainer Vossen (1977) : Neuere Ergebnisse zur Territorialgeschichte des Bantu
[8656]   Herbert, Robert K. & Richard Bailey (2002) : The Bantu languages: sociohistorical perspectives
[8649]   Herbert, Robert K. & Thomas N. Huffman (1993) : A new perspective on Bantu expansion and classification: linguistic and archaeological evidence fifty years after Doke
[8687]   Hesseling, Dirk Christiaan (1923) : Het Afrikaans: bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der nederlandsche taal in Zuid-Afrika
[8778]   Hickey, Raymond (1985) : Peoples of pre-Kanuri Borno
[8800]   Hiernaux, Jean (1968) : Bantu expansion: the evidence from physical anthropology confronted with linguistic and archaeological evidence
[8965]   Hofmann, Inge (1979) : Sprachkontakte in Nubien zur meroitischen Zeit
[8968]   Hofmann, Inge (1982) : Probleme der meroitischen Sprachforschung
[8984]   Holden, Claire Janaki (2002) : Bantu language trees reflect the spread of farming across sub-Saharan Africa: a maximum-parsimony analysis
[23538]   Holden, Claire Janaki , Andrew Meade & Mark Pagel (200-) : Bantu language trees: a comparison of maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods
[9045]   Homburger, Lilias (1960/63) : Sur l’origine de quelques langues couchitiques
[9081]   Horton, Robin (1995) : The Niger-Congo diaspora: language, geography and history
[23774]   Huber, Magnus (1999) : Atlantic English Creoles and the Lower Guinea coast: a case against Afrogenesis
[9190]   Huffman, Thomas N. (1970) : The early iron age and the spread of the Bantu
[9191]   Huffman, Thomas N. (1974) : The linguistic affinities of the iron age in Rhodesia
[9194]   Hug, Ulrike & Sabine Neumann (1998) : Une bibliographie bisa
[9305]   Hulstaert, [Révérend] [Père] Gustaaf (1989) : Orientations pour la recherche future chez les Mongo
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[9337]   Humphreys, A. J. B. (1993) : The significance of place names in archaeological research, with particular reference to the northern Cape
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