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14 titres trouvés
[3250] Bresnan, Joan & Lioba [Priva] Moshi (1988) : Applicatives in Kivunjo (Chaga): implications for argument structure and syntax
[4935] Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1978) : The syntax and semantics of the morpheme ni in Ki Vunjo (Chaga)
[4937] Dalgish, Gerard Matthew (1979) : The syntax and semantics of the morpheme ni in Kivunjo (Chaga)
[6190] Emanatian, Michele (1991) : Point of view and prospective aspect
[6192] Emanatian, Michele (1992) : Point of view and prospective aspect (corrected version)
[23573] Inkelas, Sharon (1992) : The place of level-ordering in morphology
[11824] Leeman, Bernard & Trilas Lauwo (1993) : Chagga. A course in the Vunjo dialect of the Kichagga language of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: basic grammar, structural drills, elementary comprehension
[13393] McHugh, Brian David (1985) : Phrasal tone rules in Kirus (Vunjo) Chaga
[13396] McHugh, Brian David (1990) : Cyclicity in the phrasal phonology of KiVunjo Chaga
[13397] McHugh, Brian David (1999) : Cyclicity in the phrasal phonology of KiVunjo Chaga
[14185] Moshi, Lioba [Priva] (1987) : A functional typology of ni in Kivunjo (Chaga)
[14186] Moshi, Lioba [Priva] (1992) : The category adjective in KiVunjo-Chaga
[14187] Moshi, Lioba [Priva] (1992) : Time markers in KiVunjo-Chaga
[14190] Moshi, Lioba [Priva] (1994) : Time reference in KiVunjo-Chaga