12 langues concernées
26 titres trouvés
[21958] [Anonymous] (1---) : Fragments of a Chigogo dictionary
[21959] [Anonymous] (1---) : A dictionary of Chigogo
[2953] Botne, Robert Dale (1989/90) : The historical relation of Cigogo to Zone J languages
[4549] Cordell, O. T. (1941) : Gogo grammar, exercises, etc.
[4575] Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Native plant names
[4581] Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Plant names in Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Nyiramba, Nyaturu, Taturu, Gogo, Masai, Shambala, Swahili, Nyambo, Luguru, and their use
[7650] Greenway, P. J. (1947) : A veterinary glossary of some tribal languages of Tanganyika Territory
[7776] Grosserhode, Ralf (1998) : Ton und Druck im Gogo
[7777] Grosserhode, Ralf (2000) : Stimmlose Nasale im Gogo
[7903] Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[8840] Hinnebusch, Thomas J. (1981) : Northeast coastal Bantu
[9674] Jackson, C. H. N. (1936) : Vernacular names of East African mammals [edited by C. F. M. Swynnerton]
[25338] Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[12754] Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[14076] Moreau, R. E. (1942) : Bird nomenclature in an East African area
[15399] Nurse, Derek (1970s) : A phonological and morphological sketch of 15 of the principal languages of Tanzania
[15410] Nurse, Derek (Ed) (1979) : Description of sample Bantu languages of Tanzania
[15417] Nurse, Derek & S. M. Mazengo (1979) : Gogo
[16449] Philippson, Gérard (1991) : Tons et accent dans les langues bantu d’Afrique orientale: étude comparative, typologique et diachronique
[16795] Preston, W. W. (1946) : An outline dictionary of Gogo
[17419] Rossel, Gerda (1988) : Een schets van de fonologie en morfologie van het Cigogo
[25456] Rugemalira, Josephat Muhozi (2009) : Kamusi Ya Kigogo-Kiswahili-Kiingereza Kiingereza-Kiswahili-Kigogo [Gogo-Swahili-English English-Gogo Swahili-Gogo Dictionary]
[19295] Swynnerton, G. H. (1946) : Vernacular names for some of the better-known mammals in the Central Province, Tanganyika Territory
[20035] Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[23237] Veken, Anneleen van der (2005) : Gogo (G11) and the language of Zone J
[20626] Wald, Benji [Victor] (1975) : Animate concords in northeast coastal Bantu: its linguistic and social implications as a case of grammatical convergence