104 langues concernées
21 titres trouvés
[760] Anderson, George N. (1942) : Tentative studies in Ilamba grammar and phonetics
[762] Anderson, George N. (1956) : Iramba exercises
[4575] Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Native plant names
[4581] Cory, Hans [Koritschoner] (19--) : Plant names in Sukuma, Nyamwezi, Nyiramba, Nyaturu, Taturu, Gogo, Masai, Shambala, Swahili, Nyambo, Luguru, and their use
[7650] Greenway, P. J. (1947) : A veterinary glossary of some tribal languages of Tanganyika Territory
[7903] Guthrie, Malcolm (1971) : Comparative Bantu: an introduction to the comparative linguistics and prehistory of the Bantu languages, 2: Bantu prehistory, inventory and indexes
[9658] Ittameier, E. (1922/23) : Abriss einer Lautlehre und Grammatik des Kinilamba
[9909] Johnson, Frederick (1925) : Notes on Kiniramba
[9910] Johnson, Frederick (1926) : Notes on Kiniramba, II: Kiniramba-English and English-Kiniramba vocabulary
[10202] Kagaya, Ryohei , Ruth Mfumbwa Besha & Yasutoshi Yukawa (1989) : Studies in Tanzanian languages
[12754] Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[15399] Nurse, Derek (1970s) : A phonological and morphological sketch of 15 of the principal languages of Tanzania
[15470] Nurse, Derek (2000) : Diachronic morphosyntactic change in western Tanzania
[15410] Nurse, Derek (Ed) (1979) : Description of sample Bantu languages of Tanzania
[15412] Nurse, Derek & A. N. G. Nalingʼigwa (1979) : Nilyamba
[15405] Nurse, Derek & Gérard Philippson (1975/99) : The Tanzanian Language Survey
[17092] Raum, Otto Friedrich (1937) : Language perversions in East Africa
[19295] Swynnerton, G. H. (1946) : Vernacular names for some of the better-known mammals in the Central Province, Tanganyika Territory
[20035] Tucker, Archibald Norman & Margaret Arminel Bryan (1957) : Linguistic survey of the northern Bantu borderland, 4: languages of the eastern section, Great Lakes to Indian Ocean
[21638] Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1989) : A classified vocabulary of the Nilamba language
[21641] Yukawa, Yasutoshi (1989) : A tonological study of Nilamba verbs