39 langues concernées

363 titres trouvés

[21955]   [Anonymous] (1---) : Chokwe grammar notes
[21960]   [Anonymous] (1---) : English-Chokwe vocabulary
[21974]   [Anonymous] (1---) : Chokwe-English vocabulary
[22085]   [Anonymous] (1945) : Lições elementares de umbundu
[22119]   [Anonymous] (1956) : Pequeno dicionário escolar: bundo-português/português-bundo
[22123]   [Anonymous] (1957) : Elementos rudimentares de gramática portuguesa para uso dos vimbundos
[22133]   [Anonymous] (196-) : Voorgestelde ortografie vir Kwanyama
[22245]   [Anonymous] (1977) : Reflexôes sobre o estudo das linguas nacionais
[22271]   [Anonymous] (1980) : Histórico sobre a criação dos alfabetos em línguas nacionais
[611]   Almeida, António de (1955) : Contribução para o estudo da toponímia dos Dembos (Angola)
[610]   Almeida, António de & Ernst Oswald Johannes Westphal (19--) : Línguas não-bantas de Angola
[632]   Alves, [Padre] Albano (1951) : Dicionário etimológico bundu-português, ilustrado com muitos milhares de exemplos entre os quais 2000 provérbios indígenas
[27243]   Angenot, Jean-Pierre , Geralda de Lima Vitor Angenot & Daniel Mutombo Huta-Mukana (2013) : Comparison between the Ipala-Ngoya, Kimbundu and Umbundu tone-cases systems
[8951]   Armitage, Maria Teresa Vergani de Andrade (1983) : Analyse numérique des idéogrammes Tshokwe de l’Angola: expressions symboliques du nombre dans une culturelle traditionelle africaine
[1056]   Arvanites, Linda (1976) : Kimbundu tones: tone patterns in two contexts
[26297]   Assis Junior, A. de (194x) : Dicionário kimbundu-português, linguístico, botânico, histórico e corográfico. Seguido de um índice alfabético dos nomes próprios
[1105]   Atkins, Guy (1953) : The tonal structure of Portuguese loan words in Kimbundu
[1106]   Atkins, Guy (1954) : An outline of Hungu grammar
[1107]   Atkins, Guy (1954) : The structure of the disyllabic tense suffix in Cokwe
[1108]   Atkins, Guy (1955) : The one-word tenses in Cokwe
[1109]   Atkins, Guy (1955) : A demographic survey of the Kimbundu-Kongo language border in Angola
[1293]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1938) : Línguas de Angola: elementos de gramática ganguela, segundo os estudos do lecomte
[1294]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1939) : Dicionário ganguela-português: lingua falada nas regioes do Cobango, Nhemba e Luchaze, provincia de Angola
[1295]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1939) : Elementos de gramática ganguela: idioma falado na região do Cubango província de Angola
[1296]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1939) : O kimbundu sem mestre
[1297]   Baião, Domingos Vieira (1940) : O kimbundu pratico ou guia de conversação em portugues-kimbundu: idioma falado nas regioes de Luanda e de Malange
[1534]   Barbosa, Adriano (1973) : Dicionário não publicado quioco-português
[1535]   Barbosa, Adriano (1989) : Dicionário cokwe-português
[1555]   Barnard, Alan (1976) : Khoisan classification
[1557]   Barnard, Alan (1978) : A further note on Khoisan classification
[1558]   Barnard, Alan (1980) : Khoesan southern Africa as a cultural area
[1563]   Barnard, Alan (1988) : Kinship, language and production: a conjectural history of Khoisan social structure
[1565]   Barnard, Alan (1992) : Hunters and herders of southern Africa: a comparative ethnography of the Khoisan peoples
[25157]   Batibo, Herman M. (2009) : Language endangerment and death in Africa: What roles have the colonial languages played?
[1827]   Baucom, Kenneth L. (1972) : The Wambo languages of South West Africa and Angola
[1829]   Baucom, Kenneth L. (1974) : Proto-Central-Khoisan
[1830]   Baucom, Kenneth L. (1975) : The phonology of proto-Wambo
[25601]   Beck, Rose Marie (2011) : Bridging the Language Gap. Approaches to Herero Verbal Interaction as Development Practice in Namibia
[2398]   Biesele, Megan [Marguerite] [Anne] , Robert James Gordon & Richard B. Lee (Ed) (1986) : The past and future of !Kung ethnography: critical reflections and symbolic perspectives. Essays in honour of Lorna Marshall
[2548]   Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1927) : The distribution of Bushman languages in South Africa
[2549]   Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1928) : Bushmen of central Angola
[2551]   Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1929) : Comparative vocabularies of Bushman languages
[2559]   Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1939/40) : A short survey of Bushman languages
[2560]   Bleek, Dorothea Frances (1956) : A Bushman dictionary
[2721]   Boëseken, Anna J. (1972) : The meaning, origin and use of the terms Khoikhoi, San and Khoisan
[2722]   Boëseken, Anna J. (1974) : Dr A. J. Boëseken replies to Prof. R. H. Elphick[’s comment on] “The meaning, origin and use of the terms Khoikhoi, San and Khoisan”
[2838]   Bonnefoux, Benedicto M. (1940) : Dicionário olunyaneka-português
[2843]   Bontinck, Frans (1992) : L’étymologie des ethnonymes Yombe et Ndombe
[25139]   Bonvini, Emilio (2009) : Revisiter, trois siècles après, Arte da lingua de Angola de Pedro Dias S.I. (1697), Première Grammaire du Kimbundu
[2885]   Bosch, Johannes L. (1964) : Die Shambiu van die Okavango: ’n volkenkundige studie
[2976]   Bouka, Léonce Yembi (1994) : L’accord des adjectifs du protobantou en zone H
[3460]   Bulck, [Révérend] [Père] Gaston van (1948) : Le problème bochiman et hottentot: les faits linguistiques
[24395]   Bunkheti, Kifindi (1997) : Recherches en grammaire du suku, langue bantu (H.32) de la vallée du Kwango (Angola-Kongo (Zaïre))
[3651]   Cancella, Luíz (1920) : Elementos para o estudo do Kimbundu
[22805]   Cardoso, Carlos Lopes (1967) : “Ovatjimba” em Angola
[22806]   Cardoso, Carlos Lopes (1966) : “Olumbali” do distrito de Moçâmedes: achegas para o seu estudo
[22807]   Cardoso, Carlos Lopes (1966) : “Olumbali” do distrito de Moçâmedes: achegas para o seu estudo
[3839]   Carter, Hazel (1970) : Consonant reinforcement and Kongo morphology
[3843]   Carter, Hazel (1973) : Syntax and tone in Kongo
[3846]   Carter, Hazel (1974) : Negative structures in the tone-phrasing system of Kongo
[3847]   Carter, Hazel (1977) : Abstraction and precision in Kongo ethical terminology
[3850]   Carter, Hazel (1980) : Consolidated Kongo-English vocabulary
[3851]   Carter, Hazel (1980) : The Kongo tonal system revisited
[3853]   Carter, Hazel (1984) : Geminates, nasals and sequence structure in Kongo
[3855]   Carter, Hazel (1987) : Kongo language course = Maloïngi makikongo: a course in the dialect of Zoombo, northern Angola
[3840]   Carter, Hazel & João Makondekwa (1970) : Kongo course/Maloongi makikoongo (dialect of Zoombo, Angola)
[27693]   Carvalho, Fernando O. (2014) : Notes on Underspecification and Reversal in Kimbundu Tonology
[4062]   Childs, Gladwyn Murray (19--) : Lições de mbundu
[4116]   Chinjavata, James C. (1958) : Luvale note book
[4651]   Crabb, David Wendell (1962) : Nasals and nasalized roots in proto-Southwest Bantu
[4848]   Daeleman, Jan (1961) : Kiholu (notes provisoires)
[4861]   Daeleman, Jan (2004) : Notes grammaticales et lexique du kiholu
[4955]   Dammann, Ernst (1954) : Reziprok und Assoziativ in Bantusprachen
[4960]   Dammann, Ernst (1957) : Studien zum Kwangali: Grammatik, Texte, Glossar
[4961]   Dammann, Ernst (1957/58) : Stimmlose Nasale im Kwangali
[4969]   Dammann, Ernst (1962/63) : Zur Kenntnis des Kwambi
[29164]   de Voogt, Alex (2022) : Extending !Xun dialect comparisons with a Ju|’hoan variety spoken in |Xae|xae, Botswana: gender classes, plural markers and loanwords
[5086]   Delille, A. (1935) : Inleiding tot de Chichoksche spraakleer
[5236]   Detienne, P. (1956) : Dialectes du maindombe: essai de géographie linguistique
[5342]   Diarra, Boubacar (1988?) : Gramática kimbundu
[5343]   Diarra, Boubacar (1989) : Gramática kikongo
[5345]   Diarra, Boubacar (1988) : Gramática cokwe
[5346]   Diarra, Boubacar (1990) : Gramática oxikwanyama
[5311]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: kikoongo
[5312]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: kimbundu
[5313]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: cokwe
[5314]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: mbunda
[5315]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: umbundu
[5316]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1985) : Esboço fonológico [e] alfabeto: kwanyama
[5317]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Alfabetos das línguas kikoongo, kimbundu, umbundu, cokwe, mbunda, oxikwanyama
[5318]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxicos temáticos de agricultura, pesca, pecuária português-kikoongo
[5319]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de administração português-kikoongo
[5320]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de matemática português-kikoongo
[5321]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxicos temáticos de agricultura, pesca, pecuária português-kimbundu
[5322]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de administração português-kimbundu
[5323]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-kimbundu
[5324]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de vida económica português-kimbundu
[5325]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de vida económica português-cokwe
[5326]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-cokwe
[5327]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxicos temáticos de agricultura, pesca, pecuária português-cokwe
[5328]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de matemática português-cokwe
[5329]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxicos temáticos de agricultura, pesca, pecuária português-mbunda
[5330]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de matemática português-mbunda
[5331]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-mbunda
[5332]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de administração português-mbunda
[5333]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de vida económica português-mbunda
[5334]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxicos temáticos de agricultura, pesca, pecuária português-umbundu
[5335]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de administração português-umbundu
[5336]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de matemática português-umbundu
[5337]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-umbundu
[5338]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de vida económica português-umbundu
[5339]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de saúde português-oxikwanyama
[5340]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1987) : Léxico temático de matemática português-oxikwanyama
[5341]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1988) : Léxico temático de matemática português-kimbundu
[5344]   Diarra, Boubacar (Ed) (1989) : Léxico temático de vida económica português-kikoongo
[5348]   Dias, Manuel Lázaro (1949) : O Quimbundo na escala evolutiva das línguas
[5771]   Duff, Frederico (1935) : Breve método de ensino nyaneka-português para os catequistas
[6020]   Ehret, Christopher (1967) : Cattle-keeping and milking in eastern and southern African history: the linguistic evidence
[6043]   Ehret, Christopher (1986) : Proposals on Khoisan reconstruction
[6112]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (1988) : Patterns of sound in northern Khoisan
[6123]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (2001) : Herero and Common Bantu
[6124]   Elderkin, Edward Derek (2003) : Herero (R31)
[6159]   Elphick, Richard H. (1974) : Comment on Boëseken’s “The meaning, origin and use of the terms Khoikhoi, San and Khoisan”
[6160]   Elphick, Richard H. (1975) : Final comment on Boëseken’s “The meaning, origin and use of the terms Khoikhoi, San and Khoisan”
[6268]   Ennis, Elizabeth Logan (1945) : Women’s names among the Ovimbundu of Angola
[6357]   Estermann, [Padre] Carlos (1962) : Confusões toponímicas e topográficas (Caconda, Cafima, Capangombe)
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[6396]   Eynde, Karel van den (1960) : Fonologie en morfologie van het Cokwe
[28335]   Fehn, Anne-Maria (2021) : Kuvale: A Bantu language of southwestern Angola
[6534]   Felgas, Hélio Esteves (1960) : Grupos etnico-linguisticos do Congo portugues: sua origem, distribuicao e estabelecimento
[27627]   Fernandes, Gonçalo (2015) : The First Known Grammar of (Kahenda-Mbaka) Kimbundu (Lisbon 1697) and Álvares' ars minor (Lisbon 1573)
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[24416]   Fisher, M.K. (1963) : Lunda-Ndembu handbook
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[6722]   Fodor, István (1977) : The use of L. Magyar’s records (1859) for the history of Umbundu
[6725]   Fodor, István (1983) : Introduction to the history of Umbundu: L. Magyar’s records and the later sources
[6776]   Fortune, George (1963) : A note on the languages of Barotseland
[6808]   Fourie, David J. (1990) : Comments on the future of Oshiwambo
[6896]   Frazão, Serra (1956) : Flora angolense: alguns nomes gentílicos de plantas da provincia de Angola ; parte 1
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[7241]   Gibson, Gordon D. , Thomas John Larson & Cecilia R. McGurk (1981) : The Kavango peoples
[7335]   Goellnitz, W. (1945) : Wörterbuch Deutsch-Osikuanjama
[7424]   Gossweiler, John (1950) : Flora exótica de Angola: nomes vulgares e origem das plantas cultivadas ou subexpontâneas
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[7482]   Gowlett, Derek F. (1970) : Verbal extensions in Mbuunda
[7595]   Greenberg, Joseph Harold (1950) : Studies in African linguistic classification. Part 6: the Click languages
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[7670]   Grennec, Gregoire (19--) : Dicionário português-umbundu
[7822]   Guennec, Grégoire le & José Francisco Valente (1972) : Dicionário português-umbundu
[7823]   Guenther, Mathias [Georg] (1977) : More on Khoisan classification
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[7937]   Güldemann, Tom (2004) : Reconstruction through ‘de-construction’: the marking of person, gender and number in the Khoe family and Kwadi
[27607]   Halme-Berneking, Riikka (2014) : Melodic High in Mbadja and Kwanyama
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[8125]   Halme, Riikka (1998) : Tone in Kwanyama nouns
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[8127]   Halme, Riikka (2004) : A tonal grammar of Kwanyama
[8330]   Hauenstein, Alfred (1962) : Noms accompagnés de proverbes, chez les Ovimbundu et les Humbi du sud de l’Angola
[8584]   Heine, Bernd & Christa König (2004) : !Xun as a type B language
[22397]   Heine, Bernd & Christa König (2005) : Grammatical hybrids: between serialization, compounding and derivation in !Xun (North Khoisan)
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[8888]   Hochegger, Herrmann (1981/83) : Le langage des gestes rituels
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[9047]   Honken, Henry (1977) : Submerged features and proto-Khoisan
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