102 langues concernées

23 titres trouvés

[4011]   Chaula, Edigio Hangaika Yamligile (1989) : Aspects of Ki-Bena phonology: the case of Ki-Mavemba variety
[7650]   Greenway, P. J. (1947) : A veterinary glossary of some tribal languages of Tanganyika Territory
[7903]   Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[8931]   Hodges, Kathryn Speed & Suzanne U. Stucky (1979) : On the inadequacy of a grammatical relation referring rule in Bantu
[25338]   Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[11469]   Küsters, Meinulf (193-) : Kibena Grammatik
[12754]   Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[13444]   Mdemu, C. (1995) : A comparative study of Ki-hehe, Ki-bena and Ki-pangwa
[13760]   Miehe, Gudrun (1989) : Verbal extensions in Swahili and neighbouring languages
[28753]   Mitterhofer, Bernadette (2013) : Lessons from a Dialect Survey of Bena: Analysing Wordlists
[26841]   Morrison, Michelle (2015) : Dialect Variation in a Minority Language: The Case of Bena
[27617]   Morrison, Michelle (2014) : Predictable Tone in Bena
[15399]   Nurse, Derek (1970s) : A phonological and morphological sketch of 15 of the principal languages of Tanzania
[15447]   Nurse, Derek (1988) : The diachronic background to the language communities of southwestern Tanzania
[15410]   Nurse, Derek (Ed) (1979) : Description of sample Bantu languages of Tanzania
[15405]   Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[15418]   Nurse, Derek , R. M. Mfugale , J. M. L. Hawanga & E. Lugalla (1979) : Bena
[15673]   Oelke, Julius (193-) : Grammatik des Kibena
[28050]   Persohn, Bastian & Rasmus Bernander (2018) : A Note on the Present Tenses in some Southern Tanzanian Bantu Languages
[16449]   Philippson, Gérard (1991) : Tons et accent dans les langues bantu d’Afrique orientale: étude comparative, typologique et diachronique
[16812]   Priebusch, Martin (1935) : Bena-Hehe-Grammatik
[18320]   Semsdorf, G. (1---) : Kibena
[19284]   Swartz, Marc J. (1968) : The bilingual kinship terminology of the Bena