9 langues concernées
28 titres trouvés
[22361] [Anonymous] (1996) : Ni wakati wa kudzifundza kusoma Chidigo! [It’s time to learn reading Digo!]
[7327] Glover, Phillip Earle , F. C. Magogo & Ali Bandari Hamisi (1969) : A Digo-botanical-Digo glossary from the Shimba Hills, Kenya: a list of Digo plant names with their botanical equivalent
[7772] Groot, Martien de (1988) : Description of the Digo verb system
[7773] Groot, Martien de (1990) : Printout of the dictionary database of Digo
[8830] Hinnebusch, Thomas J. (1973) : Prefixes, sound changes and subgrouping in the coastal Kenyan Bantu languages
[25338] Johnston, [Sir] Harry Hamilton (1922 [1919]) : A comparative study of the Bantu and semi-Bantu languages
[10913] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1981) : Displaced tones in Digo ; part 2
[10914] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne (1984) : Digo tonology
[10912] Kisseberth, Charles Wayne & Winifred J. Wood (1980) : Displaced tones in Digo ; part 1
[12754] Maho, Jouni Filip & Bonny [Eva] Sands (2002) : The languages of Tanzania: a bibliography
[13760] Miehe, Gudrun (1989) : Verbal extensions in Swahili and neighbouring languages
[14337] Möhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg (1984/85) : The Swahili dialects of Kenya in relation to Mijikenda and to the Bantu idioms of the Tana Valley
[14338] Möhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg (1985) : Forschungsbericht über Feldstudien zum dialektalen Vergleich der pronominalsysteme unter den Bantusprachen des kenianischen Küstenbereichs von Juli bis September 1983
[29107] Möhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg (2022) : The Bantu Languages of the Kenya Coast - Aspects of Comparison and Contact
[14073] Moreau, R. E. (1940) : Bird names used in central north-eastern Tanganyika Territory ; part 1
[14074] Moreau, R. E. (1941) : Bird names used in central north-eastern Tanganyika Territory ; part 2
[14076] Moreau, R. E. (1942) : Bird nomenclature in an East African area
[25228] Mwalonya, Joseph , Alison Nicolle , Steve Nicolle & Juma Zimbu (2004) : Mgombato: Digo-English-Swahili Dictionary
[14727] Myers, Scott P. (1998) : AUX in Bantu morphology and phonology
[28305] Nicolle, Steve (2017) : Sequentiality and conditionality as temporal and logical contingency: Clause combining in Digo (Bantu E.73)
[15162] Nicolle, Steve M. (2001) : A comparative study of ethnobotanical taxonomies: Swahili and Digo
[15456] Nurse, Derek & Martin T. Walsh (1992) : Chifundi and Vumba: partial shift, no death
[15457] Nurse, Derek & Thomas J. Hinnebusch (1993) : Swahili and Sabaki: a linguistic history
[23472] Pakia, Mohamed (2005) : African traditional plant knowledge today: an ethnobotanical study of the Digo at the Kenya coast
[16449] Philippson, Gérard (1991) : Tons et accent dans les langues bantu d’Afrique orientale: étude comparative, typologique et diachronique
[18796] Sommer, Gabi [Gabriele] (1992) : A survey on language death in Africa
[20626] Wald, Benji [Victor] (1975) : Animate concords in northeast coastal Bantu: its linguistic and social implications as a case of grammatical convergence
[21734] Zani, Z. (1954) : A comparative note on the possessive in chi-Digo